

08月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[红领巾广播第一期推普周广播稿]红领巾广播第一期推普周广播稿 甲:老师们、同学们 合:大家上午好! 乙:红领巾广播又开播了。 甲:今天的广播有三大版块,一是《今日话题》,与大家聊聊“普通话”,进行“推普周”的宣...+阅读


Notice there will be held a very useful seminor for you in our school,the topic is about how to "inprove the ability to study English". when:15th october at 3pm where:assembly hall in our school host:teacher ChenJun just come back from America guest:all of students and teachers and i hope all of you can come on time and participate this activity you will get something you need,i bet you will be satisfied with this seminor,let us looking forward to your coming....


Time: May of May of 2004, 7:30 on Saturday ----9:30

Place: The hall speaker of cultural center

Speaker: American professor Iycidro content of TV university of Shenzhen

Content: American Indians and U.S.A.'s history.

Material circumstance: Must ask the friend or classmate outside school to participate in, don't be late. Write a piece of impressions after finishing hearing.


I major in nursing. I think in the future, I will find a specialized nursing occupation. Although my study is not very good, but I will work hard, work hard for my dream.I want to be a nurse, which is my dream when I was a child. If I really become a nurse, I will take care of each patient, not to discriminate against them.I am very confident about the future, I will not give up halfway.



开学第一期红领巾广播稿开学第一期红领巾广播稿 音乐《开篇曲》【甲】尊敬的老师、亲爱的新同学、老同学【乙】 你们好!红领巾广播开始啦!【甲】我是四(2)中队的钱昕瑶【乙】我是四(1)中队的朱中意【甲】...

开学第一期广播稿开学第一期红领巾广播稿 音乐响:《少年先锋队队歌》 一、开场白:A:敬爱的老师们!B:亲爱的同学们!合:大家好!校园之声又和大家见面了。A:我是节目主持人----B:我是节目主持人----(音乐)合...

为了女生节我们学院举办了一个讲化妆和穿衣打扮的讲座求主持词标题礼仪父母,长辈不能满足他的名字,使用标准的电话。 2,哥哥,弟弟,姐姐,妹妹,甚至没有姓的名字的呼叫。 二,问候礼仪父母,长辈问候致意,根据不同的时间和地点,使用不同的问候语。 1,早...

小明得了白血病请你为他写募捐大会发言稿各位党员、团员、工会会员、员工、全体女职工们:你们好! 拥有健康和快乐是我们每个人的梦想。当我们和朋友高歌、放声欢笑的时候;当我们和家人团聚、共享天伦的时候;当我们努力...

假设你是学校英语广播站的播音员请你根据以下内容写一篇播Good afternoon. This is school radio station.Here is the news.A car accident just happened recently.On Tuesday,November 23rd,a student called Linda was walking...


我们要举办一个英语演讲比赛题目是机遇与挑战谁能给个演讲稿参我们要举办一个英语演讲比赛题目是机遇与挑战谁能给个演讲稿参,抓住机遇创新发展演讲400字:Opportunities and challenges with the coming of globalization Globalization i...

为了女生节我们学院举办了一个讲化妆和穿衣打扮的讲座主持词女生节女生在行动策划书:标题礼仪父母,长辈不能满足他的名字,使用标准的电话。 2,哥哥,弟弟,姐姐,妹妹,甚至没有姓的名字的呼叫。 二,问候礼仪父母,长辈问候致意,根据不同的时间和地点,...

要小学生英语广播主持台词运动会广播稿快:No Shofu the autumn, wild geese to the vast sky, no Feixue the winter, Zhanuanhaihan. High winds overnight Diao Bishu, Diao youth can not be immor...
