

11月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[爱护校园卫生广播稿]尊敬的教职员工们、亲爱的同学们: 我校作为一所培育了无数国家栋梁和社会精英的世纪名校,有着与百年名校相媲美的花木繁茂、碧草如茵、巍峨殿堂的幽雅美丽校园环境。近年来,学...+阅读

甲:亲爱的队员们,在我们共同的期待中,红领巾广播台又和大家见面了。我是主持人(张缘圆 )。 乙:我是主持人( 陆子航 ) 。希望大家能喜欢我们的节目。 甲:(陆子航 ),知道今天的话题吗? 乙:当然知道啦!诚信教育嘛! 甲:是啊!我们中华文明古国向来被称为礼仪之邦,而诚信正是“礼仪”最重要的内涵之一。在源远流长的华夏文明长河中, 诚信精神日积月累,演绎出无数可歌可泣的故事,形成深厚的文化底蕴。 乙:我们仿佛看到诚信正伴随着中华文明一步步向我们走来,我们觉察到诚信的身影无处不在,我们感受到诚信沉甸甸的分量。 甲:首先我们给大家安排了一则名人诚信小故事,关于美国首任总统华盛顿的故事。 :美国首任总统乔治?华盛顿年幼时非常喜欢爸爸送给他的一把小斧头。有一天,他走进家中的庭院,看见一棵小树,他想试试这把小斧头是不是锋利,结果就用这把小斧头砍倒那棵小树。当华盛顿的爸爸发现小树被砍倒后,既伤心又愤怒地问道:谁胆敢砍倒这棵树的?它可不是普通的树啊!它是全国绝无仅有的樱桃树,我花了很多钱才能买到的啊!这时,华盛顿出人意料地对爸爸说:对不起,爸爸!因我想试试你送给我的小斧头,所以砍倒这棵宝贵的樱桃树,我以后再也不会这样做了。华盛顿的父亲听后,并没有责怪儿子,而是转怒为喜,一把抱起华盛顿,激动地对他说:好孩子,我很高兴啊!因为你不但没有说谎,而且能鼓起勇气将这件事告诉我。失去一棵树又算什么?我宁愿失去一千棵这样的树,也不愿见到你成为说谎的孩子啊! 乙: 听了这个故事,我深有感触。一个人的诚信远比一千棵樱桃树的价值更大。诚信的人从小事做起,从自己做起,日久天长,必有所成。靠着良好的诚信修养,张永庆从米店小老板成了一位大富豪;李嘉诚从塑胶厂的打工仔成为世界华人首富;爱德华*黑尔从少不更事的少年成长为一位著名的作家。因为诚信比一切智谋都好——它能使人立于不败之地。 甲:同样我们在学习上更需要诚信。学习,是老师们播种知识,我们收获智慧的过程,特别需要诚信的付出,才能收获成功。当我们第一次跨进校门时,都曾对自己说过:“我要做一个优秀的学生。”这就是我们对学校和老师做出的承诺,更是对家长和自己做出的承诺。如果我们不能专心听讲,按时完成作业,认真预习和复习,那就是言而无信。诚信就像种子,只要坚持在学业的田地里辛勤耕耘,我们就会硕果累累。学习来不得半点虚假。 乙:郭颖佳,你能说出一些关于诚信的成语吗? 甲:这可难不倒我,洗耳恭听吧! 抱诚守真 诚至金开 赤诚相待 一言九鼎 一诺千金 言而有信 金口玉言 言必信,行必果 君子说话,一言为定 精诚所至,金石为开 一言既出,驷马难追 人而无信,不知其可 甲:停!就到这儿吧。后面还有更精彩的呢! 下面请欣赏美文:《成功的种子》 很久以前,西方有位哲人曾经说:这个世界上只有两样东西能引起人心深深的震动,一个是我们头顶上灿烂的星空,一个就是我们心中崇高的道德准则——诚信。个人的为人处世、言谈举止离不开诚信,社会的繁荣和昌盛也离不开诚信。诚信是金,品质纯正而弥足珍贵,值得我们珍藏在心灵的最深处;诚信是镜,照出灵魂的善恶美丑,值得我们自警自励;诚信是树,需要施肥、剪枝、浇水、培土,直至长成正直挺拔、枝繁叶茂的参天乔木;诚信是泉,澄澈透明,涓涓不息,荡涤污秽,滋润心田;诚信是火种,需要我们悉心守护,不但把她播撒开来,成就燎原之势,而且薪火相传,让每一代都能感受到她的光明和温暖。 诚信是一枚古老的种子,她播撒在每一颗善良淳朴的心灵里,她植根于每一个踏实真诚的足迹里。在我们脚步匆匆,追随时代的行程中,千万不要忘记带上这枚种子同行。发自内心,源于自觉,遵从自愿,终身恪守,让这枚古老的种子在新世纪的土壤中生根发芽,开花结果。 乙:诚信就是诚实和守信,是我们为人处世的基础。 那么,我们青少年怎样做个诚信的人?我们向队员们发出如下倡议:



3、不要对不该答应、不该办或办不到的事情轻易许诺。一旦做出承诺,必须努力兑现。 甲:诚信像土,一方心灵之土,为无数幼苗提供营养,使它们开出美丽的鲜花;诚信像水,万物生长的生命之水,滋润着小树舒枝展叶,天天向上。诚信像根,牢牢的抓住成功的土壤,将魄力与智慧提供给生长中的树干,使小苗长成参天大树;诚信是雨,洗涤着人们心灵的尘埃;诚信是雷,震撼着人们虚伪的灵魂。 诚信是人之本,民之基,国之根。 乙:有了诚信,商鞅能够顺利变法。 甲:有了诚信,齐桓公能成就春秋霸业。 乙:有了诚信,徐虎能在平凡的岗位上发出耀眼的光芒。 甲:讲究诚信,无论是集体,还是个人,都可以在前进的路上走得很远很远。 合:同学们,拾起你的“背囊”吧!用你的诚信战胜风浪,以你的诚信来创造更美好的人生吧!我们的社会呼唤诚信,人与人之间只有以诚相待,才能使世界更加和谐、更加美好! 甲:本次播音到次结束,再次祝愿大家天天有个好心情! A: Dear players, our mon expectations, the red scarf broadcast station and meet people. I was the moderator (the edge of the circle). B: I'm your host (Luzi Air). I hope you like our program. A: (land sub Airlines), today's topic? B: Of course know! Integrity education thing! A: Yes, ah! China ancient civilizations has always been known as the ceremonies, and integrity is the "etiquette" one of the most important connotation. In the long history of Chinese civilization, the river of integrity of spirit over time, to deduce the the countless epic story, a rich cultural heritage. B: We seem to see that integrity is acpanied Chinese civilization Yibubuxiang we came, we are aware of the figure of integrity everywhere, we feel the integrity of the hey weight. A: First of all, we he arranged for all the little story of a celebrity honesty about the story of the first president of the United States, Washington. : The first president of the United States Gee? Washington childhood very much like my father ge him a small ax. One day, he walked into the courtyard, he saw a small tree, he would like to try the small ax is not sharp results on the small ax to cut down the tree small tree. When the father of Washington found that the trees were cut down, sad and angry and asked: Who dares to cut down the tree? It is not an ordinary tree ah! It is a cherry tree, I spent a lot of money to buy the country's unique! At this time, Washington unexpectedly father said: I'm sorry, Dad! I'd like to try a small ax you ge me, so cut down the tree valuable cherry tree, I will no longer do so. Washington's father listened, and did not blame his son, but rather turn anger to joy, and threw in Washington, he said excitedly: good boy, I am glad that ah! Because you not only do not lie, but also the courage to tell me thisthing. The loss of a tree they count? I'd rather lose one thousand of this tree, and also do not want to see you bee the children to lie! B: After listening to this story, I emotionally. The value of a person of integrity than one thousand cherry trees. People of good faith from the little things, starting with ourselves, the course of time, he some success. Relying on integrity acplishment, WH Cheung small business owners from Midian bee a Big Spender; Li Ka-shing from plastic plant employees to bee the world's richest man; Edwards * Hale from so young adolescent development as a famous writer. Because integrity is better than all the resourcefulness - enabling people to remain invincible. A: Again learning need more integrity. Learning, teachers sowing knowledge, we harvest the wisdom of the process, the special needs of integrity to pay, in order to reap success. When we first stepped into the gate, he said to himself: "I want to be a good student." This is a mitment to make our schools and teachers, and for parents to make their own mitments . If we can not pay attention in class, plete assignments on time, seriously previewing and reviewing, it is acting in bad faith. Integrity like seeds, as long as we persist in academic fields hard work, we will be fruitful. Learn to allow for false. B: Guoying Jia, you can say something about the integrity of the idiom? A: This can not beat me, and hear from him about it! Hold Cheng Shou sincere authoritative, as good as gold to gold open sincere treatment True to its word Chrysostom made of jade stands by its word, line must be a gentleman speak whiz Faith will move mountains to open Yiyanjichu Sima difficult to chase people without faith, I do not know its A: Stop! To here. There's more behind it! Please enjoy Essay: "seeds of success" A long time ago, the western philosopher once said: The only two things in this world can cause people deep shock, a starlit sky on our heads, a lofty moral code of our hearts - integrity. Personal interaction with others, and conversation without integrity, social prosperity and prosperity is also inseparable integrity. Honesty is gold, pure and precious quality, worthy of our deepest treasure in the mind; integrity is a mirror that lights up the soul of good and evil beauty and ugliness, worthy of our own police self-motivation; integrity trees need fertilization, pruning, and poured water, earth, until long into the upright upright leafy towering trees; integrity Springs, clarity and transparency, trickling endless, and cleaned up the filth that nourish the heart; integrity is a fire, we need to carefully guardian, not only to sow her off , the achievements Liaoyuanzhishi, but Passing the torch, so that each generation can feel her light and warmth. Credibility is an ancient seed, she sown in each a good honest soul, she is rooted in every practical sincere footprint. Hurry in our footsteps, follow the itinerary of the times, do not fet to bring While seed counterparts. From the heart, from the conscious to ply voluntarily to lifelong abide While this ancient seed to take root in the soil of the new century, bear fruit. B: integrity, is honest and trustworthy, is the basis of our interaction with others. Well, we young people how to be a person of integrity? To the players, we issued the following initiatives: 1, be an honest person. Not a liar, honest education, not fraud. Do it wrong, courage to admit, Zhicuojiugai the. 2, to be a trustworthy person. Responsibility and obligation to the words spoken. Promise people things must be done. 3, do not easily promise should not agree, you should not do or could not do things. Once you make a mitment, efforts must be honored. A: integrity like the soul of the soil of the earth, a party, provided countless seedlings nutrition, so they opened the beautiful flowers; integrity of the water of life like water, things grow, small trees Shu-chi moisture leafing up every day. Integrity like root, firmly grasp the success of the soil, the courage and wisdom to the growth in the trunk, the seedlings grow into towering trees; integrity rain washing the dust of the people's hearts; integrity Ray, shocking people The hypocrisy of the soul. The integrity of the people of the group, country roots. B: With integrity, the Shangyang able to smoothly Reform. A: With honesty, JiHuanGong energy Achievement Spring and Autumn dominance. B: With honesty, Xu Hu a dazzling light in the extraordinary position. A: Be honest, whether collective or individual, are the way forward to go very far very far. Together: students, pick up your rucksack it! Overe storms, your integrity and your integrity to create a better life! Our society is calling for integrity, only honest people to make the world more harmonious and better! A: The end of the broadcast to the secondary again wish you all he a good mood every day!


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