

04月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[放飞梦想英语演讲稿]I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. Five score years ago,...+阅读




其实,你觉得你快乐你就是快乐的,快乐与不快乐都在你自己的心中。慰藉就是快乐。 人赤裸裸的来到这个世界上,又赤裸裸的回去,不带走任何东西,这就预示了人的一生终究是空的。人生就像白纸啊,自己描绘自己的命运。既然来走了一遭,不如就让自己活得有意义一些,做一些自己喜欢的事情。让自己的生活充实。开开心心的过每一天。人生可以很美丽,也可以很晦暗,就看你怎么去面对了

希望你可以开开心心的过每一天just to satisfy mind, do your own thing that oneself like, and the people should be happy. desire fulfilled, should be happy. a man in the field work, sweating, but he feels happy, he is happy, another man walking in the garden, but he felt very happy, he is not happy. actually, you think you happy you are happy, happy and unhappy about in your own heart. comfort is happy. people come to the world of the stark naked, and back, don't take any thing, it is an indication that a man's life is empty. life is just like a white paper, picture yourself of your own destiny. since come away from a, let oneself live, do the things you enjoy. let his life worthwhile. happy over each day. life can be very beautiful, also can be very dull, you see how to face. hope you can be happy


Everyone has at least one hobby. I will tell you about my hobby. My hobby is dancing. It makes me beautiful. Imagine! I am dancing in front of you. I am wearing my most beautiful dress. I act as a swan. I dance and dance. Finally I stop. I stand on my toes. I wait for music playing. Music plays. I dance again without resting.



做个舞蹈家是每个学舞蹈的孩子的梦想,当然这也是我的梦想,5岁就开始和小姨学舞蹈,其实我不怎么喜欢舞蹈,也不适合学,可能是我太懒惰了,妈妈说我小的时候连翻个身都不愿意,还有我的腰太硬,下腰的时候好痛的。就因为小姨是个舞蹈老师的缘故,就这样我的舞蹈生涯开始了。小姨告诉我,学舞蹈是很苦,但只要你努力了,一定会成功的。 每一次练功的时候我的身体都感到无比的疼痛。眼泪在眼睛里打转,任由疼痛在我的身体上放纵,虽然痛可我还是坚持下来了,试着让自己的心情轻松起来,抹去独自的眼泪、忧伤,还有在疼痛中的挣扎 。我要笑,哪怕那笑是苍白的,也要笑出来,笑完就坚强啦。 众人的称赞还是很有效果的,我的坚持和努力得到了很多老师的评价和赞赏。

记得06年的一次舞蹈考级,那是一次非常严格的舞蹈晋级考试,也是我第一次进考场,北京舞蹈学院的老师亲自监考,气氛十分紧张,那时我们一起考级的孩子才只有7岁,有几个都怯场啦,我也没好哪去,心里像踹个小兔子砰砰直跳,可在小姨的鼓励下我还是很勇敢的走进了考场。 看到监考老师很威严的坐在舞台前, 霎时,我的心已到了嗓子眼“3号杜娇娆”还没等我自报家门,就听那监考老师一声“大喊”,“声音太小”,把我吓了一跳,我鼓足勇气声音很洪亮的报了我的简历,直到看见老师满意的笑脸我才轻松下来,随着音乐的响起,我认真的做着一个舞蹈动作,我知道我一年多的努力在此时此刻,在这个小小的舞台上都要展现出来,而且要做到最好。紧张的气氛终于结束了,我吐了口气,在舞台后的小姨乐的合不拢嘴,一个劲的夸我。

我心里也有几分骄傲了。监考老师对我点评还是很高的,要继续努力,会有更好的成绩。 小姨告诉我:舞台对一个学舞蹈的人来说是一种诱惑,一种致命的诱惑。要想成功的站在舞台上,得到观众的认可你一定要努力。小姨的话一直激励着我,哪怕是再苦再累,哪怕是只有我一个人的舞蹈,一个人的舞台,没有观众的掌声和认可,我也是快乐的,因为我努力了,我更不会辜负小姨对我的期望。我可是她一生的骄傲。...


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