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[中英文双语圣诞晚会主持词](中英文双语)圣诞晚会主持词 ××年圣诞晚会主持词中英文双语 ⒈, 男:十二年历经磨厉,我们带着微笑走过风雨。 女:十二年秋实春华,我们播下真情收获太阳。 男:我们同舟共济,走过十二...+阅读


a:now,ladies and gentlemen ,are you ready? both:let's begin our grand christmas party. b:The new year is around the corner, I would like to extend my new year's greetings to all my guests and wish everyone good health and happiness. a:yeah!The new year is a time of new beginnings and new hopes for the future. I hope that every one of you find yourself more prosperous and more content with each passing day this year. b:but now,please enjoy yourselves.Tonight,we will have a fantastic celebration of the good friendship and good spirits that can last not only a year, but a life time. a:Have a wonderful evening everybody. both:Merry Christmas!...


刚才帅哥们的表现不俗! 我想现在轮到我们班的美女来闪亮登场了! 下面有请张佳, 她为大家带来一首! Just now, these handsome boys did a good job! Now I think it is time for a beauty to come here. Let's invite Zhangjia to sing a song :>. 下面, 请欣赏诗朗诵, 表演者: 苏小兰. Next, please enjoy a poem recitation,recited by Su Xiaolan. 多么美妙的诗歌啊! 接下来我们邀请几位同学做个有趣的游戏:How beautiful the poem is! Then, we will invite several people to play a game:. 今天是圣诞节,现在让我们再来听听关于圣诞节的一些动人故事吧! Today is Christmas Day! Now we will listen to some moving Christmas Stories! 下面欣赏女声独唱&l t;>, 表演者:王丽 And then let's enjoy a female solo>performer: Wangli. 最后, 让我们来看看安老师给我们带来了什么样的惊喜? At last, let's see what Mr. An bring us! Maybe a surprise! 现在让我们签名留念! 请在这里留下你的名字, 让历史记录下这精彩的瞬间! Now, please sign your name on this red cloth! Make history remember the wonderful moment! 时间过地真快了,不知不觉我们晚会接近尾 声! 现在让我们一同唱响这首>! 再次感谢各位佳宾的到来! 祝各位老师和同学: 圣诞节快乐! 身体健康! 万事如意! How time flies! Our party is coming to the end without perceiving. Now let's sing this songtogether. Thanks for coming again! Bless teachers and students: Merry Christmas! To be healthy! And everything goes smoothly! Thank you! 答案补充 当然这是不行的!因为节目不可能一样!但是有的可以用!更多你去找!


开场白:齐:Hello,everyone! 男1:now,ladies and gentlemen ,are you ready? 齐:let's begin our grand christmas party. 女1:The new year is around the corner, I would like to extend my new year's greetings to all my guests and wish everyone good health and happiness. 女2:yeah!The new year is a time of new beginnings and new hopes for the future. I hope that every one of you find yourself more prosperous and more content with each passing day this year. 男2:but now,please enjoy yourselves. Tonight,we will have a fantastic celebration of the good friendship and good spirits that can last not only a year, but a life time. 男1:Have a wonderful evening everybody. 齐:Merry Christmas!


Lastly, please enjoy the chorus and English poems performed by…

因为相聚,让我们分享了这快乐的时光,因为圣诞,让我们承载无尽的祝福。敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们,让我们真心地祝愿:Marry Christmas!圣诞快乐!愿圣诞老人把我们今晚许下的所有心愿一一实现。我们明年再见!!

Dear teachers and schoolmates, let's finally wish you all a merry Christmas and happy new year! May Santa Claus make all our dreams come true. See you next year! Good night!



求主持圣诞晚会的英文主持台词谢谢!a:now,ladies and gentlemen ,are you ready? both:let's begin our grand christmas party. b:The new year is around the corner, I would like to extend my new year's...

我今晚搞个班上的圣诞晚会请各位父老乡亲帮忙解决主持台词开场词 女:夜色阑珊、流光溢彩 男:星河灿烂、圣诞祝福,亲爱的各位来宾、各位朋友 女:女士们、先生们 合:大家晚上好! 女:圣诞佳节喜相逢,平安之夜欢乐多! 男:今天我们在圣诞之际,相约**...

大学晚会主持人台词谁给我想下春天有哪些好句子能用在大会开始之前主持人的串词上:春之声 听,这是春的声音,活象童话里的仙女,挥动着衣袖,留下那暖洋洋的风,那么舒服,那么柔和,沐浴在这种气息里,闻听着...

圣诞晚会主持人台词!圣诞晚会主持开场白:开场词 女:夜色阑珊、流光溢彩 男:星河灿烂、圣诞祝福,亲爱的各位来宾、各位朋友 女:女士们、先生们 合:大家晚上好! 女:圣诞佳节喜相逢,平安之夜欢乐多! 男:今天我...

公司晚会经典主持人台词唱歌比赛主持稿:主持人的开场一定要和活动的主题相契合,精彩的文案只有扣住主题思想才能发挥出最大的魅力所在。 例如,您的主题是跨越,是征服,是挑战,展现的是雄心和霸气,那么您的...

主持圣诞晚会的英文主持台词谢谢!圣诞晚会英语主持词:a:now,ladies and gentlemen ,are you ready? both:let's begin our grand christmas party. b:The new year is around the corner, I would like to ex...

学校迎新晚会的主持人台词份学校迎新晚会的开幕词和闭幕词:开场白: 甲:新年的钟声即将敲响,时光的车轮又留下了一道深深的印痕。伴随着冬日里温暖的阳光,2004年元旦如约而至; 乙:在这一刻,我们已经感受到了春...

英语晚会主持人台词关于英文主持台词:不用担心,别紧张.注意调节气氛,相信你一定行的. 其实不难,两人主持的话,最好事先练一下配合. 一般开头跟结尾事先准备一下比较好,中间的过度词的话即兴发挥更好....
