

11月14日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[初中英语课代表竞选演讲稿]初中生们想要竞选英语课代表要怎么打动老师和同学们呢?当然是少不了小编为您提供的初中英语课代表竞选演讲稿啦,希望可以帮到你!加油! 初中英语课代表竞选演讲稿(一) 敬爱的...+阅读

大学英语课代表竞选演讲稿英文的 500字

Hello, the students of food science and engineering, the students of politics and public management, and the English teacher of our class. It is great honor and pleasure for me to be there. Now, I announce my campaign tour is beginning.

First, in the front of the classroom standing me who comes from a village of Hubei province, for I could pass the college entrance examination save and sound and become the owner of 122 marks in English test, the appreciation rises up from deep in my heart. Maybe in your eyes, that only by this as capital of my campaign can not gain your acceptation. So here we go!

The English learning tour is long but joyful. And now because we are in Hainan University where is equipped with perfect and useful facilities, I believe we can defeat English. Yes, we can. Because that the teacher who is responsible and full of creation belongs to us. I believe we can spend a cheerful time in our English class. Yes we can. Because the dream on our shoulders, the goals in our hearts, I believe we can pass the four-year time happily and successfully. Yes we can.

Since I am standing here, absolutely all of you can. English learning needs to read, to memorize, but more importantly needs to speak out, speak out! Just like me. Now I am lost in this exciting situation, and once I become the assistant to English teacher. This kind of activity will be conducted frequently. At that time, I hope you could share your own experience with me, and there is no wonder it can contribute to your English.

Classmates! For our English dream, please vote for me!

Believe yourself, believe me. Yes we can, yes I can!


i have a dream that i will be elected as the english class representative

i have a dream that a good english class representative will lead everyone in the class moving towards the greatest success in learning english

i had a dream last night that many of the class mates failed to understand my speech so that i failed to become the english class representative




老师 同学们,大家好!






我说到,一定做到。让那些对英语没兴趣的同学也爱上英语。Believe me,I can do it.


英语课代表竞选演讲稿以下是小编为大家精选的英语课代表竞选演讲稿,希望可以帮到你! 英语课代表竞选演讲稿(一) 敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好!我叫谢沛燃。这次我很荣幸能站在讲台上进行英语科...

竞选英语课代表个人演讲稿敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好!很是初一(4)班的xx,我想竞选的是英语课代表。 很荣幸能站在这里参加班干部的竞选,在此我对大家的支持表示由衷的感谢。 小时候,父亲曾对我说过:做...


大学英语课代表竞选演讲稿英文的 500字谢了Hello, the students of food science and engineering, the students of politics and public management, and the English teacher of our class. It is great honor and...

竞选英语课代表的演讲稿Today I am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of success. What is success? It is what everyone is longing for.Sometimes success would be rather sim...


急求一份竞选英语课代表的演讲稿最好是中英文都有Hello everyone! Today, I stand on this stage as I really like to be the English Rep of this class, to help you all with your learning of English. I am not tryin...

竞选英语课代表的演讲稿怎么写竞选英语课代表的演讲稿怎么写,中学生课代表语文竞聘的演讲稿:各位同学老师,大家好:、 我本人对英语有着浓厚的兴趣,我十分想成为英语课代表,一来是为大家服务,二来是能够以次来促...

大学英语课代表竞选演讲稿英文的大学英语课代表竞选演讲稿英文的,文章演讲稿500字以上针对以下话题:Hello, the students of food science and engineering, the students of politics and public manageme...
