

05月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[初三英语比赛演讲稿]Unfetable Experience Once I changed my attitude toward everything, I recognized my world, my future and myself. It happened when my friends and I had almost fin...+阅读


My Attitude towards to Marks 我的分数观For our students, marks is above everything. Teachers will judge us from our marks. With marks we can be enrolled into junior middle schools. With marks, we can be enrolled into senior middle schools. With marks we can be enrolled into college. With marks we can be enrolled into postgraduate and doctrine studies. Still with marks we can be graded and be allowed to go abroad for further studies. Our parents will be strict with us with the marks. Our society judge us from marks. However, sometimes we students compare one another with marks directly. We are completely controlled by marks. We like them and we feel sorry for them. But what attitude towards our marks should we take? Truly, marks functions cannot be underestimated. In terms of test in our study, marks are fair and real. That is the reason why we say "Everyone is equal before marks. " However, I think marks are the sole standard to judge the success or failure of students in exams. Sometimes, marks more than ten or less than one or two in our exams comparing with others mean not everything. The success or failure in exams will be influenced by experience on the spot and the examinee's health etc. Once in a while one cannot fail in exams. " Success or failure is common sense for military. " I think everyone is familiar with the famous saying. Don't you think such will be the case with our study? In exams, one cannot be " never-defeated general" . Even though one will be very good in everyday study, he cannot succeed in every exam sometimes. We can get proof from the fact that the very best one we call "Number One Scholar" in the entrance exams for college and ordinary middle school and specialized secondary school over the years is not eminent above all others nor top student in every study. As a matter of fact, "high marks" and "ability" are not unified. Some time ago, a new phrase " high marks but poor competence" came into being. Once I happened to meet such a teacher as this .It is said that the teacher just graduated from a far-famed key university. But his teaching result is much less than that of the one who just graduated from a not-well-renowned college. When lecturing, the teacher only repeated what the text-books says, which was very dull so the his students' interest in learning was not aroused. His teaching was short of unity of teaching and learning. At present there is a fact that we know a few brilliant and top college graduates are not qualified for their posts. The reason for it may be lack of the ability to combine knowledge learnt from books with pragmatics in their work. Students of this kind will be successful in every exam but they will be able to use freely their knowledge in their posts. Don't you think it waste training such persons for the country? To sum up from the above, I can say marks are not absolutely authoritative for some. If we neglect training and developing the students' ability and competence and if we only seek for the high marks, we will be absolutely wrong. We should take an objective attitude towards the marks. Neither should we neglect them nor should we overvalue them like a God. 分数,对于我们学生来说,是至关重要的了。

老师要用分数来衡量我们—上初中,要分数;上高中,要分数;上大学要分数,考研究生、博士要分数,出国、评职称还是要分数。家长要用分数来要求我们;社会用分数来衡量我们。而我们自己也常常用分数在相互直接做着攀比。我们完全为分数所左右了,我们为它欢喜,我们为它丧气。那么,我们应该怎样对待分数呢? 的确,分数有它不可低估的作用。从检验学习的角度上来说,它具有一定的公平性和真实性,“分数面前人人平等”,讲的就是这个道理。然而,分数并不是估量一个学生成败得失的惟一标准。考试成绩偶尔低了一两分乃至十来分,并不一定说明什么问题。考试的成败有时也会受到诸如临场经验、健康状况等方面的影响。“胜败乃是兵家常事”这句话大概不会有人不知道,而我们在学习上又何尝不如此?在考试上很少有“常胜之师”,即使平时成绩再好的同学,也难免会有偶尔的失误。

历届中考、高考“状元”并非就是平时出类拔萃的优等生的事实,便是明证。 事实上,“高分”与“能力”往往是不统一的。前段时间,社会上出现了一个新词:“高分低能”。笔者就曾经碰见这样一位教师,据说他毕业于某赫赫有名的重点大学,但从教学效果上讲,却远远逊色于一些非高等学府毕业的老师。其授课只是照本宣读而已,枯燥乏味,缺乏一种教与学之间的协调功能。根本不能引起听课同学的兴趣,目前不少大中专院校的高材生毕业后不能胜任他们的工作,原因就在于缺少将书本中的知识运用到实际工作中去的能力。这种人,尽管在学校中每...


文首先,我们要培养学生学习英语的兴趣。让学生在学习中去寻找欢乐,在欢乐中找到兴趣,在兴趣中下决心,在决心中培养毅力,即动因+兴趣+决心+持之以恒=成绩。当然开始学英语时不要追求太高,太难。指导学生从简单的,有趣的,好笑的开始使学生找出适合自己的学习兴趣。同时引导他们“From easy to difficult.”。并允许学生出错,不要追求每个单词都正确。, 其次,学生有了兴趣,帮助他们制定计划。每天看英语材料和听英语广播,寻找学习环境,生活范围有多大,学英语的天地就有多宽广,利用一切机会去接触英语。在课堂上让学生试着讲英语,平时同学之间交流时多用英语,鼓励学生不要怕出错,错了没关系。同时要建立每周学习生词的目标,在记录词汇本里,记录各种各样的生词,短语。

因为学好英语必须要有词汇作基础,要打持久战;记单词要打游击战。就能做到“from little to more”。 学英语如同交朋友,在不同的场合接触就可能记牢,不能孤立的记单词,要记住它的左邻右舍。同时很有必要指导学生大量的阅读,这对学习英语有是非常重要的,多了解西方文化,学习西方习惯,掌握大量的语言背景是学习的又一条重要途径。那么就达到from Chinese to English。我们最终要达到目的 “from English to English ,from English to Chinese ” 最后,让学生在苦中享受欢乐,越学越有趣,从被动变主动,从要我学变为我要学. 英文First of all, we must cultivate students' interest in English study. Let students in learning to find joy in joy in the interest of interest, found in the determination of decision and perseverance, namely train drivers + + to + perserve = interest. Of course started to learn English, don't be too hard. Guiding students from the simple, funny, funny began to enable students to find suitable for their interest in learning. And they decide to "light" surveys. And allow students to go wrong, don't pursue every word is correct. ,Secondly, the students have interest, help them to plan. Watch English materials and listen to English radio, looking for learning environment, life is much, learn English and have much broader, take every chance to exposure to English. In class, students try to speak in English, usually between classmates exchange, encourage students to use English, don't be afraid of making mistakes the wrong. To establish weekly learning new words in the target, the vocabulary, records recorded all sorts of new words and phrases. Because learning English must have vocabulary as the foundation, will play a protracted war, Remembering words to guerrilla warfare. Can make them more "to" surveys.Learning English as friends, in different occasions contact might remember, not isolated words and remember its neighbors. It is necessary to guide students to read, this of learning English is very important to have more understanding of western culture and western learning habit, master of language background is also an important way of learning. Then two Chinese PPC to achieve. We finally achieved the goal ", two surveys to two Chinese to spending."Finally, let students enjoy happiness in suffering, more study is interesting, from passive to active, change from me to learn to learn.怕你看不懂、、、


初中英语演讲稿1.根据听众对象,注意演讲的总体措词 演讲的总体措词是严肃一些还是活泼一些,是有较明显的说教口气还是用平等的口吻,等等,都要根据听众对象而定。如果场下听众是同龄的学生,那么演讲的内容只要风趣一些往往就能引起共鸣。但另一方面,如果听众大多是上了年纪的教师,太多的笑料反而会被认为“不严肃”,“不尊重”,而引起反感。用英语演讲,不要用太多 I feel, I think,老是用I,显得十分主观,狭隘。如果通篇全是 I feel, I think 的内容,会给人觉得缺乏说服力。另外,perhaps, maybe 这样的词语,虽然有“客气,谦虚”的成分,但太多会让人觉得你演讲的内容有不可靠之处。还有,在演讲中,要少用you,多用we。用you等于把自己与听众对立起来,而用we则拉近了与听众的距离。

比如:You should not smoke.听上去像教训人,而 Let's not smoke听起来是一个不错的建议。2.演讲要越短越好 英语演讲应该简洁扼要,直截了当。除非特别需要,一般不要采用中文中的那种迂回曲折的表达形式。据有关专家统计,一般人的注意力一次只能集中约13分钟。所以,演讲长度以10~15分钟为宜。下面是美国总统林肯所作的著名的盖茨堡演说,虽然全文只有短短200多个词,却带有振奋人心、扭转乾坤般的力量。其中 of the people, by the people, for the people(民有,民治,民享)已成为不朽佳句。对于中学生来说,这篇演讲现在读起来一定会觉得很难,但要写好英语演讲,这确实是值得认真研读的经典之作。 Gettysburg Address Four score and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of the field as a final resting-place for those who here gave their lives that the nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But in a larger sense we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us, ----that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion, ----that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, ----that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, ----and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.


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