

08月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[好好做人,好好生活感恩父母演讲稿]同学们,在这个世界上,在成功者的队伍里面,很多人并不见得很聪明,在失败者的队伍里面很多人并不见得愚笨。九象网23: .9xwang.其实,有一样东西比聪明的脑袋更重要,那就是人的心灵和...+阅读

你好, qqyhlxtx 强烈推荐!从演讲的感染力而言,该文不愧是难得的佳作。渗透了作者的所思所想,深刻的生活经历,希望能帮你一臂之力。祝成功!To be a Good Man Once upon a time, we asked ourselves - are you going to be a good man or a bad man? All movies, and all novels are telling the story again and again about how important it is to be basically good, and how to be good. It seems to be a question that have absolute right answer. However, it is not that easy to answer sometimes.What is Good?Thanks to novelists and artists who hold mirror for the society and people can see themselves, and get a better sense. I'd like to thank people to show us the story of Romeo and Juliet. When we read the story, everything thinks he/she will be on the side of Juliet, and Romeo. The fact is not.I seriously doubt with the limited information I get, I would be one of the people vote against their marriage if I were born in the age of the story. So whenever I saw a negative story on newspaper, and everyone reading the story will be angry, I start to think, well, there is possibility that we are the angry people in the Juliet and Romeo story. The worst thing is, you may never have a chance to know that you are wrong.The Romeo and Juliet of the Current Age A story gave me strong impression. It was a sad story, something like Juliet and Romeo story. Meanwhile, it is a true story.The story is about two persons falling into love. One of them is a super star in Hong Kong. They deeply love each other, but the public does not allow them to be together. The public, everyone, thinks it is not proper for them to love each other. They found every single chance to meet, and to stay together, despite all the media negative reports, and huge pressure from their families and friends.Finally, one of them just jumped from the top of the building at April 1, 2003, and died. The whole Chinese world was shocked about the death of the super star...If the story ends here, readers will say, why stop them, why not them follow their love? It seems we would not be part of "the public" in the story. Think twice... Are you so sure?The man is Leslie Cheung 张国荣. His partner is also a man....We are not that Sure In the story, when we hide the names, and more importantly, when we hide their gender, people would say one thing. After the how story is revealed, we are not that sure.Not every story is told in its logic order. Not everyone can get enough information from newspaper. We are in the same situation in my daily life. Our story is not told in a way that we see in movies. In movies, or novels, when person A talked with person B, and it will show you what happened after person A left B, and show you again what A and B talked when they met again. If we are the B in real life, because of the absence of the part between the two meet up, we never be able to act fairly. When this happens, B may be a bad guy in A's eyes. That is how this world works.To be Fair, To be Good I have made up my mind to be a good man. It means you need to do your homework to understand others, and don't take it granted for not understood.Knowing that we are only part of the story, and can only see part o f this world, I believe we can form a better idea about this world.


关于感恩的演讲稿做人与感恩尊敬的各位评委,各位老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好!我叫FANWEN51,下面开始我今天的演讲立人之本,感恩为先。 首先,我想给大家说一个人,她的名字叫做小悦悦。您没有听错,我要是说的是那...

关于诚信做人的演讲稿尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们大家上午好: 我是高二九班的xxx,今天我演讲的题目是《勤奋学习,诚信做人》。 在高中的学习生活中大家或多或少都会感到累。有的人因为懒惰,放任自己;...

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升旗仪式演讲稿关于初二即将步入初三应该充满自信好好学习奋发亲爱的老师们,同学们好,我国旗下讲话的内容是“如何应对初三生活” 在我心中,初三生活就是一部交响曲。它演奏着生活琴弦上的一个个音符,使生命的旋律变得丰富而多彩。它无时无...


一份关于新学期新面貌学生应好好学习天天向上的初三班主任演讲稿急需一篇2000字的国旗下演讲稿大约可以读5分钟管乐就要考试激:同学们: 大家好!一个漫长的暑假已过去,迎来的是一个美好的秋天。在这丹桂飘香,金秋收获的季节里,新的一学期又开始了...
