[主题为精神一分钟演讲稿]坚持的精神----在脚下多垫些石头 完成小事是成就大事的第一步,其实伟大的成就总是跟随在一连串小的成功之后。 曾经听到过这样一个故事。在一个文化活动极其贫乏的小镇一场很...+阅读
急需英文演讲稿主题为what is TRUE
Dating back to ancient days, human beings are seeking true love and everyone has tried to give a definition of true love, but none can convey its implication point for point. So, most of us still have no idea of it, lingering between true love and illusive love, which leads to a series of problems such as suicide and the crime rate going up. Due to these strange social phenomena, I want to say something about true love. Love is two persons' problem, not one. You must bear this precondition in mind at any time. True love is giving, not taking. True love is not conditional on anything, it is just giving. If someone loves you, he will take your feelings into consideration first, you are number 1 in his mind and he will do well to you every time he takes an action. But you must know, it doesn't mean indulgence. Perhaps sometimes he will offend you, but if he is really for your good, that's true love. Anyone who loves you never wants you to get any hurt. True love needs forgive. If one really wants to love, one must learn how to forgive. Love needs loyalty; it should be two sincere hearts' encounter. There is no deceiving in true love. If deceiving emerges, the love goes to its end. True love needs responsibility. Responsibility is not just a simple promise. Anyone who can make this is not an easy one. So don't let rhetoric words blind your eyes, but it doesn't mean that you shouldn't believe in him. Trust is extremely important in true love, if there is no trust; there is no love, let alone true love. Besides, there is no betrayal in true love dictionary. If betrayal happens, it just means that your love is not true. The flowers of true love can never fade. So if you fall out of love with someone, don't feel frustrated, even punish yourself, which is the most stupid thing in the world. Treat yourself well at anytime for love is just a small part of your life. 可以追溯到古代天,人类正在寻找真爱,每个人都试图给出一个定义的真爱,但谁也不能表达它的含义。
所以,我们中的大多数人仍然不了解它,真爱和梦幻之间的爱,这导致了一系列的问题,如自杀、犯罪率上升。由于这些奇怪的社会现象,我想谈谈的真爱。 爱是两个人的问题,而不是一个。你必须牢记这个前提牢记在任何时间。真爱是给予,而不是索取。真正的爱情是不取决于什么,那就是奉献。如果有人爱你,他会考虑你的感情,你是第1号在他的脑海里,他会做得很好,你每次他需要一个行动。但你要知道,这并不意味着放纵。也许有时候他会冒犯你,但如果他真的是为你好的,那是真正的爱情。爱你的人永远让你得到任何伤害。 真爱需要宽恕。如果真的想爱,一个人必须学会宽恕。爱情要求忠诚,它应该是两个真诚的心的遭遇。没有欺骗的真爱。如果骗人的兴起,爱走到终点。
真爱需要承担责任。责任不仅仅是一个简单的承诺。谁能做出这很不容易。所以,不要让你的眼睛瞎修辞的话,但这并不意味着你不能相信他。信任是非常重要的真爱,如果没有信任,就没有爱,更别说真爱。 除此之外,并没有背叛的真爱的字典。如果背叛发生时,它只是意味着你的爱是不真实的。真诚的爱情之花可以永不凋谢。所以如果你不再爱一个人,不要感到沮丧,甚至惩罚自己,这是我见过的最愚蠢的事情。在任何时间都可以对自己的爱只是一种小型你生活的一部分。
关于love is everywhere为题的英语作文是演讲稿100词左右
Clouds floating in the sky, the morning sun as it stained the moon in the night sky, with its companion stars, flowers, and have green leaves set off the ... ..., all things are, day after day to tell us a law; love everywhere.
Parents arrive home, pour a cup of hot tea, greeting phrase "hard work"; on the road with children fell down, went over to help him up gently; students test blew it, do you sincerely to those living in the comfort ... ... every little trivial in time to tell us: love, everywhere.
Human life only once, and Love make it more exciting and meaningful. With the love between strangers can be as close as brothers and sisters. Society is a house wall, and Love is the house of furniture. Love between people closer together to make things cold and warm up.
Human world, marshes, unpredictable, no matter how high the mountain is also the time of failure; then wide then deep sea has dried up time; another strong creatures have become extinct when the ... ... only love is everywhere, detached from these things over, never will disappear.
you're not alone
together we stand
i'll be by your side
you know i'll take your hand
when it gets cold
and it feels like the end
theres no place to go
you know i wont give in
no i wont give in.
keep holding on
'cause you know we'll make it through,
we'll make it through
just stay strong
cause you know i'm here for you,
i'm here for you
theres nothing you can say,
nothing you can do
theres no other way
when it comes to the truth
so keep holding on
cause you know we'll make it through,
we'll make it through.
so far away
i wish you were here
before it's too late
this could all disapear
before the doors close,
and it comes to an end
but with you by my side
i will fight and defend
i'll fight and defend
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