

03月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[“我有一个梦想”的演讲稿]下面分享是以我有一个梦想为主题而写的演讲稿,内容很丰富,大家敬请关注。 每个人都有自己的梦想,也许你的梦想是当一名为人民服务的警察,或是一名能说会道的记者、导游。而我的...+阅读


Dreams are the best wishes of our hearts, we strive for the goal, is our motivation. A dream in life is bright, is wonderful. Everyone has their own dreams heart, but most people feel that their dream is just a dream, it must be like and not illusory and, therefore it buried deep in my heart, not even the ground-breaking opportunity To it, so that the dream how beautiful and fragrant flowers it bears flowers

/ / American Superman, as of Wukong 13:29:01

I think the teacher is very sacred, very great. Is the teacher, the education of a naive child to a respect for teachers, aware of the boy; a teacher, bring a child into a playful inquisitive, a good student strive for excellence. Teachers with the knowledge nectar, the students poured the ideal flowers open, with the heart of the springs run education students in the United States sentiment fruit. If the students compared to the flowers, that teacher is a gardener, teacher leaves the flowers pruning shears, fertilizer, weed and make the flowers grow. If the students lost compared to the lamb, and that the teacher is guiding people who, teachers direction for the students to enable students to clarify their direction. So, my dream is to be a teacher. Teachers to the motherland and the people trained personnel to contribute. A child, I had many dreams, there is a beautiful literary dreams, a colorful star dreams, there are wonderful designers dream. Growing up, I am constantly learning from, and found my real dream, and found that for the motherland and the people to contribute to the dream, that is, as a teacher.

I know, no matter how brilliant it is only words of wisdom and passion of the moment, only to learn the road to success is to open in the flowers. So, I will study hard, work hard to achieve my dream and work hard. I believe that the dream though very far away, but as long as the stick to action to realize there will be one day!



My dream

Since I was young,I have had a dream.And it was that I wanted to be a singer.

When I was a little girl,I saw Machel's promance and since then I loved it. So I have a dream to be a singer.

Although it is hard for me to make it come true,I still try my best to do it. So I will study harder and harder to get more knowledge.And I will also find more time to practise singing.Finally,the most important is keeping my dream whatever others say!

For my dream-to be a singer like Machel ,I will never give up!


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