

07月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英文辩论稿]Outline for Beginners Following is a speech outline for (EFL) novice debaters. Too much reliance on this may make your speech inflexible; still, the expressions...+阅读


Appearance is very important (Reasons)

1. It might affect the way how the people think about you. For example, if you dress very unprofession and messy, the people might think you are not serious and you cannot be trusted. Some people judge another person based on their appearance. So if you can always dress properly, you will always give the other people a good impression.

2. Your appearance shows how serious you are toward one thing. For example, if you dress in casul to an interview, the interviewer will think you do not care about the job. As the result, you might lose the job. If you always dress good, you will gain lots of respect and good impression


Firsty,almost everybody assumes that our life cannot be happy without friendship.Absolutely,for our students.boys and girls have different views on a same thing .So it's good for our study to make friends with each other.The key point is one can hardly do a job in a quick way ,otherwise,we cooperate with many people .

secondly,as an old saying goes:“A hedge between keeps the friendship green",if we can command the limitation between heterosexual friendship ,we surely can benefit from it.

As far as i am concerned,the relationship between boys and girls is beneficial for the growth of adolescents.So i stand for this point.

Thirdly,it is well known that different people have different opinions,what's more,some experts once said tha heterosexual people have different ideas ,if they communicate with each other ,meanwhile they cooperate with each other ,things will turn easier and easier……



Topic:whether test score should be announced personally or publicly?

as far as our party is concerned, we think test score should be announced publicly. that is to say,one's score should be known by others. on the one hand, one can be inspired by knowing clearly of his level in the whole class! for example, if one know he is lagging behind in the class,he may take some actions to get himself improved by working harder. and atter a little long time,since he has been sticking to the actions,he may succeed a lot including achieve a higher mark in exam and rank in the top students perhaps. isn't it good for him? secondly, if most of the student get inspired by knowing the test score of the whole class, then a good study may be appeared while students are keeping learning harder and getting progess. and this is beneficial for the whole class. on the other hand, if one doesn't know the situation of the class,doesn't know his position through some test,he may stay the same for a while or even longer.well, this is not good for him to keep going well all the way. may it will turn to be, insteading of to keep up with his classmates, he needs to catch up with his classmate beacuse of lagging behind. and sometimes, if one has already may got a bad mark in a test, it may be sad but it also helps him to learn how to accept the reality gradually and it is should be denied that sometimes a person can do a better job with his potential on a adverse situation. so in conclusion,we strongly deem it that test score should be announced publiclly! thank you!



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