

10月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[英语演讲比赛主持稿]主持人 一、 Good afternoon,everyone,my honoured teachers and my fellow students.Im very pleased to be the hostess for todays petition ,to give the opening speech...+阅读


To be what i am


开头可以用一个Sotry引出为什么要to be what i m, 然后点

1. to be myself, a negative me, and positive me.主要说说明一个真实的自己,无论是自己的优点 还是自己的自私的一面,那是一个真实的你。

2. to take your responsibility,这部分讲成长。可以列举你和父母之间的故事,你对自己的责任,对父母的责任,延伸到对未来,对社会的责任。可以泛谈。

3. to cherish what you have. 珍惜眼前所拥有的生命,时间,青春,朋友之类的。




Social Responsibility Therapy for Adolescents and Young Adults: A Multicultural Treatment Manual for Harmful Behavior is a crucial treatment manual that can be used by mental health professionals whose caseload includes a multicultural population of adolescents and young adults who exhibit multiple forms of harmful behavior. This unique therapy enhances relapse prevention in harmful behavior treatment by addressing the target behavior problem, negative social influence problem, and dose-response problem, along with acknowledging that harmful behavior is multicultural and addressing the key criticisms of multicultural therapy through a theory-driven treatment approach that utilizes methods and procedures from existing evidence-based treatments with known multicultural applications. Social Responsibility Therapy for Adolescents and Young Adults: A Multicultural Treatment Manual for Harmful Behavior provides a comprehensive explanation of Social Responsibility Therapy, its advantages, and the intervention evidence-base for multiple forms of harmful behavior. This text discusses in detail the multicultural intervention approach, its rationale, and content. Implementation methods and treatment protocol are explored. The book includes illustrated case studies, tables, figures, and references to additional available readings.


Good afternoon, my dear teachers and schoolmates! I'm so excited to stand here to express myself. Let me introduce myself first. My name's XX, the monitor of class 3 grade 2. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to improve my English. Today my topic is “responsibility”. I think everyone should have the good nature of responsibility. He or she should responsible for himself or herself、for his or her family and for all of the society. As the precious gift of life from the nature, one should be responsible for himself or herself. That means we have no rights to waste our lives. We have no rights to waste our talent. Only we can do is to do our best to let our lives as splendid as possible. Most of us may ever heard of the story of a Chinese boy, Hong Zhanhui. Without parents, he had to earn enough money to raise his little sister even if he was only 13 years old. In one of his reports, he said that he realized he should be responsible for his sister even he was too young to know what was the exact meaning of responsibility. So, what is responsibility? I think responsibility means love---love my parents, love my sisters and brothers, love my friends and be willing to do everything for them. And it also means devotion---devote my every effort to make the world well. As a nursing school student, to be responsible for the society means many things for me. From my point of view, responsibility is a smile to the patient---a smile from my heart to make the patient relax. Responsibility is to be with the patient---even though he or she may have little time in the world. When the patient needs , I always come at once and to do my best to reduce his or her pain, fear and nervous…… Responsibility is a mirror, it reflects what is important to you. Responsibility is a star, it guards you to finish your task perfectly. Responsibility is also a key, it opens a door for you to a splendid life! That's all. Thanks for you attention! 下午好,我亲爱的老师和同学!我很兴奋地站在这里来表达自己。

我先说明一下我自己。我的名字叫X X班的班长 三年级。谢谢你给了我一个机会来提高我的英语水平。今天我演讲的主题是“责任”。 我认为每个人都应该有良好的自然的责任。他或她应该自己负责,因为他或她的家庭和所有的社会。 生命中的珍贵礼物一样的自然,人们应该为自己负责。这意味着我们没有权利去浪费生命。我们没有权利去浪费我们的天赋。只有我们能做的就是尽力让我们尽可能的辉煌。 大多数人都听说过这个故事的中国男孩,洪战辉。没有父母,他不得不挣得足够的钱来提高他的小妹妹,即使他只有13岁。在他的报告,他说他已经意识到他必须负责他的妹妹甚至他太年轻,不知道什么是正确的意思的责任。 那么,什么是责任吗?我认为责任意味着爱—-爱情我的父母,爱我的兄弟姐妹,我爱我的朋友,愿意为他们所做的每件事。

这也意味着,-devote之努力使我的世界。 作为一个学生,护理学校负责本行政区域内的社会意味着很多东西。从我的观点来看,责任是一个微笑,微笑的病人——一个来自我的心,让病人放松。职责是与病人——何人他或她可能有更多的时间,在世界上。当这个病人需要时,我总是马上过来,要尽力减少他或她的痛苦、恐惧和紧张…… 责任是一面镜子,它反映了什么对你很重要。是一个明星,它负责守卫你完成你的任务。责任也是的关键,它为你敞开大门,灿烂的人生! 那就好了。谢谢你的关注!


As teenagers, we are going through the most beautiful period of our lifetime. Yet youth is not merely a period of time, but a state of mind. If we compare our childhood to the spring of a year, then youth must be the most energetic season-----summer. For all of us, every minute and second counts in this wonderful season. And while we enjoy ourselves, we should bear in mind the responsibility of youth. Firstly, we should remember that honesty is always the most important character throughout our lifetime. If we choose to make friends with liars, we will have to live life in the endless darkness of crime and guilt. On the contrary, if we stick to honesty and always keep our promise, we will live a bright life in the warm sunshine of happiness and eudemonia. So be honest to your friends as well as the strangers, and enjoy the fragrance of trust. Secondly, kindness is also among treasurable characters for all of us. Whether we are living a rich or poor life, we should be grateful for all we possess. Maybe we do not have large houses to live in; neither do we have enough money to buy the delicious food. But thank goodness, we have beloved family. We have lovely pets. And we have truly friendship. Remember that money is something, but not everything. As long as we have a kind heart and a grateful attitude towards life, we will live with no regret, regardless of our wealth or reputation. So be kind-hearted to all the creatures, and you'll live life to the fullest. Thirdly, the responsibility of youth is to let our dream fly high. We are learning and growing up not only for the good of ourselves, but also for the development of the whole society. We have inherited wonderful cultures and heritages from our ancestors. And now it is our turn to carry on making progress to match the glorious past. It's a tough job, but it is worthy that we devote ourselves to this great improvement.Most importantly, the responsibility of youth is to ensure that we have grown powerful enough to be responsible for ourselves and for the world.


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