[急!急!急!大学迎新晚会主持词!急用!]合:尊敬的各位老师,各位同学,大家好! 甲:伴随着冬日温暖的阳光,我们迎来了这一次诗歌朗诵会. 乙:今天,我们相聚在这里,享受诗歌带给我们的欢乐,享受这段美好时光 丙:今天,我们相聚在这里...+阅读
我认为 我看你好像要的是台词,这儿有一份刚写好的,看看能不能帮上你。中间的节目只好自己随机应变了,要注意节目的编排与衔接,这样才好写串连词,另外多一点表情与肢体语言,多一份幽默。祝你旗开得胜,马到成功! (开场白) 甲:尊敬的领导 乙:敬爱的老师 合:亲爱的同学们,大家好! 甲:绚烂的朝霞铺满了广袤的大地,光芒万丈。 乙:肥沃的原野翻滚着金色的麦浪,孕育希望。 甲:小鸟在天空自由歌唱,清脆欢畅 乙:花儿沐浴着清清朝露,娇艳芬芳 甲:今天,我们欢聚一堂 合:举行新堰小学2008年“六一”文艺汇演 甲:请允许我们向莅临指导的镇委镇政府领导表示最热烈的欢迎 乙:向中心初中领导表示最热烈的欢迎 甲:向全体同学致以节日的问候 合:由衷地道一声:节日快乐! 甲:我们是含苞的花骨朵 乙:我们是苍劲的小雄鹰 甲:在属于我们的节日,让我们翩翩起舞 乙:在展示自我的舞台,让我们纵情高歌 甲:剪一朵绚烂的云霞, 乙:摘一枝柔嫩的柳条, 合:织成最华丽的节日盛装, 甲:张开小嘴巴,把爱唱出来 乙:舞动小翅膀,让梦飞起来 合:来吧,来共度我们的快乐时光 甲:新堰小学 乙:2008年“六一”文艺汇演 合:现在开始! (结束语) 甲:欢歌阵阵,歌不尽节日的喜庆。
乙:曼舞翩翩,舞不尽内心的欢腾。 甲:让我们用心灵的琴弦 乙:让我们用五彩的画笔 合:去歌唱美好的未来,去描绘灿烂的明天。 甲:看,雏鹰正在展翅翱翔 乙:听,队歌多么铿锵嘹亮 甲:我们和母校的振兴共同进步, 乙:我们与祖国的强大一起成长, 甲:放心吧,母校, 乙:放心吧,祖国, 合:我们将用行动,向你们献上一份完美的答卷。 甲:各位观众, 乙:各位观众, 合:新堰小学2008年“六一”文艺汇演到此结束,谢谢大家,再见!
The opening speech of the Master of Ceremony of an English Evening Party.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,
we are very happy to gather here to hold an English evening party.
First of all, let me introduce our distinguished guests tonight: Mr Smith, our language expert from Canada. Mr Li, our headmaster and Mr. Chen, the secretary of the CPC committee of our school.
And I would also like to take this opportunity to wish Mr Smith to enjoy his stay in our school and all present to ahve a wonderful time tonight.
Now let's invite Mr Li to say a few words to us.
Mr. Li's speech...
Thank you, Mr Li.
Now it's time for us to have performance. For this evening party all the classes have made careful preparations. So I'm sure we'll be able to enjoy many excellent performances tonight.
The first item is a group dance given by Class 3 Senior 2. Now let's give them warm applause....
英语晚会开场白 100以内急在线等
Evening, lovers and haters or anything else of English!
Well, when my butt moved into this room, it said: "Wow! It is so hot in here!" Today, we have a reason to gather together, that is to discuss and dig out an interesting way to conquer the God-damned English. Wanna be her king? Or,if you wanna be the master of her? Trust me, you can do it! She, though, is not simple at all, yet she's very easy to be yours to command! Only if you can find a method leading you to what you want! Say you love me and give me a hug when you have her!Haaah!HOH!Now let's go!
Good evening, every one.
Today, I believe you know the reason we have to gather in here in this room. Yes! To find an interesting way to learn English and be a better learner. So what can we do in oder to achieve these goals? How to make the process of learning easier and more comfortable? How to make progress and enjoy the joys that comes with it? I think we can have some findings after this evening! Let's go!
Good evening, teachers, classmates and friends.
Tonight I'm privileged and honored to be here and preside at this gathering. I was wondering if I could ask you some questions before the start.1 How many of you hate English? Put up your hand please.And how many of you love it? Raise you hand too! And then how many of you have no love for nor hate to it? Well, no matter you hate it or love it or either, I sincerely hope that you can find something good for your English leaerning. And it couldn't be better if you discover fun in learning it. Now let's sart!
急求大学迎新晚会主持稿!!急急急!!开场: 女:各位领导、各位来宾、各位同仁: 男:女士们、先生们: 合:大家好! 女:新年的钟声即将敲响,时光的车轮在2010的史册上留下了一道深深的印痕。伴随着冬日里温暖的阳光,2011年元旦...
五年级元旦班会主持稿2014的明天要2013 12 26要急急急!甲乙:敬爱的老师,丙丁:亲爱的同学们,合:大家下午好!甲乙:时光荏(rèn)苒(rǎn),岁月如梭丙丁:踏着圣诞欢快的钟声,我们又迎来了这个期待已久的日子。甲:过去的一年,我们有泪水也有欢乐,有汗水...
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急班级英语晚会主持词急英语晚会开场白谢谢大家啊!Ladies and gentlemen, the English party begins now. . . Let's start with a song. First program is the chorus, "Edelweiss." . . . . . . I...