

04月15日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[校园广播稿谢谢大家急急急急急急急急急急]A:给你的天空画一道绚丽的色彩 B:给你的世界奏一曲动人的歌声 A:大家好,这里是海之音广播 是我主持人xx B 我是xx A:欢迎大家收听今天的节目,一段音乐之后是我们的《校园直通车》...+阅读


主持人: Hello everyone! Welcome to our English broadcast. I'm your host, [Host's Name].

Host: Today, we have a special program prepared for you. We will share some interesting stories, play fun games, and learn some new English words together. Are you ready? Let's get started!

Story Time:

Host: Now, it's time for our story corner. Today, we have a wonderful story called "The Magic Treehouse". It's about two kids who travel through time and have amazing adventures. Are you excited? Let's listen to the story.

Game Time:

Host: After that exciting story, let's play a game called "Word Challenge". I will say a word in English, and you need to guess what it means in Chinese. Are you ready? Here's the first word: "elephant". What does "elephant" mean in Chinese? That's right! It's "大象". Great job, everyone!

Learning Time:

Host: Now, it's time to learn some new English words. Today, we will learn about animals. Repeat after me: "dog", "cat", "rabbit", "bird". Excellent! Keep practicing, and soon you'll be able to speak English fluently.


Host: That's all for today's English broadcast. I hope you enjoyed the stories, games, and learning time. Remember to keep practicing your English every day. See you next time! Goodbye!


主持人: Hello everyone! Welcome to our English broadcast. I'm [Host's Name].

Host: Today, I'm going to introduce myself to all of you in English. My name is [Your Name]. I am in Grade 5. I am ten years old. My favorite subject is English because I love learning new words and speaking with my friends in English.


Host: I have many hobbies. I enjoy reading books, playing soccer, and drawing pictures. I also like listening to music and watching movies. My favorite color is blue, and my favorite food is pizza. What about you? What are your hobbies and favorite things?


Host: Thank you for listening to my self-introduction. I hope we can all become good friends and learn English together. See you next time! Goodbye!



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