

04月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求一篇3分钟英语演讲稿]一般来说,一分钟演讲500字,3分钟准备1500左右即可,我给了一个1300的,你可以略作修改,删删减减~希望有帮助~ The diversity of my university life Back into time, when I first...+阅读



I have the honor to speak here.I am glad to see all of you again.I think all of you had a happy and unforgetable summer holiday.And you must have made some progress in your studies. The new school term has begun.We can study and live together again.I hope we will go on to help each other , make greater progress in our study and grow stronger than ever. .hoprfully we have a good time in the new term.

That”s all.Thank you.


A: Hi, do you know which country has the biggest population in the world? b: I have no idea. a: i just read a newspaper. it says that India has the largest population in the world. b:oh, really? so China is the next? a: i think so. b: have you ever think about what we gonna do if there are more people in the world? a: haha... Maybe we can move to outter space b:population is really a serious social problem. a: I know, and i think each country has take action to decrease the population in the world. b:sounds nice. Because if the population keeps increasing, there will be a lot of other social problems.

求一篇英语上课演讲稿 100词以内谢谢了

Patriotism is loyalty to the nation and love. Many people with lofty ideals, who lived in YouGuoYouMin have strong responsibility, state LinNan wave upon wave, unyielding, defend the motherland, the people's livelihood, this kind of concern to the national spirit, after disasters. Patriotic content is very extensive, love the motherland, love of the national history, the fate of the country, were h39ing a heroic fight, for motherland ability, are patriotic. In the Chinese history of five thousand years of development history, the Chinese nation has formed by patriotism is the core of the great national spirit.




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