

09月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语演讲比赛开场白]One night after a big dinner Scarecrow and Martian went for a walk. “Very strange!” said Scarecrow”. The lights are on in every house on this street.” “Yes...+阅读


你好, 可能我的不能令你满意,但请借鉴,多多包容 When the autumn is approaching, the leaves turn yellow, the earth turns cold, but we will never feel lonely, because we are together, having a heated English competation together, to fight with the cold weather and the bad atomosphere。 When we think about English, we know it is a language, we may think of foreigners, because they can speak English more fruently than us。 But I don't believe this, we can do better, we Chinese can do better, we students from Class 2 Grade 6 can do better! We will look forward to your performance, to improve our English skills, to show a brand new yourself。 Now I must say the English Competation begins! Now please welcome xxx 。。。。。。 接下来的自己加加就行了 。


Good afternoon,teachers and students.I'm very honoured to be the host of today's competition and give the opening speech to all of you. Firstly,thank you for coming to the competition. In today's show., there are 28 contestants from different Classes of grade one. I hope we can express ourselves on the stage in English.And I think we can exchange experiences of how to learn English.These experiences will be very useful for the students.So I hope we'll all make good use of this opportunity to improve ourselves.


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