

12月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[纪念9.18捍卫钓鱼岛主权演讲搞]同学们 再过两天,我们大家知道是什么日子吗? 九一八,中国的国耻日啊。一九三一年,九月十八号,日本帝国主义,用他们的铁蹄,踏开了我们中国东北的大门啊!不到几个月的时间,东北三省就...+阅读

九一八!中国的国耻日! 1931年9月18号,日本帝国主义用他们的铁蹄,踏开了我们中国东北的大门!不到几个月的时间,东北三省就被他们侵略、占领!仅仅就9月18号那一天的时间,据统计,我们就损失了18亿元!按今天的价值去比,一天的时间,我们损失了最少1000亿人民币!成为我们中国的国耻! 你们知道从徐州向南284公里,是什么城市吗?南京! 南京是我们中国人,每一个人都不能忘却的历史!那是我们的耻辱! 在六个星期之内,我们中国同胞被他们枪杀活埋了30多万人,平均每十三秒就有一个中国人被杀害! 这帮禽兽不如的日本鬼子!奸淫掳掠我们的同胞!我们有多少妈妈,已经怀孕八九个月了,还要被人家活活的剖腹!胎儿掏出来,挑在刺刀上哈哈大笑!我们在场的学生,还能笑得出来吗?如果你的爸爸妈妈被人家这样残害的时候,你还能笑得出来啊?你是中国人!那些被杀害的人,流的是我们中国人的血呀! 难怪,鲁迅在他的文章当中写道,当日本鬼子杀害我们中国人的时候,我们还有一些麻木愚蠢的中国人,站在旁边看热闹,所以我们才会被人家侵略!如果我们再这样麻木下去,我们的子孙后代会遭殃的! 孩子们,如果那是历史,再看一看今天!我们同样被人家欺辱。

前几天,9月7号,我们中国的的渔民,在我们的领土,被人家用军舰撞翻,扣押我们中国的船长,还要用他们的法律,来制裁我们中国人,他们同样也是日本人! 为什么他们敢如此的叫嚣?,钓鱼岛自古以来就是我们中国的领土!他们为什么会这样嚣张?为什么会这样猖狂?我来分析给大家,因为日本他们海上军事实力,全世界第三,全亚洲第一!他们是世界经济强国!人均GDP,是我们中国公民的十几倍!虽然我们的钱比他们钱多,但是我们每个人平均起来,比他们差的太远了。

所以他根本就瞧不起我们中国人! 孩子们,仅仅去年一年的时间,我们中国人购买日本货,就花了1310亿美金!而去年日本的军事支出仅仅是不到500亿美金。也就是去年一年的时间,我们给日本人输出的钱,相当于我们给他们送去了两年半的军费!换句话说,他们撞我们那艘船的军舰,都是用我们的钱建造出来的!他们所有士兵的工资,都是用我们的钱派出来的,因为我们每花100元买日本货,就相当于我们给日本送去了十枚子弹,反过来打我们自己!我们每买100块的日本货,相当于我们给日本人提供了87张的纸张,让他们来篡改日本侵华的历史! 所以孩子们,我们要清醒的认识到。

昨天早晨,日本内阁高级官员说了这样一段话:钓鱼岛本来就是我们日本的,钓鱼岛的事件,丝毫不会影响到中日之间贸易的往来。他们的意思是什么?他说的就是,在钓鱼岛事件上,我们日本人再欺负你们中国人,中国人依然会买日本货,因为在前几年,日本松下一个高官说过这样一段话:即使我们日本人永远也不去参拜靖国神社,韩国人也不会买我们的日本货;就算是我们日本人天天参拜靖国神社,中国人也会买我们的日本货! 我们中国人怎么了?韩国人也是同样被日本侵略的国家。

但是韩国人,99%的韩国人从来不买日本货!但是在中国,每当提起日本人的时候,我们中国99%的人,憎恨日本人,但是我们中国人,90%以上的人在买日本货! 所以孩子们,我们今天,不是我们政府懦弱,因为我们政府在谈判的时候,仅仅拥有的就是一个政治砝码。因为我们加入WTO以后,是不能以政府的名义干预和制裁日本经济的,但是我告诉大家一个事实:如果我们中国人,一个月不买日本货,日本企业就至少有1000多个人失业,但是我们中国就会有10000多个工人上岗;如果我们半年不买日本货,那么日本就会有1000多家企业倒闭!如果我们一年不买日本货,日本就将面临着崩溃和瓦解!我想到那个时候,钓鱼岛事件,难道还像他们今天这样嚣张吗?他们会求我们的! 所以,在这点上,我建议我们在场的每一位同学,学一学韩国和法国,他们是如何爱国的?他们从小,国家就告诉他们,买自己国家的产品,是光荣的的事情!他们从小就知道,购买国货,是在和平年代,最大的爱国!我看到这条之后,我在全中国,呼吁我们每一位有良知的中国人,购买精品国货! 我承认,我们每个人也都承认,我们中国的产品,在质量上,的确有些地方是不如外国的,我们要勇敢的面对我们的不足,这也恰恰是我们学生未来学习值得挑战的的地方!因为你们将来要做企业家,要做世界的领袖,中国的产品,未来的质量,靠你们了! 所以我也面向我们全中国所有的企业家,对你们说一声,用你们的良心,制造高质量的产品,让我们每一个中国国的消费者消费的时候,都能放心呐!只有这样,再过二十年,当你们已经成为这个世界的主力军的时候,当你们真的成为中国的接班人的时候,当你们走出国门,在世界的任何一个地方,所有的外国人,都会向你们竖起大拇指,对你说一声:你们是中国人! 亲爱的孩子们,我们今天的学习,不是为了学习而学习!不是为了考大学而学习!不是为了自己在学习!你是为了中国革命发展而读书啊!你是为中国军事实力的强大而读书啊!你是为了中国生产出高质量的产品而读书啊!你是为了中国不再被侵略而读书啊! 所有在场的孩子们,挺起自己的胸膛!用你最大的音量!大声的跟我一起说: 少年智则中国智! 少年强则中国强! 少年雄于地球则中国雄于地球! 为中华之崛起而读书! 亲爱的孩子们,我希望从今天开始,永远不要忘了我们曾经被侵略的历史,也从今天开始,当我们再次听到国歌响起的时候,我们所有的中国青少年,都能第一时间站起来,毕恭毕敬的大声的唱出我们的歌,因为我们不再是东亚病夫了!东方巨龙该腾飞了! Nine hundred eighteen! China's National Humiliation Day! September 18, 1931, the Japanese imperialists with their iron heel, riding open the door to our northeast China! Less than a few months time, the three northeastern provinces, their aggression and occupation! Only on September 18 that day, according to statistics, we on the loss of $ 18 million! Value today than the day we lost at least 100 billion yuan! China's national humiliation! Do you know what city 284 km from Xuzhou south it? Nanjing! Nanjing is our Chinese people, everyone can not fet the history! That is our shame! Within six weeks, our Chinese patriots they shot dead buried alive more than 30 million people, an erage of every thirteen seconds there is a Chinese person was killed! Gang beast than the Japanese devils! Adultery looting our patriots! How many mother has eight to nine months of pregnancy, but also by others alive laparotomy! The fetus took out, pick laughed at bayo on! The presence of students, but also to laugh at it? If your parents are people so cruel, you can laugh ah? You Chinese people! Those who he been killed, our Chinese people's blood stream it! No wonder, Lu Xun wrote in his article which, when we Chinese people killed by the Japanese devils, we he some numbness stupid Chinese people, standing on the side to watch, so we will be people aggression! If we go on like this numbness continues, our children and grandchildren will be the ones to suffer! Children, if that is history, and then take a look today! We also insulted by the people. A few days ago, on September 7, our Chinese fishermen in our territory, they used warships knocked seizure of our Captain, but also with their legal sanctions we Chinese people, they also people! Why they acted so clamor? Since ancient times, the Diaoyu Islands China's territory! Why are they so arrogant? Why this is so rampant? Me to analyze it to everyone, because Japan their maritime military strength ranks third in the world and the first in Asia! They are a world economic power! The per capita GDP, is ten times our citizens! Although our money more money than they are, but each of us on erage, far worse than they are. So he simply looked down upon us Chinese people! Kids, just last year, we Chinese people to buy Japanese goods, spent $ 131 billion! Last year, Japan's military spending is only less than 500 billion dollars. Last year, our output to the Japanese money, equivalent we sent them two and a half years of military spending! In other words, they hit our ship warships are built with our money! Wages of all the soldiers they are sent to with our money because we spend $ 100 to buy Japanese goods, is equivalent to Japan sent ten bullets, in turn, hit us! Each of us buy the 100 Japanese goods, the equivalent of 87 to the Japanese paper, let them tamper with the history of Japan's invasion of China! Children, we want a clear understanding of to. Yesterday morning, the senior officials of the Japanese cabi say this to say: Diaoyu Islands he Japan, the Diaoyu Islands incident, did not affect the trade between exchanges. What they mean? He said is on the Diaoyu Island incident, the Japanese again to bully you Chinese people, the Chinese people will still buy Japanese goods, because a few years ago, a senior official of Japan's Matsushita said this to say: even if we Japanese never visits to the Yasukuni Shrine, Korean will not buy Japanese goods; Even we Japanese daily visits to the Yasukuni Shrine, the Chinese people will buy Japanese goods! How we Chinese people out? Korean is also the Japanese invasion of the country. Korean, 99% of Korean never buy Japanese goods! But in China, whenever initiating a Japanese, we are China 99% of people hate the Japanese, but we Chinese people, more than 90% of people who buy Japanese goods! The kids, we he today is not our government cowardly, because our government at the time of the negotiations, only to he a political weight. Because after our accession to the WTO, on behalf of the government intervention and sanctions against Japan's economy, but I tell you one fact: If we Chinese people a month, do not buy Japanese goods, Japanese panies he at least more than 1,000 people are unemployed, but we China will he more than 10,000 workers job; if we do not buy Japanese goods six months, then Japan will he more than 1,000 businesses he closed down! If we do not buy Japanese goods, Japan will be faced with the collapse and disintegration! I think at that time, the Diaoyu Islands incident, do as they are so arrogant you today? They will ask us! So, at this point, I would suggest the presence of every student to learn a school in South Korea and France, they are patriotic? A young age, the state told them to buy the products of their own country is a glorious thing! They were trained to know to buy domestic products, in times of peace, the biggest patriotic! After I saw this, I was in the whole of China, called for every Chinese people with a conscience, purchase boutique domestics! I recognize that each of us recognize our products in China, in terms of quality, that there are some places is not as good as foreign, we must brely face our shortings, this is precisely what the challenges of the future of our students learning place ! Because you will need to do entrepreneurs do the leaders of the world, Chinese products, the quality of the future, rely on you! So I for all the Chinese entrepreneurs, you say, with your conscience, to manufacture high-quality products, the consumption of consumers in each country can be assured na! Only in this way, two decades later, when you he bee the main force in the world, when you really bee the successor, when you go out of the country, any one place in the world, all foreigners, thumbs up to you will say to you: you are! Dear children, we learn today, not in order to learn to learn! Not for the university entrance exam and learning! Not for their own learning! You study for the development of the Chinese revolution ah! Your powerful military strength reading ah! You are in order to produce high-quality products and reading ah! You to China is no longer invaded reading ah! Presence of children, to straighten his chest! Use your largest volume! Loud with me: The juvenile Chile Chinese Chi! Junior strong Chinese strong! Juvenile male on Earth is Chinese male on Earth! Reading for the rise of China! Dear children, I hope to start from today, never fet we had history of aggression, also starting today, when we again hear the national anthem, all teenagers, can the first time station respectful loudly sing our songs, because we are no longer the sick man of Asia! Oriental dragon soared!


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