

04月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急!求一篇关于办英语演讲比赛的通知的英语作文]NOTICE In order to improve the students' spoken English,an English speaking contest will be held by the school English Corner in the auditorium on the fourth fl...+阅读


Murphy's law is an adage in Western culture that broadly states, "if anything can go wrong, it will." It is also cited as: "If there's more than one possible outcome of a job or task, and one of those outcomes will result in disaster or an undesirable consequence, then somebody will do it that way"; "Anything that can go wrong, will," the similar "Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong," or, "Whatever can go wrong will go wrong, and at the worst possible time, in the worst possible way."

谁能帮我找一篇英语演讲稿题目是If you believe you can

If you belive,you can achieve “I Believe I Can Fly” is a nice song by R.Kelly. This song tells us that confidence is very important. When a person has confidence,he believes in himself. He believes that he can and will succeed,and this gives him the courage to try new things. Dreams and confidence are what keep us going on in the face of difficulties. No one can achieve success without them. If you believe you can fly,then you can really fly someday.Belief leads to the achievement of your desired results. What To Believe In,To succeed or bring about our desired results.there are 2 critical things that we must believe.First, we must believe that something greater than ourselves will provide with what we need to succeed. This 'something greater' could be called...God...the cosmos...universe...world...or whatever term you are comfortable with.Not only does this 'something greater' provide what we need, it provides it in abundance.You only have to see the abundance in nature to realize how much is provided to us.Despite our best efforts to limit...or otherwise control...the forces of nature trees, bushes and plants of all kinds continue to survive, even thrive.Regardless of whether we want it or not this giving continues.And second, we must believe in ourselves. This means having the confidence that we can use what we have been given to bring about our desired results.This confidence is so strong that even if we have not completed such a task in the past we believe we can do it.Our confidence comes from having previously completed a variety of tasks from learning to walk and completing school...to earning a living.Drawing on successful completions from the past strengthens your believe that you can complete other tasks in the future。

I think I will never give up whenever I meet any difficulties. I'll remember confidence is the promise for achieving success.


Advertisement ,art or rubbishOn advertisement, many people have spent much time discussing its function. Some insist that ad is art while others think it is only rubbish. And in my point of view ,it is art , of course .and I have my reasons.Firstly, what's ad . advertisement is something showing information about goods, at the same time it means selling. good ads not only tell us the character of goods and commodities but also provide us with a chance both pleasing to our eyes and our mind. Could you say you don't like the beautiful scenes on tv when you see the ads? I could even bet you may be exited when your film star idols appear on tv or magazines or even newspapers. And since you have gained pleasure I believe it conforms to the definition of art. Anyway, art is not a narrow thing.Secondly, I have to confess that today there are so many low class ads around us.,these ads bother us even worsely shattered our confidence in ads .But I still don't think because of their low quality, we should blame the whole advertisement industry for it. Just as a coin has its two sides, we can't claasify all ads into one group. We should notice the development of ads industry since it came into being,it also make our life into a rich and colorful one. holding the conviction that although there is still a long way for ads industry to go, the outlook is promising. And those inferior ads will be gradually driven out.All in all, I believe ads is art ,since it can bring us so many beneficial things, why must we call it rubbish? Why can't we help improve the quality of it? Why can't we extend its influence to decorate our life as well as accelerate the whole industry? I firmly believe we can make it better and perfect its art function as long as we wish to.广告,艺术还是垃圾?对于广告,人们曾经不遗余力的费时间讨论它的作用.一些人认为广告是艺术,而另一些人则坚持它是垃圾。


我们应该看到,自广告业产生以来他一直在发展并且将我们的生活装点得更加五彩缤纷。虽然对于广告业来讲还有很长一段路要走,但是我们也坚信其前途是光明的,那些低质量的广告业最终被驱逐出去。总之,我认为广告是一种艺术,它能够带给我们如此之多的益处,我们为什莫一定要灌之以垃圾之名呢?我们为什莫不能努力提高广告的质量呢?我们有为什莫不能够扩大它的影响是指能够点缀我们的生活同时也促进其整个产业的发展呢?我坚信,只要我们愿意,就可以使之更上一层楼,完善其作为艺术的作用。注释:ads 是advertisement 的缩写哈,祝楼主成功啦



墨菲定律由爱德华·墨菲(Edward A. Murphy)提出,亦称墨菲法则、墨菲定理。原文为:如果有两种或两种以上的方式去做某件事情,而其中一种选择方式将导致灾难,则必定有人会做出这种选择。主要内容是:如果事情有变坏的可能,不管这种可能性有多小,它总会发生。“墨菲定律”、“帕金森定律”和“彼德原理”并称为二十世纪西方文化三大发现。



























11、一分钟有多长? 这要看你是蹲在厕所里面,还是等在厕所外面。


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