

03月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于善意的谎言辩论会发言稿]善意的谎言辩论会发言稿: 既是谎言?何来善意?!即是善意!何必撒谎?! 谎言虽然为善意,但作为谎言本身,已是与诚信相悖的行为,所以,无论谎言是否处于好的目的,作为谎言必然会有碍于诚...+阅读



1. Affect concentration

Bringing mobile phone to school will affect concentration because when the mobile phone rings or during sms, it will reduce the student or other student's concentration in class.

2. No dicipline

Bringing mobile phone to school will break the traditional dicipline rule in school. Students might abuse the freedom of bringing mobile phone by playing with the games in the phone or sms during class.

3. No Control

Bringing mobile phone to school means there will no longer be any control of the school over the students. Students might talk or chat in class through mobile phone without the notice of the teacher. Worst, they might discuss exam answers. Some bad students might even use mobile camera to take photos of the other girls and abuse it.

4. Increase crime rate

Students bringing mobile phone to school might increase the rate of stealing within the students. Students who do not own a mobile might have more chance or temptation to steal a mobile from another student in class.


1. Sense of security

Bringing mobile phone to school will provide the student a sense of security. Students will be able to contact other people to get help in case there is any emergency.

2. Technology

Nowadays mobile phone provide many different functions that will help us in our studies such as dictionary, translator, or we can even use it to take down class notes or set alarms.


反方:Disadvantage holding two or more posts concurrently college students: 1. Hold up the people who studies time , major part being able to not harmonize time arrangement easy to study and work. 2. Tiredness after the job diffuses self's energies , is not in the mood to study 3. Attitude easy to affect to money, makes a student form the wrong outlook on life , forms a money worship untimely 4. Society is very complicated , the college student is made a fool of easy to work. 5. But be really not that all concurrent post jobs all can play arrive at take the practice ability's exercise role, in but school days is very precious, especially unnecessarily urgent rise carrying out an ability , had better use many precious time hubble-bubbles for 4 years library , being able to fight because of working hereafter as for lower grade students,such accepts the chance that culture edifies but is unable to have had again. 6. Have if wanting to improve the practice ability, the public good activity that school organizes waits other if way, joining student union , the school corporation. Under the school organization, relative safety , time arrangement are relatively rational , same can temper self. 7. Be for the problem resolving financial affairs if simple , have other much better way , learn the fund , scholarship if getting a loan , aiding, the labor applying to act as school waits. These way also needs student's sense of responsibility, for applying for success , that student union improves self's quality on self's own initiative, makes self become more excellent.


1. If students do their homework at home, it can develop the independentce of their thinking.

Operating independently is a good way to deepen and steady knowledge, it is also an important means of checking the learning effects. So if students do their homework at home, it can improve their ability of combining the review with practical application.

2. If students do their homework at home, their have no chance to chat with other students, so it is more easy to make them concentrate on their study.

3. If students do their homework at home, they can make most use of the resourse around them. For example, they can search some useful informations on the Internet if possible. Compare with the other students, the computer konws more knowledge, isn't?



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