

03月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于时间就是金钱的英语演讲稿]时间就是金钱,这句话从我懂事开始就开始听了。下面小编就跟大家分享一则关于时间就是金钱的英语演讲稿,欢迎大家阅读。 Today is May 16, 2009.There is less than a month be...+阅读


Time Is MoneyGood morning(evening)Ladies and Gentlemen, Today I'm very happy to stand here. The title of my speech is Time Is Money. We all know that money is very important. Most of us like money. But is time important? If we are very busy, we don't have time to make money. We can see time is also very important. If we only have money, someone wants to use it to buy everything. But can you buy time? Can you buy happiness? And can you buy health? The answer is No. I'm sure! How about time? We use time to make money. We use time to enjoy happiness. And we use time to keep health. So time can make us everything. Can't we say “time is money”? In the end, I want to say, time is money, but money isn't time! That's all. Thank you very much!时间就是金钱女士们,先生们,大家早上好(晚上好)! 今天我很高兴能站在这儿。我演讲的题目是:时间就是金钱。

我们都知道金钱很重要。很多人都喜欢金钱。但是时间重要吗?如果我们很忙,我们就没有时间去挣钱。我们可以知道时间也同样重要。 如果我们只有金钱,有人就想要用金钱去购买一切。但是你能买到时间吗?你能买到幸福吗?你又能买到健康吗? 答案是:不能!我确定。 那么时间呢?我们可以用时间去挣钱,可以用时间去享受幸福,也可以用时间去锻炼来保持健康。 时间能让我们得到一切。我们怎么不能说“时间就是金钱”? 最后,我想说:时间就是金钱,但金钱不等于时间!谢谢大家!


The Value of Time Directions: You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic The Value of Time. You must write at least 120 words and base your composition on the following instructions. 1.时间是宝贵的。 2.我们不应浪费时间。 3.应利用时间做有意义的事。 The Value of Time Time is precious. A famous Chinese saying goes like this, "Time can not be purchased with gold." Time is so valuable that nothing can buy it. So it's a big pity if we waste time. The lost time can't come back. Life is limited, which is just as long as several decades. So we shouldn't waste time. We must realize that wasting time means wasting our lives. Unfortunately, although people know the value of time, they have been always wasting time. Some people squander even all their time watching TV, surfing on the Internet, playing video games and so on. As a result, they fail to do anything well. Time is our wealth. Therefore, we should make good use of time to do meaningful things, such as studying, working, doing exercises, instead of lying in bed, looking at the ceiling, In short, we should devote our' time to the realization of our dreams and thus make contributions to our society.

跪求以珍惜时间为主题的英文演讲稿急 !

中文 时间就是生命,鲁迅先生说:“浪费自己的时间等于慢性自杀,浪费别人的时间等于谋财害命。”这就说明了珍惜时间的重要性。时间对于学者来讲:“一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。”学者只有珍惜时间才能创造自己的价值,为人类的文明发展,开拓新的知识天地。科技才能进一步发展,为祖国腾飞奉献自己的才华。反之,不珍惜时间,碌碌无为的过日子,明日复明日,不但毁了自己的前程,还给国家带来经济上的损失。时间对于军事学家来讲,珍惜时间就是胜利。红军要飞渡金沙江,夜以继日地行军,其目的就是争取时间,夺取胜利。可见珍惜时间是多么重要,这关系着祖国的生死存亡。时间对于经济学者就是金钱,就是效率。随着改革开放的大潮,时间越来越被人们重视,往日工作散怠,做一天和尚撞一天钟,吃大锅饭的现象越来越少,呈现在眼前的是抓紧时间创造效益,创造财富。

珍惜时间就是珍惜生命,生命对于每个人都很重要,我们每个人都应好好地珍惜时间,创造自己的生命价值。英文 The time is the life, Mr. Lu Xun said that, "Wastes own time to be equal to the chronic suicide, wastes others time to be 掸俯侧谎乇荷岔捅唱拉equal to murders for money." This explained treasures the time the importance.The time says regarding the scholar: "An inch time inch gold, inch Jin Nan buys an inch time." The scholar only then treasures the time to be able to create own value, is humanity's civilized development, develops the new knowledge world. The science and technology can further develop, soars for the motherland offers own talent. Otherwise, does not treasure the time, unsuccessfully living, tomorrow duplicate tomorrow, not only has destroyed own future, returns to give back to the country to bring in the economical the loss.The time says regarding the military scientist, treasures the time is the victory. Red Army must fly crosses Yangtze River, day and night marches, its goal strives for the time, strives for the victory. Obviously treasures the time is how important, this is relating the motherland life and death.The time regarding the economical scholar is the money, is the efficiency. Along with the reform and open policy flood tide, the time is more and more taken by the people, former days worked disperses negligently, lives hand to mouth, has the mess the phenomenon more and more to be few, presents at present in is grasps the time creation benefit, the creation wealth.Treasures the time is treasures the life, the life very is all important regarding each people, our each people all should treasure the time well, creates own life value.


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