[国旗下讲话尊重老师,尊重他人,尊重自己]老师、同学们:早上好! 今天我国旗下讲话的题目是:尊重老师,尊重他人,尊重自己。 有句话说的好,“我敬人一尺,人敬我一丈!”就像一个人站在镜子前,你笑时,镜子里的人也笑;你皱眉,镜子里的...+阅读
Its my great pleasure to stand here to present my speechChange the World, Change Ourselves.
Its noticable that western holidays are being increasingly popular day by day, while chinese traditional festivals are being somewhat neglected. Not long before about 10 Doctors in Beijing university and Qinghua unversity announced that we should reject the invasion of western holidays ,because they regard western holidays as an challenge against our traditional festivals and culture.
Frankly speaking, I dont quite agree with them.Indeed, we should never neglect or even discard our traditonal festivals as China boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions. (examples).But why cant we absorb the meaningful western holidays and culture.
There are obvious reasons why some western holidays are so popular in China. On the one hand, some of the western holidays which we Chinese dont he are reasonable and meaningful, such as Fathers Day and April Fools Day etc. On the other hand,the prevalence of globalization enables western
culture to prevail in China. Overwhelmed by such a trend,Chinese unconsiciously get involved in western holidays and culture.
With the further development of the whole world, the cultural munication between different countries and nations bees faster and more and more important. We are indeed from different nations, but we are the citizens of the same world, so the outstanding culture of different nations is the mom wealth of everyone on the earth.The only way for us to protect our traditional culture is to reject the foreign culture? The answer is definitely no. What we ought to do is to spare no effort to educate Chinese to get to know and treasure our splendid traditions instead of rejecting foreign culture. Only by educating can we set our confidence and belief towards our culture. Only by educating can we preserve and promote the wealth that our ancesters left for us.
At last Id like to share a famouse saying of Gandhi with all of you ,that is:If you want to change the world, then you must change yourself first.
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