
英语演讲稿 cherish life green hope trust the future believe

04月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语演讲稿之我爱英语]I like English As we all known,English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has bee the most mon language on Inter and for intern...+阅读

英语演讲稿 cherish life green hope trust the future believe in

Dear teachers and Friends, you see, green sea, the fish can freely swim; you listen, blue sky, birds merrily song .The world's most lively is the life! Every morning, when the sun rises, when the birds wake up my dream, I know that a new day has begun. I thank my father, my mother - they gave me invaluable life, is that they let me feel this beautiful planet. I would also like to thank my grandfather, grandmother, and their love shone like the sun, like every corner of my mind! Yes ,life is like a flower and it is so beaytiful. Friends, let us learn from lessons in life, cherish life's every day. See time flies, I pray that tomorrow, would like each of us a little dream, are able to grow up soon! From now on, let us cherish the life and everything it gives to us so that flowers of life will never bloom!


Halloween is a good time for children to play. In the eyes of children, is a festival full of mystery. As night fell, the children unable to hold oneself back to wearing be riotous with colour makeup suits all sorts of strange things, wear a mask, put on a " jack-o-lantern " ran out to play.


However the highlights of Halloween or on the table, you should prepare food to entertain those who came to the "little trouble ", but also in this special holiday for a dress your table. Do not let your guests you Xiaoqiao oh!



节前准备 为了这个节日,许多英国家庭往往从十月份开始就在忙着准备过圣诞了。走在街头,挂满了各式迎接圣诞的彩灯,家家户户都已粉刷了房子的外墙,好多家还重新装修了房屋,搽的雪亮的窗户玻璃窗上喷上了:Merry Christmas! 一进入12月份,就开始忙着采购各种节日用品和圣诞食物及礼品等。在每一个英国家庭,圣诞节有三样东西绝不可少:最高处挂颗大星星的圣诞树;圣诞大餐里肥白的火鸡;还有就是彩纸包得漂漂亮亮的圣诞礼物。圣诞树下一家人围坐分拆礼物的时刻,是所有英国家庭的圣诞节高潮。对英国人来说,圣诞节是一年中最热闹,最隆重的日子。 圣诞夜 在12月24日圣诞夜,全家人一般都要相聚在一起举行圣诞晚餐。 英国人在圣诞节是最注重吃的,食品中包括烧猪、火鸡、圣诞布丁、圣诞碎肉饼等。

每一个家人都有礼物,仆人也有份,所有的礼物是在圣诞节的早晨派送。有的唱圣诞歌者沿门逐户唱歌报佳音,他们会被主人请进屋内,用茶点招待,或者赠小礼物。 英国人过圣诞节有一个有趣的传统风俗,圣诞节时教堂会专门为孩子举办Christingle仪式,所谓Christingle,意思是“耶稣之光”,本意是庆祝耶稣之光照亮人世。孩子们自己动手用橘子、葡萄干、蜡烛、红丝带、花生米等做成"耶稣之光",带到教堂中一同点燃顶上的蜡烛,并为儿童慈善机构募捐。 圣诞节犹如中国的春节,是家人团聚的日子,然而近年来,根据一项有关“英国人如何过圣诞”的调查显示,争吵已经代替了去教堂或者收看女王演讲等传统节目,成为英国家庭圣诞节中必不可少的元素。 节后 英国圣诞节后有一个BoxingDay,即12月26日,圣诞节之后的第二天日。



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