

02月11日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[动物辩论赛作文]盐水泡过的菠萝为什么更好吃? 浙江省金华市 浦江县浦阳三小六三班 张璎珞 我是个充满好奇的女孩,对周围的一切都充满好奇。 我很喜欢吃菠萝,妈妈经常买回来给我吃,每当妈妈切开...+阅读




  The zoo which closes to the road is very loudly.


  The situation of the zoo is bad and the animals would give sickness to human beings.


  The animals lost their wild nature .


  Destroy the balance of nature and biosphere.


  There are germs in tourists' hands,it would result in the animals' disases even death if fed.


  The tourists would throw away the garbages.


1.someone says“to be a class leader will affect one's study results”,what's your opinions about it?

2.speak out your ideas of smoking in public places.

3.what do you think is the most important in a basketball match,a basket,a timer or a coach?

4.when you are faced with a difficult problem,how do you solve it?

5.do you think it is necessary to be unique?

6.what's your understanding of"a friend in need is a friend indeed"?

7.when you are misunderstood by your headmaster or your parents or your friend, what will you do?

8.how do you make best use of your high school life?

9.Is money all powerfull?

10.what's your ideas about campus life?what's your plan?

还有很多 你看行我再帮你写 都是自己的劳动成果哦 以前做评委常提的问题


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