

04月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于高中生英语演讲比赛的文章]Win Competition of Environment Protection for Beijing Although the 2008 Olympics are still three years away, another special competition has already started in...+阅读


my cat I have a pet cat.It called Mimi.It is very cute. I like to play with it.It has short legs. It has two big eyes.It is very clever and sometimes, it can understand my feeling. When i am sad, it can make me laugh.When I am happy, it can share with me.It sleep in the daytime and do most of their movements at night. It can catch mice.So it is helpful to us .We should love cat, because cats are our friends,too. I like my cat.I think we are the best friends.


Cats are interesting animal.

Sometimes, it's just like a wave upon the sand -- you cannot catch it forever ! Like moonheam--no one can hold it in his hand . Always lively , never fell tired . But actually , if you want to find a word which can describe them , the best answer is 'as cute as a little girl , kind but naughty .' Their eyes will become green at night . They like fish very much . Fish are just thier life ! Cats also need people to take care of them . They ' re so lovable that there are so many people 'd like to feed them , and play with them .

They are very careful in life. When they are in danger , cats' eyes will be much bigger , their tails will be like a stick and ' shout ' very loud . After the danger , cats will relax and then promptly go to sleep again!


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My Cat I have a cat named Mimi. Its hair is as white as snow. I often play games with it. It amuses me a lot and I treat it as a little friend. Every morning, I would say goodbye to it before I go to school and Mimi would wave its front-legs to me. It brings me a lot of pleasure. But it takes time and costs money to keep the cat. My parents and I spend much time taking care of it, feeding it and cleaning it. We have to clean the house from time to time, or the cat will make them dirty and smelly.我的猫 我有一只猫,名叫咪咪。它的毛像雪一样白,我经常和它一起玩。它使我很开心,我也把它当小朋友一样对待。每天早上,我去上学之前都会跟它说再见,它也人向我晃晃前爪。它给我带来了很多快乐。但是,养猫是要花费时间和金钱的。我父母和我花费很多时间照看它,喂它饭,给它洗澡。我们得经常打扫房间,否则,猫就会把屋子弄得又脏又难闻。


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