

08月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[一篇英语演讲稿]Believed oneself will believe tomorrow friend, when you will win, you will be filling joyful and the fervor. Friend, when you are defeated, your surface brings...+阅读



Life in the future

Nowadays,whether you like it or not,there is an unextremely fact that the world we live in had change a great deal in the last decade,with the development of modern science and society,as the view of students,the changing included two aspects which are nature science and social scince.

The changing in the nature science which develop rasingly consist of science and technology at least.In the aspect of science, paticularly in the theoretic physics,the changing mainely include relativity funded by Einstein and quantum mechanics funded by Erwin Schrödinger and Heisenberg each of them shocks the building of prefect classical physics funded by Newton whose theoretic is accpted by everyone continuous several century.And the changing in the technology is reform too,such as automobiles and computers changing our fashion daly lives.

The development in social science is rapedly too whose representation make our society more harmony and cevilizational ,make our life happier make our surronding peace like Eden .


Our life has filled the significance, is bored when you has friend'saccompanying, is injured when you has the family member to protect, tohave teacher's concern, under theirs care, our health joyfully grows,I extremely satisfy me now the life. If you had not realized the lifethe joy, that explained you do not have truly have tasted the life. 我们的生活充满了意义,在你无聊时有朋友的陪伴,在你受伤时有亲人的呵护、有老师的关怀,在他们的关心下,我们健康快乐地成长,我非常满足我现在的生活。如果你们还没体会到生活的快乐,那说明你们还没真正地去品尝过生活。

一篇关于my life的英语演讲稿!150个单词左右

new high school life is both exciting and challenging for me. first, i'm in a new environment with my new teachers and new classmates. many of them are all from top middle schools in the area. i'm so excited to meet them all. the new school building is designed creatively and attractively. i loved it . my new teachers are nice and them teach very weel. they are always willing to answer my questions at the end of the class. second, i have to take some new subjects and choose some subjects myself. i liked that because it gives students freedom and i can develop more in my areas of interest. third, i'm glad to join into some of the clubs and activities in my school. they are very interesting and i could learn more social experience through those activities. i'm proud to be in this new school and i wish that i can unleash my potential and achieve my best in this school.


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