

06月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com



A:Hello,everyone, Merry Xmas! B:Merry Xmas, and thank you for coming to our English Drama Party. A:The stroke of the New Year's Day is going to strike. The wheel of the time reminds a deep mark. Go with the sunshine at this perfect winter, the New Year's Day of 2009 is coming! B:At this moment, we have experienced the spring's breath. This is our department's spring, this is our school's spring, this is everybody's spring! A:We get together here this evening. Sharing the happiness. Enjoying this period of wonderful time. B:We get together here this evening. Feeling the truth by heart. Meltting the snow by love. A:We get together here this evening. Opening your heart. Releasing your enthusiasm. B:We get together here this evening. Here will break into a sea of rejoicing. A:To celebrate the New Year's Day, our foreign language department hold this modern drama competition. B:Now I'd like to introduce the distinguished guests to all of you , they are… A:And the honoured judges, … B:Thank you for being a part of the party. And hope you a happy evening. A:Ladies and gentlemen, now, the English Drama Party formally start. The first program is... 我用过的,觉得挺符合~


随便写写 算是抛砖了 ~~~HOHO 单词记的不准 楼主自己去查准确哈 ladys and gentalman ,good evening~ 女士们 先生们 晚上好, as you see,tonight is special a night. 如你们所见,今晚是个不平凡的日子 we all gether together with excitement and 我们聚集在一起高兴而充满期待。 expectedness.what's the matter ? who knows ? 为什么? 谁知道? (等待观众响应):“今天是元旦!” yeah! the new year has coming ,but...but the 不错,新的一年已经到来。可是,这不是最重要的。 most important is that our wonderful show will come on! 最重要的是:我们精彩的演出即将开始! boys and girls ,enjoy it and happy new year day! 女士们先生们,享受吧,新年快乐! ok now,let's begin! 好了,现在,让我么开始吧!


The opening speech of the Master of Ceremony of an English Evening Party.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,

we are very happy to gather here to hold an English evening party.

First of all, let me introduce our distinguished guests tonight: Mr Smith, our language expert from Canada. Mr Li, our headmaster and Mr. Chen, the secretary of the CPC committee of our school.

And I would also like to take this opportunity to wish Mr Smith to enjoy his stay in our school and all present to ahve a wonderful time tonight.

Now let's invite Mr Li to say a few words to us.

Mr. Li's speech...

Thank you, Mr Li.

Now it's time for us to have performance. For this evening party all the classes have made careful preparations. So I'm sure we'll be able to enjoy many excellent performances tonight.

The first item is a group dance given by Class 3 Senior 2. Now let's give them warm applause....


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