

10月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[母亲节英语演讲稿]My dear friends, Do you know what is the most precious and everlasting thing in the world ?Money?You may lose everything you he if you don't use money carefull...+阅读


Mothers Friends and lovers may come and go, but mothers are forever as you know! Mothers love you good or bad, My mothers the very best freind,I've ever had. There is nothing more precious on earth, other than the day when she gave birth. No matter how far away or so near, your the one that I hold so dear! Now there's only one more thing to say... happy...Happy...Happy Mothers Day!!!! Betty Jean Walters Mum. I wish for the hugs I'll never get, I wish for the memories with no regrets. I wish for the advice I will never hear, I wish for your strength in time of fear. I wish for you all the time, I wish for tissues when I cry. I wish for all this and more, I wish for your courage whenever I fall. I wish for you whom I know best, I wish for you I don't forget. Tara Lee Motherwell


Thank mother for her love

Mom , I wish to tell you that .Mom, here I would like to say thank you to you! Thank you for the upbringing of TU, I would also like to say Road, you have worked hard for that I thank you for running hard.

Parents, as I have for you Pearl, I want to put in the hands of, dare not be too hard to grasp, for fear of crumb; also too afraid to shake loose, afraid of falling on the ground. In this way, I am your health care under the joy of growth. Mom, I want to tell you thank you!Because every time you by my frustration, told me that encouraged me, "Failure is the mother of success", not discouraged, to continue their efforts will succeed one day.Words to encourage me, this went to the courage of my body.However, if the parents did not love you, my life would be a lonely.If I do not have the same sense of joy, everything will be in vain. You busy, and sometimes overlooked in our care.

Mom , you always had time for education, wealth is not the most important, and sometimes knowledge is not the most important and sometimes can not be the most important thing, if I do not have ideals, my life would be darkness.Mom , you do not own success when you visit his line, failed when not to be discouraged, everyone is unique, has been buried in my heart, your love will always be with me.




Thanksgiving during the week of Mother's Day,I would like to write the words to my mun ,

mum, your efforts, you expection, only for our healthy growing up and living.

Mum, you take the trouble, but leave love to us.

mum, you are not only give me life, but only give me a colorful life.

mum, maybe you do not remember Mother's Day.

but be your son or daughter, I will never forget the Day.

Special week ,Mother's Day, for all the mums, you are given so much, wish you healthy and happy for ever!

Mother is the greatest creature in the world. She gives us our lives and devotes her whole life and the deepest love to us. I love my mother, and this love is undescribable. My mother is not an ordinary woman , She's intelligence.

回答者:萍mm - 首席执行官 十四级 5-18 08:37


hello ,everyone

Today I am really very happy to stand here to express my appreaction to my dear parents .First,I want to say thank you to my mom and dad .Without you, I would not enjoy such a colorful life.You both love me for ever and never leave me alone when I was in trouble.Thank you.Mom and dad ,thank you. When I was in my hard time ,you are my tender sunshine which encourages me to hold on and never give up. And now I am too excited .I don't know how to express my true feeling with limited words.what I know is that without you my life will be ajourney filled with endless suffering and mistress. Thank you.


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