

04月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[学校迎新春电视专题文艺晚会主持词]开 头 语新春处处祝鸿福、万马奔腾除旧岁,电视机前的观众朋友们: 大家过年好!我是主持人________。九象网: .9xwang.在这新春佳节到来之际,首先在此祝愿大家新春快乐、万事如意!...+阅读


The school party emceeEmcee the theatrical festivalA: respected leaders and teachers,B: my dear classmates and friends,Close: good evening!A: HeXi spring without words, the campus. In this YingGeYanWu experimentation, purples, birds, beautiful days, we welcomed our fifth campus culture festival.B: in the festival activities, students have the wisdom of the elevation of thought, sails, express feelings are flying, youth melody, skilled, have scientific exploration, perseverance, have the poetic feiyang...: all the students adequately, contemporary youth and vigor, the spirit of the contemporary youth.A: this evening, the end of the festival --Art festival.B: let us warm applause wish the performance was a success....A: ability together, intentional will cherish. As long as we all are, our society will be like a big family.B: when others happy as though they are happy, when I open to others injured when the really embrace,A: when people angry when he need different ideas, even when others when I need help his sleeves rolled up certain.Close: because we are the family.


etc:ladies and gentlemen,welcome to this XXX compitition.First of all,I 'd like to introduce my partner :XXX,XXX.

This time's competition,we have 52 competitors from different classes and grades...

Now let's come to the rules of the competition.Each competitors has five minutes in the ....Then three minutes..

Welcome the No.1 competitor





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晚会主持词那位高手帮帮忙写一下企业晚会的串词具体如下首先要看这个晚会的娱乐性有多大` 其次是人员方面 上司和下属是不一样的, 如果 你是一个外人 建议词庄重点 娱乐性比较高的话` 词就不用太庄重了 以为例 娱乐性高的应该先叫...

晚会主持词 !那位高手帮帮忙写一下企业晚会的串词具体如下首先要看这个晚会的娱乐性有多大` 其次是人员方面 上司和下属是不一样的, 如果 你是一个外人 建议词庄重点 娱乐性比较高的话` 词就不用太庄重了 以为例 娱乐性高的应该先叫...
