

11月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[爱护校园卫生广播稿]尊敬的教职员工们、亲爱的同学们: 我校作为一所培育了无数国家栋梁和社会精英的世纪名校,有着与百年名校相媲美的花木繁茂、碧草如茵、巍峨殿堂的幽雅美丽校园环境。近年来,学...+阅读

A:亲爱的老师,同学们大家早上好!现在开始播音。我是***,今天和我一起为大家广播的是***同学。 B:大家好,我是***。10月15日是第28届国际盲人节。1984年,在沙特阿拉伯首都召开的世界盲人联盟成立大会上,确定每年的10月15日为“国际盲人节”,这使盲人第一次有了统一的组织和自己的节日。现在由于各种各样的原因,越来.9xwang. 越多地盲人出现在我们的生活中。据统计,我国目前有视力残疾患者近1300万,其中盲人约550万,低视力约750万,我国每年新增盲人大约45万,低视力约135万,即约每分钟就会出现1个盲人,3个低视力患者。

我们可能无法知道盲人生活的不便和痛苦,那么我们来听听他们自己是怎样描述自己的生活的。有一个盲人是这样来描写对太阳的感受: “昨夜不眠,因为白天和黑夜对我同样昏暗 今夜不眠,因为黑夜和白天对我同样璀灿。 我是盲人,不知组成世界的七彩,不知形成规矩的方圆。也没见过太阳,老师给我们上课,是这样说太阳的:圆圆的,请同学们摸摸自己的头;暖暖的,请同学们摸摸自己的胸;红红的,就如同学们血管里流的血。

每天都有新的太阳升起,只要你用心去感受,去找,就一定能天天沐浴新的光彩。圆圆、暖暖、红红--这就是我们盲人心里的太阳。” 同学们,我们每天都能抬头看见太阳,看到绿色的春,火红的夏,金黄的秋和洁白的冬。我们能感受到祖国河山的美丽,能看见到自己的爸爸妈妈和亲爱的同学等等一切一切。对于盲人来说,这却是他们一生的梦想。 我们经常讲要要帮助同学,关心爱护他人,那么我们更应该从生活的各个方面关心爱护盲人,这个社会中的弱势群体。

同学们,如果你身边有盲人,你打算怎样帮助他们呢?或许你会说,我会给盲人朋友送礼物,我会帮助盲人朋友过马路……这些都是很有爱心的行动。但最好的礼物还是在日常生活中尊重他们,不歧视他们。盲人只是眼睛看不见,但他们的心灵是健全的,他们渴望与正常人一样的生活,渴望与正常人享有同样的尊严。在这里,我给大家提几个要求: 和盲人用餐时,请小声告诉他筷子、勺子、碗等餐具的位置及菜的位置。

应主动告诉他桌上或盘中有哪些菜,再询问他需要什么菜。有如刺、骨头等尖锐的食物,应提醒他们注意。 为他们盛饭时,只需盛半碗就可以了,以便于他们进餐 走在路上见到盲人要主动为她么介绍路况、景象,让他们了解周围情况 上下车时,你可先上车,再照顾盲人上车,并扶着盲人坐下。特别是在乘电梯的时候更应该帮助盲人。 当您看到盲人独自行动、乘车、运动时,请不要在他的旁边喊叫。

上下楼梯时,要扶着盲人,并及时告诉他们还有几级台阶。 不管你是走在匆忙的上学路上,还是漫步在景色怡人的公园,如果见到盲人朋友,你能主动打一个招呼,帮助他们解决一个也许不起眼的小困难,都会给他们带来心灵上的安慰。你也会由此感受到助人的喜悦。 或许我们现在的力量还很小,能为他们做的只有这些微不足道地小事,对他们来说却似一缕阳光,一掬清泉。

让我们从自己做起,在力所能及的时候伸出双手,使他们感受到太阳般地温暖。 当然,我们的政府也在想方设法在帮助这些盲人朋友,如逐步设置公交车语音导航系统、过马路音响提示系统、盲人图书馆、盲用计算机等。这样更加方便盲人出行,扩大盲人的生活空间。 同学们,黑暗对于我们,只是眨眼的一瞬;对于盲人,则是一生的长久,无论是幽蓝的星空,绚丽的彩虹,还是多姿的生活,繁忙的世界,在他们眼里,都归于渺茫。

甚至在睡梦中,天地都是同一种颜色。因此,伸出你的手,奉献一点爱,点亮盲人的心灯,让所有的人相处得更和谐、更幸福。 今日播音到此结束,同学们,再见! A: Dear teacher, classmates Good morning everyone! The air now. I *** with me today and broadcast *** classmates. B: Hello, everybody, I ***. October 15 is the 28th International Day. 1984, in the capital of Saudi Arabia held the inaugural meeting of the World Blind Union, October 15 of each year as the International Day, which makes the blind first unified anizations and their own festival. Now, due to a variety of reasons, more and more blind people in our lives. According to statistics, there are nearly 13 million patients with visual disabilities, including the blind about 5.5 million, about 7.5 million low vision, China's annual increase of the blind about 45 million, about 135 million of low vision, that about every minute there will be a blind man 3 patients with low vision. We may not be able to know the blind inconvenience and pain of life, and then we'll hear their own how to describe their own lives. There is a blind man is so describing the feeling of the sun: Not sleep last night, because during the day and night, I am equally dim Tonight sleepless night and during the day I equally splendid. I was blind, I do not know the position of the world's colorful, I do not know the form of a radius of the rules. He not seen the sun, teacher to teach us, so to say that the sun: round, ask someone to touch his head; warm, ask someone to touch his chest; red as students blood flow in their veins. Every day the sun rises, and as long as your heart to feel, to look for, you will be able to shower every day new luster. Round, warm, red - this is the sun of our heart for the Blind. ' Students, every day we can look up and see the sun, see the green spring, red in summer and golden autumn and white in winter. We can feel the beauty of the rivers and mountains of the motherland, can be seen to own father and mother and my dear classmates all. For the blind, it is their lifelong dream. We often say that the students want to help, concern and care for others, then we should concern and care for the blind from all aspects of life, the vulnerable groups in the society. Students, if you are around a blind, how are you going to help them? Perhaps you will say, I will give blind friend gifts, I will help blind people cross the road ... These are very loving actions. But the best gift or in everyday life, respect them, and do not discriminate against them. Blind people but its eyes can not see, but their mind is sound, their desire for a normal life, eager to enjoy the same dignity with normal. Here, let us mention a few requirements: Meal and blind, he wanted to tell the location of the position of chopsticks, spoons, bowls and other tableware and dish. Should take the initiative to tell him on the table or tray which dishes, ask again what he needs to dish. Like a sharp thorn, bones and other food, should remind them of. As they hold rice, simply Sheng bowl of it, so that they can dine Walking on the road to see the blind man to take the initiative for her Mody road, scene, so that they understand the circumstances surrounding the Up and down when you can be on the bus, on the train and then take care of the blind, blind people to sit down and leaning. Especially when the elevator should help the blind. When you see a blind act alone, trel, sports, please do not shout in his next. Up and down stairs, leaning on the blind, and tell them there are a few steps in a timely manner. Whether you are walking in a hurry to go to school on the road, or stroll through the scenic park, to see if a blind friend, you can take the initiative to make a call to help them solve a perhaps obscure little difficulties will bring them spiritual fort. You will thus feel the joy of helping others. Perhaps we are now the power is also very small, only these insignificant places little things you can do for them, for them, just like a ray of sunshine, a skim springs. Let us from ourselves, to reach out in whatever they feel the sun camel warm. Of course, our government is also trying to help these blind friend, such as gradually voice nigation system, set the bus to cross the road audio prompt system, the Library for the Blind, blind puter. Such trel more convenient for the blind, to expand the living space of the blind. Classmates, dark moment for us, just blink; For the blind, it is a lifetime for a long time, both the faint stars, beautiful rainbow, or the scene of life, busy world, in their eyes, are attributed to slim . Even in his sleep, heen and earth are the same color. Therefore, reach out your hand to dedicate a little love, heart lights lit the blind, to let all people get along more harmonious, more happiness. Today broadcasting ends, students, goodbye!


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