
以 Myself为题的英语作文

03月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[以崇尚科学为荣以愚昧无知为耻讲稿]以崇尚科学为荣以愚昧无知为耻讲稿 社会风气是社会文明程度的重要标志、是社会价值导向的集中体现。树立良好的社会风气既是广大人民群众的强烈愿望,也是经济社会顺利发展的...+阅读

以 Myself为题的英语作文

你在网上搜索myself范文很多!我这个只是冰山一角! We haven't all met before. So I want to introduce myself. My name is Wang Hong Yue. I'm fourteen. My hobby is reading . I think“A good book is a good friend”. I learn a lot of with book. I like a subject best. The subject is English. Do you know why I like English so much? Because I think learning English should be fun. Speaking good English is no big deal. Learn good English it's worth your time and effort. It's an easy job. Do something about it. Just try your best. You can totally conquer English. We will make it together! I have a really amazing family. My father is a brilliant and artistic man. My mother is a very capable worker. I also have an adorable sister(表姐)。 She is very active and tells amusing jokes. I count on her because she is so accom-modating about helping me with my schoolwork. I always feel cheerful around my family. My friend is not a lot. I hope look for a good friend.


Self-confident people don't undermine their own worth by comparing themselves with others, only to conclude that they aren't “good enough”. They appreciate their strengths and accomplishments and can acknowledge, without embarrassment, their weaknesses. They don't live in the “victim” position. Even if something really bad has occurred, they turn it into a challenge, remembering to be grateful for the little things in life.

Self-confident people let the world know who they are. If they want something badly enough, they know they have every right to “go for it.” Yet, they also know that the path will rarely be easy. Mistakes, blunders and failures are part of the learning process. They seek to learn from their mistakes and do not waste time torturing themselves over what “could have been”.

Self-confident people are not obstinate people. If they have an idea about something and it differs from the way another person is thinking about it, they will usually try to look at it from that person's point of view, see why it makes sense to them. Yet, a confident person's sense of self is grounded. It does not blow in the wind. Their ideas do not fluctuate based on what others deem are important.

I hope these insights are helpful to you. If so, perhaps one day you will be able to say what the actress Phyllis Rashad once said, simply but eloquently, ” I am just myself and who I am is a lot.”


My dream

Everyone has a dream. I often ask myself. When I was a little boy, I wanted to be a soldier with a gun so that I could defend our motherland.Now I am a young boy with a new dream——to be a doctor. I want to be a famous doctor, helping the sick and saving their lives.

I also saw some people who were suffering and dying of ill-nesses. I made up my mind to become a doctor, so that I can help the sick people and cure them of their diseases. China is a develop-ing country. She needs good medicine and good doctors, especially in the countryside and lonely villages.

I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country. I want to let them have an opportunity to receive excel-lent treatments for their illnesses without having to pay much or any money.

I'll do every bit to cure the incurable. I hope to see a world where there is no cancer, no Aids, no fatal diseases. I'm confident that through the joint efforts of you and me, man will put an end to his bodily sufferings and this dream of mine will one day be brought into reality.


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