

11月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[运动会鼓号队解说词]大家上午好! 此刻,为您展示的是XX小学鼓号队,鼓号队由X名女生组成的鼓队和Y名男生组成的号队以及指挥、旗手、护旗手共计X+Y人构成。 队员以嘹亮的号声,整齐的鼓点,豪迈的步伐,展...+阅读

passionful huan performs its tour of brand ——publicity video of wui huan cable & wire co. ltd. 片头: 电网,信息网,四通八达;承载着希望,传播着光明;架能源之桥,建信息之链, 电缆,让沟通无极限. electric works and information works etend in all directions, they transfer hope and spread bright. by building the bridge of energy sources and the chain of information, huan cable ma

kes munication infinite. 片名: 片名:激情演绎品牌之旅 passionful huan performs its tour of brand 市电线电缆有限公司, 国家经贸委城农网建设与改造推荐合格企业, 从一家名 不见经传的企业, 在短短的十几年内便跻身于国内行业著名品牌之列, 电线电缆产品年产量 达 10 多亿元.产业的发展带动了企业规模的迅速扩大,电缆现拥有员工 1000 多人,占 地面积 30 万平方米,总资产超 5 亿元. wui huan cable & wire co. ltd. is the mended qualified enterprise by state economic and trade mission for the construction and alteration of urban and country electric works. during ten years, the formal unknown pany has edged herself into the rank of named brands in domestic cable trade, created an annual production value over 1 billion yuan. industrial develop drives the enlargement of enterprise scale, huan cable is owning over 1000 employees, covering an area of 3 million sq.m, and holding assets more than 500 million yuan. 立足市场, 品牌是企业的生命. 对于品牌的建设, 电缆紧紧抓住的是品牌的核心 价 值二字.正是电缆在几十年的经营中紧紧抓住了客户价值 ,并不断地改进和提高 实现客户价值的能力和基础,保证了电缆的永续发展. based upon market, brand is the life of enterprise. to set up brand, what huan firmly seizing for decades of years is key value, with ceaseless amelioration and increase, it insures the constant develop of huan cable. 实现客户价值,作为一个工业产品来说,最重要的是怎样拥有自己的核心竞争力,怎样 在众多的电缆企业中保持领先的地位?怎样创建电缆的技术,特色,优势,服务与文 化?这都是电缆的决策者从企业创立以来就精心打造的基础. for an industrial product, to realize client value, the most important thing is how to hold its key petitive ability, how to keep advanced among numerous cable enterprises, how to create the technique, characteristic, superiority, service and culture of huan cable. all above is the basis that elaborately established by policy makers of huan since the enterprise founded. 戴志祥,一个在经济浪潮中劈波斩浪而成长起来的年轻企业家.几十年的艰辛和磨难, 沉淀了深刻的思想,融聚了智慧与力量,也掌握了经营的玄机,这成为了企业12全文查看走向辉煌的良 好根基. dai zhiiang, a young enterpriser rose from slipping through the economic tidal wes. hardships and crucifiion for decades of years he deposited profound thinking, agglomerated wisdom and strength, and also mastered the mysterious principles of marketing, all these became the footstones for the road leading to success. 技

术,创建品牌之魂. 技术,创建品牌之魂. technique, soul of establishing brand 犹如灵魂之于肉体,品牌永远离不开产品的支撑.戴总常说,品牌是做出来的,不是吹 出来;做任何事,起点一要高,眼光一定要远.企业建立伊始,就将自己定位在国内规 模化的专业电缆企业.从生产场地,生产设备,检测设备以及人员的配备,都保持着与国内 的领先水平同步发展. what soul is to body, brand is to the support of products. president dai usually said that, only most work and least talk, higher start and further foresight can set up brand. since established, being a domestic large scale professional cable enterprise is the position of huan. her plants, machines, testing equipments and talents are all synchronizing with the world advanced level. 设立了自己的电缆研究机构, 并不惜重金聘请电缆行业的海内外专家来公司指导新 产品的开发研制和设计工作,以保证每年有十多项的新品供用户使用. huan has set up her own institution of cable, and pay dear for inviting eperts at home and abroad to direct the research and design of new products, so to assure over ten new products annually. 目前电缆已形成有裸电线,电力电缆,电气装备电缆,控制电缆四大类 100 多个品 种的产品, 还生产填补亚洲空自的航空用中频低耗橡皮绝缘电缆, 低烟无卤(低卤), 抗水树, 光电复合,阻燃,耐火,防水,防鼠防蚁,耐油,耐高温及辐照交联等科技含量较高的特种 电缆.所有产品都严格按 iso9001 质量标准体系控制生产. at present, huan has formed 4 large species including bare wire, power cable, electric cable and control cable, over 100 types of products, like aerial intermediate-frequent & low-cost rubber insulated cable that fill in the gap of asia, special technical cable such as low smoke & no/low bitten, wtr, photoelectricity ple, flame–retardant, refractory, water-proof, oil-proof, high temperature resistant and irradiated lpe, etc. 特色和优势, 特色和优势,品牌不败的法码 characteristics and advantages, poise of unbeaten brand 所谓特色,也就是差异竞争,有差异就得不断的创新.电缆除了产品技术的创新以 外,在管理,营销上也通过不断创新来满足客户价值,以保持企业的强势品牌. what is called characteristics is petition of differences, only ceaseless innovation can keep difference. besides technical innovation of products, huan also satisfies her clients with ceaseless innovation on management and marketing to keep strong brand of enterprise. 在管理上,人认为电缆行业是一个规模化生产的企业,只有通过集约管理,才能控 制各环节的浪费,降低生产成本,提高产品质量和生产效率,从而与消费者共享科技管理所 带来的利益,也就是说,人主张技术进一步,价格让一步 . on management, huan people think cable industry is of scale production, only intensive management can control the wastes of all sectors, depress costs and improve quality and efficiency, so to share the benefits of scientific management with clients. that is improve in technique and concede in price claimed by huan people. 在营销上,健全的营销网络,永远是人的法宝.营销网络对于企业品牌就象神经网 络对于人脑一样重要,好的营销决策与产品只有通过健全,通畅的网络渠道,才可以接触更 多的消费者,获取更多的赢利机会.电缆 100 多个销售分公司遍及全国各地,并已形成 了自己固定的客户群.为电力,石油,铁路,煤碳,化工,通讯,冶金,建筑等领域提供各 类电线电缆.近几年来,的国际贸易也得到了快速的发展,为成为世界的电缆专业 生产基地打下了坚实的基础. on marketing, a sound work is always the trump of huan people. marketing work is to brand as neural works is to man. only through a sound and clear channel, good products and marketing policies can meet more consumers and win more chances. over 100 marketing filiales of huan etend all over the country and he formed their own immovable client circle, they provide all kinds of cable & wire for trades like electric power, petroleum, railway, coal, chemical, munication, metallurgy and architecture, etc. in the last few years, international trade of huan has also developed quickly, that established firm basis for huan to be the international production base of cable. 服务与文化,是品牌之信 服务与文化, service and culture is the faith of brand 在人眼中, 服务不是产品的修修补补, 是在人提供有形产品所附加的无形价值, 是之信的充分体现. 的服务不是停留在满足客户对服务需求的层面, 人的服务 是变被动服务为主动服务, 主要表现在售前的知识服务, 售后的跟踪服务和回访服务. 顾 在 客至上,持续改进的经营理念指导下,在内抓好五检制的质量过程控制,为客户提供 最优质产品;在外以建立统一服务规范,极大改善企业与客户间的关系,为企业赢得良好口 碑. in the eyes of huan people, service is not the patching up of products, but the additional immaterial value. service of huan doesnt rest on the layer of satisfying the demands of clients, but change passive service into active service. it mainly epresses in the before-sale knowledge service, after-sale tracking service and return visit service. directed by the policy of client is the first, persist in improvement, it has perfected the inner quality control of five testing systems that provided best products for clients, and has set up the uniform outer service criterion that improved relationships with clients, and won well public praise for enterprise. 企业文化,是人长期以来所培养的一种企业价值趋向的认同.也就是说:作为一个 良性发展的企业,必须得到四个满意,让客户满意, 让社会满意,让员工满意, 让股东满意. corporation culture is a self-identity of corporation value tendency that huan people he long formed. i.e., as a well developing enterprise, it should acquire four satisfactions, that is, satisfy the clients, satisfy the society, satisfy the employees and satisfy the stockholders. 人历来把人作为企业发展的第一要素,建造员工宿舍,员工子弟的奖学金 制度,员工的培训计划,合理的公司员工福利待遇,让进入的员工能踏实舒心地做好自 己的本质工作. huan always thinks employee as the first element for developing. by building lodging house, offering huan scholarship for employees children, making employee training plans and reasonable welfare, every worker of huan can do his job with sureness and satisfaction. 戴董事长常说:一家企业不仅仅是一个赚钱的机器,它还应该融合和回报社会,企业的 形象才会生动.通过建钟楼,幼儿园,学校,希望工程等公益事业,尽自己所有回报社 会. board chairman dai often says that, an enterprise is can not only be a machine of making money, but also should connect and respond the society, so to make a lively enterprise image. by building belfries, kindergarten, school and supporting monweals like the hope project, huan has tried her best to respond the society. 孜孜不倦的追求,得到回报的是企业事业的发展,职工的信赖,社会的荣誉. 年 戴董事长被江苏省评为第二届江苏青春创业风云人物 . 年,又获得第三届中国经 济十大创新人物奖申环牌电缆也获得了中国驰名品牌中国知名品牌中国著 . , , 名品牌中国名优产品以及江苏省质量信用产品江苏省名牌产品江苏省 3a , , , 级重合同守信用企业银行资信 3a 级企业市重点保护产品等众多荣誉称号. , , unwearied pursue acquires the development of enterprise, trust from employees and credits from society. in , board chairman dai was named the 2nd jiangsu man of the time of vernal enterprising. in , he won the honor of the 3rd china top ten man of economic innovation. shenhuan cable was named the china resound brand, china famous brand, china famed brand, china ecellent product, jiangsu product of quality and credit, jiangsu famous product, jiangsu 3a level faithful corporation, 3a level enterprise of bank reference, wui major protected product, etc. 面对一个已走向成功的企业,戴董事长有着更多的感悟: 我坚信,有我们新老客户的长期关心与支持,围绕着四个满意,第一就是如何让我们的客户 满意,第二就是如何让我们的员工满意,第三个是如何让政府与社会满意,第四个是如何让 投资者满意.并且在管理上面完善我们的管理制度,使我们的整个管理流程更清晰,制度更 完善,公司围绕各种制度,建立了一种精细化管理,使我们的产品品质在工作中长期的一种 稳定. 通过我们公司全体员工的智慧与努力, 我们十年的五十个亿的目标一定能够实现. (结尾) in the face of an enterprise leading to success, board chairman dai has many sentiments: i believe, with the long-term care and support of all our clients, by revolving around the four satisfactions, satisfy our clients, our employees, the government and society, and the investors, perfecting our management system, making the flow more clear, setting up a fine management, and achieving the long-run stability of our product quality, with the wisdoms and efforts of all huan people, our goal of making 5 billion yuan in ten years is sure to realize. 望碧水长天,倍感任重道远,听惊涛恋岸, 更激起弄潮豪情.如今,站在新世纪的起点, 人肩负着品牌之旅的使命,与时俱进,向着绚烂夺目的明天,劈波斩浪,乘风远航! look over skyey water, feeling hey responsibilities on shoulder; hear wes dashing against the shore, arousing lofty sentiments of racing in the tides. now, standing at the start line of new century, huan people are shouldering the task of tour of brand for the brilliant future. she is advancing with times, and buffeting her way through the wes in the longer voyage.12全文查看pssionful hun prforms is our of brnd ——publiciy vido of wui hun cbl ∓ wir co. ld. 片头: 电网,信息网,四通八达;承载着希望,传播着光明;架能源之桥,建信息之链, 电缆,让沟通无极限. lcric nworks nd informion nworks nd in ll dircions, hy rnsfr hop nd sprd brih. by buildin h brid of nry sourcs nd h chin of informion, hun cbl m

ks municion infini. 片名: 片名:激情演绎品牌之旅 pssionful hun prforms is our of brnd 市电线电缆有限公司, 国家经贸委城农网建设与改造推荐合格企业, 从一家名 不见经传的企业, 在短短的十几年内便跻身于国内行业著名品牌之列, 电线电缆产品年产量 达 10 多亿元.产业的发展带动了企业规模的迅速扩大,电缆现拥有员工 1000 多人,占 地面积 30 万平方米,总资产超 5 亿元. wui hun cbl ∓ wir co. ld. is h mndd qulifid nrpris by s conomic nd rd mission for h consrucion nd lrion of urbn nd counry lcric nworks. durin n yrs, h forml unknown pny hs dd hrslf ino h rnk of nmd brnds in domsic cbl rd, crd n nnul producion vlu ovr 1 billion yun. indusril dvlop drivs h nlrmn of nrpris scl, hun cbl is ownin ovr 1000 mploys, covrin n r of 3 million sq.m, nd holdin sss mor hn 500 million yun. 立足市场, 品牌是企业的生命. 对于品牌的建设, 电缆紧紧抓住的是品牌的核心 价 值二字.正是电缆在几十年的经营中紧紧抓住了客户价值 ,并不断地改进和提高 实现客户价值的能力和基础,保证了电缆的永续发展. bsd upon mrk, brnd is h lif of nrpris. o s up brnd, wh hun firmly sizin for dcds of yrs is ky vlu, wih cslss mliorion nd incrs, i insurs h consn dvlop of hun cbl. 实现客户价值,作为一个工业产品来说,最重要的是怎样拥有自己的核心竞争力,怎样 在众多的电缆企业中保持领先的地位?怎样创建电缆的技术,特色,优势,服务与文 化?这都是电缆的决策者从企业创立以来就精心打造的基础. for n indusril produc, o rliz clin vlu, h mos imporn hin is how o hold is ky piiv biliy, how o kp dvncd mon numrous cbl nrpriss, how o cr h chniqu, chrcrisic, suprioriy, srvic nd culur of hun cbl. ll bov is h bsis h lborly sblishd by policy mkrs of hun sinc h nrpris foundd. 戴志祥,一个在经济浪潮中劈波斩浪而成长起来的年轻企业家.几十年的艰辛和磨难, 沉淀了深刻的思想,融聚了智慧与力量,也掌握了经营的玄机,这成为了企业[]走向辉煌的良 好根基. di zhiin, youn nrprisr ros from slippin hrouh h conomic idl wvs. hrdships nd crucifiion for dcds of yrs hv dposid profound hinkin, lomrd wisdom nd srnh, nd lso msrd h mysrious principls of mrkin, ll hs bcm h foosons for h rod ldin o succss. 技

术,创建品牌之魂. 技术,创建品牌之魂. chniqu, soul of sblishin brnd 犹如灵魂之于肉体,品牌永远离不开产品的支撑.戴总常说,品牌是做出来的,不是吹 出来;做任何事,起点一要高,眼光一定要远.企业建立伊始,就将自己定位在国内规 模化的专业电缆企业.从生产场地,生产设备,检测设备以及人员的配备,都保持着与国内 的领先水平同步发展. wh soul is o body, brnd is o h suppor of producs. prsidn di usully sid h, only mos work nd ls lk, hihr sr nd furhr forsih cn s up brnd. sinc sblishd, bin domsic lr scl profssionl cbl nrpris is h posiion of hun. hr plns, mchins, sin quipmns nd lns r ll synchronizin wih h world dvncd lvl. 设立了自己的电缆研究机构, 并不惜重金聘请电缆行业的海内外专家来公司指导新 产品的开发研制和设计工作,以保证每年有十多项的新品供用户使用. hun hs s up hr own insiuion of cbl, nd py dr for inviin prs hom nd brod o dirc h rsrch nd dsin of nw producs, so o ssur ovr n nw producs nnully. 目前电缆已形成有裸电线,电力电缆,电气装备电缆,控制电缆四大类 100 多个品 种的产品, 还生产填补亚洲空自的航空用中频低耗橡皮绝缘电缆, 低烟无卤(低卤), 抗水树, 光电复合,阻燃,耐火,防水,防鼠防蚁,耐油,耐高温及辐照交联等科技含量较高的特种 电缆.所有产品都严格按 iso9001 质量标准体系控制生产. prsn, hun hs formd 4 lr spcis includin br wir, powr cbl, lcric cbl nd conrol cbl, ovr 100 yps of producs, lik ril inrmdi-frqun ∓ low-cos rubbr insuld cbl h fill in h p of si, spcil chnicl cbl such s low smok ∓ no/low bin, wr, phoolcriciy pl, flm–rrdn, rfrcory, wr-proof, oil-proof, hih mprur rsisn nd irrdid lp, c. 特色和优势, 特色和优势,品牌不败的法码 chrcrisics nd dvns, pois of unbn brnd 所谓特色,也就是差异竞争,有差异就得不断的创新.电缆除了产品技术的创新以 外,在管理,营销上也通过不断创新来满足客户价值,以保持企业的强势品牌. wh is clld chrcrisics is piion of diffrncs, only cslss innovion cn kp diffrnc. bsids chnicl innovion of producs, hun lso sisfis hr clins wih cslss innovion on mnmn nd mrkin o kp sron brnd of nrpris. 在管理上,人认为电缆行业是一个规模化生产的企业,只有通过集约管理,才能控 制各环节的浪费,降低生产成本,提高产品质量和生产效率,从而与消费者共享科技管理所 带来的利益,也就是说,人主张技术进一步,价格让一步 . on mnmn, hun popl hink cbl indusry is of scl producion, only innsiv mnmn cn conrol h wss of ll scors, dprss coss nd improv quliy nd fficincy, so o shr h bnfis of scinific mnmn wih clins. h is improv in chniqu nd concd in pric climd by hun popl. 在营销上,健全的营销网络,永远是人的法宝.营销网络对于企业品牌就象神经网 络对于人脑一样重要,好的营销决策与产品只有通过健全,通畅的网络渠道,才可以接触更 多的消费者,获取更多的赢利机会.电缆 100 多个销售分公司遍及全国各地,并已形成 了自己固定的客户群.为电力,石油,铁路,煤碳,化工,通讯,冶金,建筑等领域提供各 类电线电缆.近几年来,的国际贸易也得到了快速的发展,为成为世界的电缆专业 生产基地打下了坚实的基础. on mrkin, sound nwork is lwys h rump of hun popl. mrkin nwork is o brnd s nurl nworks is o mn. only hrouh sound nd clr chnnl, ood producs nd mrkin policis cn m mor consumrs nd win mor chncs. ovr 100 mrkin filils of hun nd ll ovr h counry nd hv formd hir own immovbl clin circl, hy provid ll kinds of cbl ∓ wir for rds lik lcric powr, prolum, rilwy, col, chmicl, municion, mllury nd rchicur, c. in h ls fw yrs, inrnionl rd of hun hs lso dvlopd quickly, h sblishd firm bsis for hun o b h inrnionl producion bs of cbl. 服务与文化,是品牌之信 服务与文化, srvic nd culur is h fih of brnd 在人眼中, 服务不是产品的修修补补, 是在人提供有形产品所附加的无形价值, 是之信的充分体现. 的服务不是停留在满足客户对服务需求的层面, 人的服务 是变被动服务为主动服务, 主要表现在售前的知识服务, 售后的跟踪服务和回访服务. 顾 在 客至上,持续改进的经营理念指导下,在内抓好五检制的质量过程控制,为客户提供 最优质产品;在外以建立统一服务规范,极大改善企业与客户间的关系,为企业赢得良好口 碑. in h ys of hun popl, srvic is no h pchin up of producs, bu h ddiionl immril vlu. srvic of hun dosn rs on h lyr of sisfyin h dmnds of clins, bu chn pssiv srvic ino civ srvic. i minly prsss in h bfor-sl knowld srvic, fr-sl rckin srvic nd rurn visi srvic. dircd by h policy of clin is h firs, prsis in improvmn, i hs prfcd h innr quliy conrol of fiv sin sysms h providd bs producs for clins, nd hs s up h uniform our srvic cririon h improvd rlionships wih clins, nd won wll public pris for nrpris. 企业文化,是人长期以来所培养的一种企业价值趋向的认同.也就是说:作为一个 良性发展的企业,必须得到四个满意,让客户满意, 让社会满意,让员工满意, 让股东满意. corporion culur is slf-idniy of corporion vlu ndncy h hun popl hv lon formd. i.., s wll dvlopin nrpris, i should cquir four sisfcions, h is, sisfy h clins, sisfy h sociy, sisfy h mploys nd sisfy h sockholdrs. 人历来把人作为企业发展的第一要素,建造员工宿舍,员工子弟的奖学金 制度,员工的培训计划,合理的公司员工福利待遇,让进入的员工能踏实舒心地做好自 己的本质工作. hun lwys hinks mploy s h firs lmn for dvlopin. by buildin lodin hous, offrin hun scholrship for mploys childrn, mkin mploy rinin plns nd rsonbl wlfr, vry workr of hun cn do his job wih surnss nd sisfcion. 戴董事长常说:一家企业不仅仅是一个赚钱的机器,它还应该融合和回报社会,企业的 形象才会生动.通过建钟楼,幼儿园,学校,希望工程等公益事业,尽自己所有回报社 会. bord chirmn di ofn sys h, n nrpris is cn no only b mchin of mkin mony, bu lso should connc nd rspond h sociy, so o mk livly nrpris im. by buildin blfris, kindrrn, school nd supporin monwls lik h hop projc, hun hs rid hr bs o rspond h sociy. 孜孜不倦的追求,得到回报的是企业事业的发展,职工的信赖,社会的荣誉. 年 戴董事长被江苏省评为第二届江苏青春创业风云人物 . 年,又获得第三届中国经 济十大创新人物奖申环牌电缆也获得了中国驰名品牌中国知名品牌中国著 . , , 名品牌中国名优产品以及江苏省质量信用产品江苏省名牌产品江苏省 3 , , , 级重合同守信用企业银行资信 3 级企业市重点保护产品等众多荣誉称号. , , unwrid pursu cquirs h dvlopmn of nrpris, rus from mploys nd crdis from sociy. in , bord chirmn di ws nmd h 2nd jinsu mn of h im of vrnl nrprisin. in , h won h honor of h 3rd chin op n mn of conomic innovion. shnhun cbl ws nmd h chin rsound brnd, chin fmous brnd, chin fmd brnd, chin clln produc, jinsu produc of quliy nd crdi, jinsu fmous produc, jinsu 3 lvl fihful corporion, 3 lvl nrpris of bnk rfrnc, wui mjor procd produc, c. 面对一个已走向成功的企业,戴董事长有着更多的感悟: 我坚信,有我们新老客户的长期关心与支持,围绕着四个满意,第一就是如何让我们的客户 满意,第二就是如何让我们的员工满意,第三个是如何让政府与社会满意,第四个是如何让 投资者满意.并且在管理上面完善我们的管理制度,使我们的整个管理流程更清晰,制度更 完善,公司围绕各种制度,建立了一种精细化管理,使我们的产品品质在工作中长期的一种 稳定. 通过我们公司全体员工的智慧与努力, 我们十年的五十个亿的目标一定能够实现. (结尾) in h fc of n nrpris ldin o succss, bord chirmn di hs mny snimns: i bliv, wih h lon-rm cr nd suppor of ll our clins, by rvolvin round h four sisfcions, sisfy our clins, our mploys, h ovrnmn nd sociy, nd h invsors, prfcin our mnmn sysm, mkin h flow mor clr, sin up fin mnmn, nd chivin h lon-run sbiliy of our produc quliy, wih h wisdoms nd ffors of ll hun popl, our ol of mkin 5 billion yun in n yrs is sur o rliz. 望碧水长天,倍感任重道远,听惊涛恋岸, 更激起弄潮豪情.如今,站在新世纪的起点, 人肩负着品牌之旅的使命,与时俱进,向着绚烂夺目的明天,劈波斩浪,乘风远航! look ovr skyy wr, flin hvy rsponsibiliis on shouldr; hr wvs dshin ins h shor, rousin lofy snimns of rcin in h ids. now, sndin h sr lin of nw cnury, hun popl r shouldrin h sk of our of brnd for h brillin fuur. sh is dvncin wih ims, nd buffin hr wy hrouh h wvs in h lonr voy.


入场解说词一、序幕词 男:金秋时节,天高气爽,景色怡人,南靖第二中学2005年田径运动会,又在这美好的日子里召开了! 女:我们代表运动会组委会和全体工作人员,再次向与会的领导、来宾表示亲切地问...

2007元宵节解说词2007元宵节解说词 金狗辞旧岁,金猪迎新春,向三晋一流强镇跨越的×××山镇三万六千父老乡亲向全区各界朋友拜年了,祝全区人民万事如意,猪年大吉,祝全区的发展日新月异,前程无限。...

二00六年元宵焰火晚会解说词二00六年元宵焰火晚会解说词 全县人民佳节愉快和谐*州率先崛起 第一部分:开场(从8:08开始,约6分钟,在焰火晚会正式开始之前播出) [解说] 男:尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾! 女:广大的市民...

在2007年元宵节焰火晚会上的解说词在2007年元宵节焰火晚会上的解说词(精品) (主持人讲话开始前) 开放的××在发展,发展的××在腾飞。 各位领导、各位来宾、观众朋友们,这里是××年××市元宵节焰火晚会现场!在这...

2007年元宵节焰火晚会解说词2007年元宵节焰火晚会解说词 第一幕喜庆佳节 随着一声声礼炮在高空中飓响,本次焰火晚会的序幕由此揭开。阵阵雷鸣声在向人们昭示在改革开放以来日新月异的巨大变化,它又犹如春...


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元宵节解说词三阳开泰辞旧岁,金猴送福迎新春,向三晋一流强镇跨越的***山镇三万六千父老乡亲向全区各界朋友拜年了,祝全区人民万事如意,猴年大吉,祝全区的发展日新月异,前程无限。 回首二○○三...

