

05月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com



关爱老人,从我做起 Caring for the elderly, from my start 秋高气爽直,,天清气爽,又到重阳街头多了为老人服务的小站,报纸电台开始宣传如何敬老爱老,敬老院,颐养院趁势又多开了几家。 Autumn straight, and day refreshing and to Chung Yeung Street for elderly service station, newspapers and radio stations began to publicity and how to respect and care for the old, old folk's homes, taking advantage of the home and open the several. 大多数为老人服务的小站都是真诚的,也有一部分是趁机销售一些所谓的治疗仪器。这边刚免费为老人做了简单的身体测量,那边就忙不叠拿出仪器向老人展示,施展浑身解数,巧舌如簧,誓必让老人买下不可。 Most of the elderly service station is sincere, there is a so-called treatment instrument sales opportunity. Here just free for the elderly do the simple measurement of body, there on the busy stack out instrument to show the old man, cast all one's skill, glib, will let the old man buy it. 一些单位在重阳那天,肯定会有行动,名为给老人送爱心,实际为单位赚名气,送些不靠谱的礼物,诸如视力保健仪之类的,老人用得上用不上可管不得了平时就经常有敬老院虐待老人的事情曝光,但是敬老院还是照样要开的,只是换个名字重整旗鼓而已。

至于服务质量有没有改进,那就不得而知了。基于现在的社会环境,很多家庭都是一个小孩的,到我们年老的时候,由于各种原因,或孩子身处外地,,或工作关系,或自身原因,无暇照顾老人,很多人可能都有机会进老人院安度晚年,这样的状况怎么不让人为以后担忧呢? Some units on the double ninth day, will certainly have action, called to send love to the elderly, the actual units earned fame, send do not fly in the gift, such as vision health instrument, the elderly with was not used on tube not usually is a nursing home abuse of the elderly things exposure, but homes for the elderly still still have to open, just change the name of the rally. As to whether there is any improvement in the quality of service, it is not clear. Based on the current social environment, many families are a child, when we are old, due to various reasons, or the children living overseas, or work, or their own reasons, too busy to care for the elderly, many people may have the opportunity in an old people's home with dignity, this kind of situation how to let people worried about the future? 真正关心老人,不要只在乎形式,不要在节日的时候才表达关怀,无需用金钱和物质去衡量关心的程度。

身在外地的,一条短信,一通电话,只要是流露真心的问候,老人也会很高兴。经济不太好的,平时多帮老人做些家务,和老人聊聊天,也是最好的孝道。至于单位企业的节日献爱心,真正为老人们做点实事,少些沽名钓誉的虚浮吧。 Truly care for the elderly, do not care about the form, not in the festival to express concern, no need to use money and material to measure the degree of concern. Body in the field, a text message, a phone, as long as it is to show sincere greetings, the elderly will be very happy. Economy is not good, usually to help the elderly to do some housework, and the elderly to chat, but also the best filial piety. As for the enterprises festival of love, really do something for the old people, less superficial fish for fame. 关心老人,如何搞好夕阳工程,需要我们全社会的关注和努力,善待老人吧,就是善待我们自己。

Care for the elderly, how to do a good job in the construction of the sunset, we need the attention of the whole society and efforts to treat the elderly, is to treat our own.

急求一篇英语演讲稿!The older I

The Older I Grow,the More Pains I Have. A very good morning/afternoon to you all,everybody.First please allow me to make a self-introduction.My name is ***,coming from *** University.It's a pleasure to make a speech here.My topic is The Older I Grow,the More Pains I Have. When I was a kid in the kingtergarden,I had nothing to worry about.My parents bought me everything I liked.I just slept,played and ate without sadness and trouble.As time went on,I grew a bit older.I entered a primary school.Ever since then,I felt a series of pains. Early every moning from Monday to Friday,I had to get up with sleepy eyes.Again and again I heard the advice from my father that I must study hard to make more money in the future.Sightment began to trouble me.Hower,That was just the beginning of pains.It was not until I went to junior school that I knew that the pains I suffered before was just a piece of cake. In the year of 2001,I went to school as a junior student.Mountains of homework and exams poured to me.I have to stayed up late in order to complete the homework,which made me tired out. Meanwhile,I began to think about my life.Why should I have to work very hard?Why are some people so rich and some poor?These questions troubled me a great deal.I felt very confused and helpless.In addition,I found some of classmates dated,which was not allowed.I had the same feelings as they did.A girl was very good to me,and often invited me to a film during Sundays.I didn't know whether I should accepted her.What a trouble! My pains continued.When I entered a senior school.I faced a fact that I had to choose a good college for my higher education.What college should I go to and what major should I take? The older I grew,the more pains I had,Did such a situation occur to you? That's all.Thank you. (限于水平,文尽于此,供你参考。



14 Filial is dotes on, the filial piety is the blessing, is filial piety is helps the parents under the hasty housework to go to the kitchen. In the melon the pear peach buys to the parents tastes fresh, subscribes the share evening news often to read for the parents. Is filial piety the parents, is filial piety the parents, when likes treating as to children's gift. A parents' heart, gathers round the children to transfer, is filial piety the parents to let the old person remember the chil dren to satisfy. Filial is dotes on, the filial piety is the blessing, is filial pietyis accompanies the parents discusses the daily family activity to takea walk. Catches up with the long vacation, the multi- belts parentstravel, the week week often lives with the parents. Is filial pietythe parents, is filial piety the parents, when likes treating as tochildren's gift. Parents this for a lifetime, ate many painstakingly,was filial piety the parents to let the old person old age Heng theHenry peaceful


关爱空巢老人的400字发言稿现如今空巢老人,留守儿童,孤残儿童越来越多了,为了让他们感受到幸福,温馨的生活,也为了让空巢老人、留守儿童及孤残儿童代表在红红火火过大年中快乐。 我,身为一名XXXX学校的学生,...

关爱空巢老人写一篇作文不少于四百字你好~给你一篇范文可以参考一下: 都市灯光下的彷徨,走过没有晨风的街道,只那一秒钟的感动,眼角微湿之后,我突然明白:原来那里是寂寞老人的快乐天堂!有我们在的世界,你们再也不会孤独...

空巢老人作文300字题目要求:作文要空巢老人给我的启示 生活中总有一些年迈的老人独自生活。因为儿女不在身边,他们生活很不方便。每逢节假日就倍觉孤单。 王奶奶就住在我家楼下,因为儿女都在外地,家里就她一个人...


求一篇关爱空巢老人1000字的作文并有附插图急急急关爱老人 老人,为社会奉献,为家庭奉献,是知识的宝库,是智慧的钥匙,不仅养育我们,还以言传和身教向我们传播做人的道理,虽然我们有时候感觉老人家们知识陈旧、思维方式过于正统古板,...

关爱空巢老人为话题的小作文一百字至两百字随着社会发展速度的加快,人们的生活节奏也越来越快了。许多人没有太多的时间来陪伴老人,老人们也只能自己生活。这样的老人就是 “空巢老人”。 我的邻居也是两个“空巢老人”...

关爱老人演讲稿关爱,就是关心爱护,它在我们身边无处不在。我们每个人都需要关爱,生活上也少不了关爱,别人给予我们关爱,那我们更应该去关心爱护他人,这样世界上才会充满爱! 在我的回忆中,有件事深...

我们要如何关爱空巢老人对于子女的要求 对于离家不远的子女,子女要定期的探望,了解老人家的生活起居情况,及时发现因照料不周带来的种种问题,最重要的是给老人精神的关心,心理的慰藉,多聊聊家常,多做几个...

广播稿。。。主题是关爱与友情你有上百亿的脑细胞 还拼不出来一篇作文?这是我炒的 你不要都抄啊 仅供参考如果世界是一间小屋,关爱就是小屋中的一扇窗;如果世界是一艘船,那么关爱就是茫茫大海上的一盏明灯。...
