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[谁能提供关于煤气抄表员岗位竞聘的演讲稿]前提是你必须对这些修改下才能用到你的工作演讲稿里 首先要说明,工作是一件需要理智的事情,所以不要在工作上耍个性,天涯上或许会有人觉得你很有个性而叫好,煤气公司电话公司不...+阅读


Good morning (afternoon)! Today, I wanna talk about how to prevent students' cheating in exams. First of all, in order to stop students from cheating, we have to know the reasons why they cheat. Generally speaking, there is a prevailing reason concerned. It is that, not working hard during the term, they are enforced to get high scores in exams.

In this sense, we may take following three measures to prevent students' cheating in exams. First, we are supposed to enable students perceive the exams right. Put another way, the exams are just the investigation of what u know and to what extent u know them, the score of which is not so vital for your following study. It is just an examination. Second, students should bear in mind that in order to get a satisfiable score in exams, they should exert efforts every day, and accumulate knowledge step by step. Remember that Roma was not built in a day. So, just study hard every day and if then, cheating in exams will be eradicated. Last but not least, a corresponding penalty policy should be established. Penalty policy to cheaters in exams is as laws to criminals in society. As the presence of laws can effectively prevent crimes happening in society, the proper penalty policy may prevent students' cheating in exams efficiently.

In summary, the first and foremost thing we are supposed to know is that cheating is bad virtue for yourselft and does harm to those who are invovled. Furthermore, teachers should also play a dispensible role here that they should guide students' behavior in exams. Hence, only cooperation between teachers and students could tackle this problem well.

Thank u for your listening and any questions are welcome.

助一篇英语演讲稿题目为 How to Develop Students Interest in

How to Develop Students' Interest in learning English? A very good morning/afternoon/evening to you all,everybody.Here I am honored to share my ideas about how to develop students' interest in learning English.As we all know,spoken throughtout the world and regarded as the official language by most countries,English is of great importance and help in communication.Every student is supposed to master it during their schoolings.Hower,as a matter of fact, not all students can do so,though they have made every effort.What's wrong?The interest,which matters a lot in English learning. Interest is the key to the success of English learning.But how to develop the students' interest?Let's do the following.First of all,as teachers,we should try to make our classes lively and enjoyable and not just teach our students in a boring way.We can tell some jokes and fantastic stories to warm them up.Seond,watch some English movies with homourous factors,such as the Kung Fu Panda.Our students can achieve a lot as well as enjoy the movies.Third,organize some activities related to English where our students can have fun.Teaching is not only itself but also playing.

英语演讲题目为How to study。2分钟左右

HOW to study English!

English is the most important language in the world, spoken by more than a billion people. English nowadays is widely used in science, business, the media and popular culture. Besides,English is one of the most important subjects in junior high so we should learn it well.Learning English just like learning other language, is hard work so we should spend lots of time on it every day. We should have good ways of learning English, such as listen to the teacher carefully,review what is learned regularly, prepare each lesson carefully before class, do our homework carefully, copy good sentences and recite them and attend English debbates and speech contests. What's more,it is very useful to listen to English programs and read English magazines and books. When we make mistakes, correct them at once. Don't be shy of asking others for help when we have difficulties. I believe" practice makes perfect". I am sure if we study hard, we will learn English well



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