

07月31日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急需适合课前3分钟的小学生的演讲稿]很久很久以前,在一个很远很远的地方,一位老酋长正病危。 他找来村中最优秀的三个年轻人,对他们说:“这是我要离开你们的时候了,我要你们为我做最后一件事。你们三个都是身强体壮...+阅读


初中还是高中啊?!给你弄一篇,不知道能不能用哦。 English is a language spoken all around the world. There are more than 42 countries where the majority of the people speak English. In total, for more than 375 million people take English as their mother tongue. An equal number of people learn English as a second language, such as India, Pakistan and so on. Even though some countries don't take it as the second language, English still being widely used in these countries. In only 50 years, English has developed into the language most widely spoken and used in the world. English is the working language of most international organisations, iternational trade and tourism. English is also the language of global culture, such as popular music and the Internet. You can listen to English songs on MP3 or use English to communicate with pepole around the world through the Internet. And this year,2008, the 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.People from different countries will come to China to see the Game. Different countries use different languages, but most people speaks English, so we will able to use English to help the foreign friends, to show our wonderful mien,and to exchange ideas. With so many pepole communicating in English every day, it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.Let us make efforts for the 2008 Olympic Games !开场白和结束语自己搞定哈!哎!好羡慕你们啊,还可以参加演讲比赛,我就快大学毕业了,以后机会就少了哦~~好想念以前参加比赛的日子啊!你要加油哦!这篇是基于高一课文写的,其实课本也是很好的演讲材料哦!


Good morning/ afternoon/ evening, everyone.

I'm going to share with you regarding to the benefits of learning English.

English is an international language. English is used for communication by people who do not speak the same language.

It helps us to meet and communiate with people from other countries.

Besides, it also broaden our opportunities such as studying overseas and travelling abroad.

Apart from that, someone who knows more languages will get higher chance to be employed especially English which enable one to help in expanding the business internationally.

English is generally considered to be second language to Chinese in the number of people who speak the language.

In facts, there are many English speakers in the world and of course many people are currently learning English.

Although I'm not good at English, I have discovered the benefits of learning English.

Thus, I will put more efforts in learning English so that I may able to travel abroad using the international language.





















Some people think that journalists should report negative news, their opinions are that, firtly, negative news are the real truths, and truth should be given to people. And secondly, negative news, on some level, can educate people and make people introspect. Howere, other people consider is undesirable for journalists to report something negative. They think negative news are often very bloody, cruel(残酷的), abominable(反感的)and negatively effect. In my opinion, negative news should be baned(禁止)to children, and limitative to adults. Because I think some of such news do educate people and maybe some times they can cancel someone's bad idea which is still in his/her mind. I don't think some of the news are necessary such as the hanging of Sadarm, which is too ruthless(残忍的) and political. We have no business with that, if we have, it's just about the war and the peace. In a word, negative news should be classed(分类,限制).


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