
My hometown的演讲稿

08月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语演讲:My dream]Dreams are the wind for our sails on the ocean. Dreams kindle a flame to illuminate our dark roads. Dreams are the armor for our fragile hearts. Martin Luther K...+阅读

My hometown的演讲稿

Green-colored sunshine shining though soft leaves, all the green days in the growth rings' telling legend to the future and the past. These green hopes in the Olympic rings are just like warm hugs and brilliant haloes under the blue sky of Beijing. As the 29th Olympic Game which is held in Beijing is coming up soon, every citizen in our city is a messenger of green Olympic, we love our city and care more and more about our environment. In those lovely smiling face, I'm touched deeply for all the efforts we make. I can see the grassland is greener; the blue sky is beautiful and clean, and every little tree is growing happily in warm and gentle breeze. This is my hometown, this is beautiful Beijing, and there place the Green Olympic hopes on.Thinking about a few years ago, when I saw the taxonomic dustbin in our community for the first time, the Green Olympic made no difference in my mind. I just regarded it as an interesting way to sort garbage. But when a few days later I raised my hands high up and was eager to be a member of "the Communist Youth League's EPD group", I told myself firmly, "It's a great way to make contribution to the 2008's Beijing." Maybe this is why I have that much passion on this great action. In the following months, we have activities such as picking up all the plastic things which are surrounded our school together with our teacher. We were all very excited about this meaningful thing. We also set up special dustbins for used batteries, so that we can both pollute less and recycle more. When seeing all the plastics and the batteries were carried on the truck which was going to the recycle factory to handle these things, we were all very happy about it. Everyone forgot all the hardness. To let the dream of" Green Beijing" come true, all of us should give a hand. "I've do something great for you Beijing," What a great sentence!And at the same time, the actions of protecting the environment are going on, too. My father changed all the taps in my family into saving-water ones, and all the water we use are recycled for at least 2 or 3 times. I always can hear this ad on CRI, it says, "5 million children died each year, just for the drinking water." So, help us to make the world safer. Although my actions are rather small, but I think with all of you guys help, there will be a strong power.The color green gives the Olympic Game a deeper meaning, green is in flowers, grasslands and in trees; Green is in the sky, in the earth and in the sunshine. But to my opinion, green's also in our minds, in our smiles and in the great love.Once in an activity which was to plant trees for the community, every planter got a card to hang out on the tree with writing a few meaningful words. Do you know I have written what? That is:"Happy growing!""Happy growing!" To every little tree in our green dreams."Happy growing!" To The changing Beijing!"Happy growing!" To The green Olympics bud in every citizen's heart! It'll turn out sweet 3 years later in 2008!


我爱我的家乡---五常。从孩童时他就伴我快乐的成长!当我饱经风霜,历经沧桑,回到了久别的家乡,他又做了我坚实的臂膀,宽阔的胸膛;让我依*,使我坚强! 五常是全国知名的大粮仓,一个美丽富饶的鱼米之乡!如一位沧桑极富内涵的诗人的诗行,平素得不炫耀也不张扬,没有华丽的词藻,却让你为之倾倒! 我爱家乡的一草一木,我爱家乡的山山水水。我更爱家乡的父老乡亲!爱他们的质朴敦厚,爱他们的诚实善良,爱他们的智慧和力量! 家乡最富盛名的景致当属凤凰山和龙凤山,虽没有名山大川的气势雄浑,磅礴壮观,秀丽迤旎。可他却以质朴清秀,脱颖而出,毫无娇柔之气更为真实亲切。 凤凰山,春来新绿遍野,如雾如烟,那可人的绿色呼之欲出,象要流淌一般,百卉千芳,竞相争妍,蜂来蝶舞,往来翩跹。

盛开的杜鹃花如跳动的火焰,掩映在苍松翠柏之间,鸟语花香。曲径通幽处百泉涌生,泉挂石岩之上,成瀑布清流,虽不声势浩大轰然壮观,却灵动富有诗意,别有韵致。骄阳烈日下挣脱山岩的怀抱,带着清凉带着清新,不急不缓地,似流淌似飘落,如草原上热情的洁白的哈达欢迎八方来客,向你舞动着好似是欢迎您的到来,让人感觉格外的亲切! 夏季更是苍翠娇艳,浓墨重彩,装束适宜,宛如美艳不俗的女子。这里山野菜、蘑菇、山梨、山里红、野果、山葡萄满山遍野皆是,象是装满了种类繁多的山珍野味的一个天然大仓库。 秋来硕果累累,缤纷绚丽,色彩斑斓。 冬季银装素裹,玉树琼花,雪满山中,月明松静。这春夏秋冬象你眼前的四副山水画,美得会让你赞不绝口。

龙凤山,山环水抱,山水相依,青山映于绿水,绿水环着青山,相映成趣。水面如湖宽广又如江之浩荡,波光鳞鳞,闪闪烁烁,使人相见顿时清清爽爽,心旷神怡。这潺潺流淌的清凉哺育着万亩良田,浇灌出稻花飘香,收获着滚滚金色的稻浪。水下又是各类鱼虾的水府洞天,鱼肥水美,一年四季取之不尽,这不是正是富有所在吗! 龙凤山,山水相连,象一对亲密的情侣,山象男人,朴实健壮,有坚实臂膀和铁一样的脊梁,那水好象是温柔秀气的女子,明眸皓齿,没有娇柔作造,稳重而大方。 这里的山水才是真实美丽的山水画,岸边垂钓的人们尽情悠哉的享受其中之乐,乘船游览时,可观红涯碧水,真是舟行碧波上,人在画中游啊。忘情欣赏感叹之余,山水共景,又与游人同入画卷。

凤凰山和龙凤山之美有着相近却不相同之处,龙凤山如同质朴温柔,情意绵绵的一对情侣相畏相依,凤凰山挺拔俊秀,翠绿间远山含雪,有着惊艳绝伦,似一位才华出众,飘逸不群的文人隐仕,那神态超凡脱俗,仙风道骨。它们的相近处就是四季四景美妙却炯然不同,但都会同样的深深吸引着你的。 家乡的山山水水美不胜举,我不是画家,无法用画笔勾勒,描绘、渲染出这山水的真实和美好。我不是诗人,无法用准确、生动、美妙的语言去描写去赞誉它!我纵然是摄影师,也无法用快门儿来记录下处处充满的美好,时时变换的景致。但我是五常人,这些美好让我感受至深,那山水间的朴实,厚重、纯朴和美好就象我家乡的人们,我怎能不爱我的家乡!我怎能不为我的家乡建设,发热发光,再创辉煌!


家乡 身在家乡,会被家乡的美好所陶醉,宛如一涓涓流水。身在异乡,回想起家乡的风景,心中似一颗石子落入平静的湖中,激起一片涟漪,把你和家乡融在了一起。我的家乡吉林市在美丽的松花江畔,我爱我的家乡,我的家乡风景独好。 春来了,松花江,你就是一道风景。江面的水又如昔日充满活力地舞动起来,你是那么有生机,那么健壮有力,谁的清澈是你的心灵,胜过人世间最美丽的水晶石,映出美丽的蓝天,反射出妩媚的阳光,似一滴洌泉滴在心上,在享受美好世界的同时清凉到底。江上的水鸟们啊!你们身躯在江面与天空之间留下美丽的曲线,描绘出一幅激情泗溢的春之舞,那么婀娜,那么沁人心脾。 夏姑娘也纷踏而至,松花湖上的五虎岛,你就是一道风景!夏日骄阳并没有丝毫地损伤你,你仍屹立在松花湖上,你的神奇源自于你那美丽的传说,它使你在真实的岛上披上了一层神秘面纱,使人可望而不可即。

在热烈的夏日里,你敞开了你的胸怀,接来许许多多游人,成为避暑胜地,你的一切已给夏日降了温,让我们记住你的名字和你那健壮的躯体。 浪漫的秋也来到了,龙潭山上的枫叶林,你就是一道风景。秋风拂过,见你懒洋洋地舒了舒筋骨,你的叶红得鲜艳,红色透亮,我不禁要用手掬你的红。成千上百的枫叶相互依靠着,连我的脸都被它映红了,你宛如孔雀开屏,时不时还抖动着你那美丽的红叶。我明白了,因为你,多少名人作家在笔下流泄出无穷的秒句佳章;因为你,让多少人懂得如何陶醉;因为你,又让多少艺术家创造出无尽的美。可爱、可亲、可敬的枫叶林,让美丽的吉林都市又多了一条靓丽的风景线。 白雪飘飘,飘出了浪漫温馨的冬之韵。冬天来到了,松花江畔的雾凇,你就是一道风景,放眼望去,干枯的树枝穿上你为他们量身定做的冬天的棉袄,整个松花江让你们雪得洁白。

忘不了你那清柔的身躯,把树枝装扮得透亮;忘不了你那洁白的颜色,把多少人的心灵升华;忘不了你那清高风度,美丽的你把世俗鄙弃,如守护天堂大门的天使,从头到脚全是高洁的,是那么可望而不可即。有多少游客的到来是特意观赏你的美丽!我多么想掬捧清柔的月光,来和你比一比。 家乡的风景美不胜收,尽在眼底,这多姿的风景我已倾诉与你,等待着你的脚步,来体会这如仙境般的美丽


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