

11月30日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[青春奉献财政事业演讲稿]文章标题:青春奉献财政事业演讲稿 通过认真研读《遥望地平线》这本书,我感触颇深、受益非浅。作者把工作、实践当中归纳、总结、思考所得,形成文字结集出版成这部作品集。不仅...+阅读


Someone said as a soldier might regret it for three years, but not as a soldier you would penitence lifetime, as has chosen the I's life today, gangnan can proudly say: choose special hillock maybe you will be hard for three years, but if you give up, you really miss hillock, DuanQingChun value a real-life experience.

Someone says, dedication is a freshness, ing softly; Dedication is a prolongs carol spread through the shenzhou; But I think, dedication, is also a seed, for the land and growing need of it. To the countryside, went to the motherland places where they are needed most, maybe a lot of people think this word is obsolete, but for a need love and dedication of education industry speaking, this sentence is never falling stars, because education work also need large rural dedicated to bear them, to promote -- so, I heard the distant of lang lang ShuSheng children in distant call, saw children lovely eyes in anticipation. I came, my fortitude. Farthest, most partial, the worst the three most scare me, here of hard, will only add to the education I a responsibility, I will in this broad land realize their life values - because there's children need me.

I never believe that no experience is not real, I want to know my children, I want to make friends with them, and so I must be approached them, summer we walk in anti-seeping, winter we walk in the snow, in a year in my footstep in rice good many corners, we came to row door, rice benign or bellagio, seems benevolence four village experience life is understanding their living conditions, I see the children's octylic acid or understand their late reasons, found their homework large blank real answers. They are social disadvantaged groups, there is no parents in the side left-behind children, but they are strong , they are after 1990s after the 00 board, all this and let me read them.

Dedication is a kind of touched. Not I expect touched others, but the children touched my heart, ge me more courage of devotion.

Good in meters, I saw the maize fields school, I saw the real double entry teaching classes, I saw the crude hemisphere basketball courts, see the tilted 20 degrees, continue to use, they play basketball is so happy; I saw the broken into two halves, still in the use of desk piece, I saw the lame leg stone pad on foot, but still use bench. Face it all, the children without any plaints, they still adhere to the school, rain or shine, they still quiet serious studying in the classroom.

I was all the children by their touched, seeking knowledge desire touched, be with their studies road difficult vanguard perseverance touched. Today we he the ability to bring them happiness, has the ability to bring their warm, and he the opportunity to teach their knowledge, has the ability to bring them to better tomorrow, we also mean? Don't we should do for them? Teacher is the highest realm? What is not to get in, but in ordinary 1 dedication.

Rural traffic block, but we cannot therefore and stagnation walking pace, to make them accept new knowledge, accept more new things, the region is limited, but space is infinite, I use a space web searches and integrating various material, for they create a three-dimensional visual space, led them touch beautiful world. As less, not only to first brigade counselors care they study, but about their mental health, enrich their campus life is also a kind of our responsibility, we prefer to sacrifice time to rest, will give the children on various kinds of extracurricular activities, and to provide them with the stage show themselves and give them life self-confidence. Look at the children's smile, looked at the children's healthy development, asked we this little sacrifice he is what?

Though hard these days, but I don't he to plain, because this one is a part of our lives, as a teacher, the most important thing in life, the most significant part is giving children the instruction knowledge, bringing children pleasure, acpany children grow happily. I want to bring intellectual seed times did, I want the occlusion in this land of spreading love sunlight, I will lead them fly together and flew to even further afield.


英语演讲稿:My forite animal 关于时间就是金钱的英语演讲稿 关于中秋节的英语演讲稿


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