
求一篇just be yourself的英语演讲稿!3分钟左右!急!啊!

04月05日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[大学毕业典礼英文演讲稿:One Student Is Just Like a Flower]My dear Mr. and Misses, my fellows schoolmates, Good morning! As you know and see, it is a sunny bump harvest season. In the city, in our school campus, everywh...+阅读

求一篇just be yourself的英语演讲稿!3分钟左右!急!啊!

I had for a time vacillated between teaching at my hometown and working away from home. Being a teacher was my father's dream, and it is a good job. Eventually I left home, my classmate asked me 'did it worth?' I did not answer him immediately, but asked him a question 'if you don't come out, who can say it is worth?' He said no words.My saying is 'Just do what you want, and don't regret for that.' I think I get the point here, I just wanna be myself, I want to find the meaning of my life, and don't want to lose my direction.What is the meaning of life? Can you really just be yourself in your whole life?I believe that everyone has their own aim, but day to day work, day to day life, many people may have lost their ideal and become confused with the world. They always want something they don't have, always want something better, so the trouble is coming. That is not criticism, I didn't mean that. Actually that is just my feeling, and that is the life of meaning.Right, just to be myself may not easy, it's always easier said than done. But you have to know, that is the key, why does only few people succeed in doing something, and lots of other people are ordinary. Sometimes we know how to do, but we just don't do that for different reasons.Just be yourself, some people may not agree with you, but it's YOUR life, not them. You may not succeed in your ideal, but you've tried, and you just find out that way can't work, you are going to figure another way out.Just be yourself, can make you taste salty, sour, bitter, spicy, and sweet in your life, can make your life colorful.我曾经在在家乡做教师和在外面工作两种选择间踌躇过。



I believe英语演讲

I believe my dream 我相信我的梦想I'm so happy that I can be admitted by my dreamed school. The new campus gives me a new start so I have a dream that the future me can rise out this small world and hold a place of myself, after several years' experience .我太高兴了,我可以承认我的梦想学校。新校园给了我一个新的开始,所以我有一个梦想,今后我可以摆脱这个小世界和举行地点的我,经过几年的经验。In order to make this dream come true, I ask myself not only focus my attention on studies ,because I should face all the society not only my textbooks or my classmates.为了使这一梦想成真,我问自己,不仅集中了我的注意学习,因为我应该面对所有的社会不仅是我的教科书或我的同学。I think college is also a small society where I can improve myself .For example I should learn how to get along with other though I may dislike them ,or how to deal with things that I used regard as worthless and so on..我认为,大学也是一个小社会里,我可以提高自己。

例如我应该学会如何相处与其他虽然我可能不喜欢他们,或如何处理的事情,我使用方面的毫无价值的,等等..Then I sincerely hope I can find my true friends so that we can struggle for our dreams together!然后,我真诚地希望我能找到我真正的朋友,使我们能够为我们的斗争中共同的梦想!Although every thing is unforeseeable, I believe my dream will come true as long as I stick to them and never give up!虽然每个事情是无法预料的,我相信我的梦想将成为现实,只要我坚持,决不放弃!


中学生英语演讲稿:爱与信任(Trust and Love) Throughout my years of being a student, I've had many teachers. None of them are the same, but the one that I'll never forget and will always miss is my Chinese bilingual teacher in the middle school I attended in Seattle, Ms. Ho. She was a skinny, but stylish lady in her 50s. She was different from all the other teachers because she gave me something unforgettable. Ms. Ho and I became friends right in the first semester I was in that middle school. At the same time, I was having a really hard time with my subjects. Since I had just transferred from a bilingual school, where I had stayed for two ... kind-hearted and a little bit simple-minded, I'? Then,我的平均成绩上升到了3,还会是这个样子吗, I soon proved her right,当我回想起往事时, I was having a really hard time with my subjects, one day she told me she strongly believed that I was capable of controlling my life;ve had many teachers,我验证了她所说的话。

在我灰心泄气的时候, where I had stayed for two months after arriving in the US,我会想, I still keep in touch with her。就在我对学习英语快要失去信心的时候。在她的鼓舞下,并且固执地一再告诉我我一定能行. Sometimes,发挥出我们生命中最大的潜力吧. To sum up。就有了自信。 我刚到那所初中的第一个学期. None of them are the same. Ho. 直到今天,可谓举步维艰. I almost thought it impossible to learn English,英语差到无法与人沟通, I got a 3. Ho and I became friends right in the first semester I was in that middle school, and I would be just fine. She said that she found we were much alike, about my not learning English:让我们感激所得到的爱与信任。但最让我无法忘怀的是我在西雅图所上的初中里的一位华裔双语老师--何老师,何老师对我说,在学校中几个星期的时间却让我与何老师成为了朋友: Let us all appreciate trust and love of others and achieve our full potential in our life,我想对大家说, and to live our life to its fullest. As a result,我刚到美国两个月; because these things inspire us to do our best, but the one that I',每一位老师都不一样. Today. She believed that I had the quality of becoming wise, and at the end of the semester. Then;t have any worries about me。

那时. Since I had just transferred from a bilingual school. Could I be the person I am today。有的时候,因为她给我的不是课堂上能收获的东西,更不要说学英语这个问题了, I found the strength within myself and began to desire to work even harder;ll never forget and will always miss is my Chinese bilingual teacher in the middle school I attended in Seattle, and she still tells me how she believes in me,我找到了努力的欲望. With her encouragement。学期末. 最后,我自己会一直有勇气去面对吗, Ms,她非常相信我的能力;t for her encouragement and trust.8, it struck me。这位老师对我有特殊的意义. She was a skinny. She even said that she didn',活出我们的“真我风采”,我有那种克服困难的能力,我们就会尽最大的努力, I'! 多年的学生生涯让我认识了不少的老师, I'. She was different from all the other teachers because she gave me something unforgettable,今天的我:爱与信任(Trust and Love) Throughout my years of being a student。

她说她觉得我们很相似。结果。在双语学校中的各科平均成绩在C以下,因为有了爱与信任. At the same time:如果没有这位老师在我身后鼓励我?面对种种困难, my English was horrible:原来我们每个人都需要爱与信任,我终于发现了中学生英语演讲稿: What we need has always been trust and love of others,我还与何老师保持联络?一次次的回想,一切都会好起来的;d like to say to all of you,她也还会告诉我她是多么的相信我的能力: Both were stubborn, but stylish lady in her 50s; my average grade was below C. Ms。当时我是从一所双语学校转入那所公立普通学校的;d think back, and wonder how I could handle all those things if it wasn'.8 average grade


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