

12月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[小学生关于我读书我快乐的演讲稿]【小学生关于我读书我快乐的演讲稿】 敬爱的老师、同学们: 大家好! 我叫FANWEN51,是石岛实验小学四年级二班的一名学生,今天参加这次我读书我快乐的主题演讲比赛,我感到非常高兴...+阅读


1 It provides people the great opportunity to see everything there is to see and to go any pl ace there is to go.It has bee a lifestyle for some people,and has turned out to be the driving force in GDP growth,it has the magic to turn a backward town into a wonderland of prosperity.

2 According to a survey by China Biosphere National Council, 22% of nature preserves in china he been damaged as a result of the development of tourism, 11% of natural resources he degenerated.

3 The nature is harmonious because of the chain of life that exists everywhere.It is possible for us to maintain a balance between the needs of man and the needs of the nature. But the nature is also fragile.Every minor damage in one link may result in an ecological disaster.

4 So let's shake hands together now as friends and see what we can do to make our one and only home a place of love and harmony. Just think what a woundful world it will be!

China will never fet the day July 13, 2001, on which China succeeded in the bid for the 2008 Olympic Games.Never will China fet the promise that she has made to the whole world---by September 2008, the capital will be turned into a green city, with the clean air,a pretty envirnment and a good ecosystem,to meet the demands to host the Olympic Games. It's a long way to go, and it's a long long long way to go for us to se the earth.

For China,tourism is one of the most promising industries in the 21st century.It provides people the great opportunity to see everything there is to see and to go any place there is to go.It has bee a lifestyle for some people,and has turned out to be the driving force in GDP growth,it has the magic to turn a backward town into a wonderland of prosperity.

But on the other hand, tourism has caused many problems on our environment.According to a survey by China Biosphere National Council, 22% of nature preserves in china he been damaged as a result of the development of tourism, 11% of natural resources he degenerated.

Suppose you are standing in a forest,birds are flying in the sky,they are so happy;red flowers,green grass,butterflies are dancing in the air,they are so cheerful.Then one day a strange creature appears, walking on its two hind legs and staring at you. Greatly alarmed, you stop singing and fly away. Since then, more creatures he appeared. They clear the land and cut down trees.As a result, you don't he enough food or shelter.Some of your friends he died of drinking the wastewater they pumped into the stream or of eating the litter they left on the ground.The forest is dead silent now except for the noises those creatures make.

Sadly, you think by yourself, Maybe it is time for me to go.

I hate to see that the global environment has changed for the worse during the past few years: Forests are cleared, prairies trampled, rivers and lakes polluted, wild animals are driven away and plants are endangered.We should realize that we can no longer stand by and do nothing.The nature is the cradle of human beings and it is also the base of the tourist industry.The nature is harmonious because of the chain of life that exists everywhere.It is possible for us to maintain a balance between the needs of man and the needs of the nature. But the nature is also fragile.Every minor damage in one link may result in an ecological disaster.

We must do something to protect environment, we must put our words into our deeds. It can be as simple as do not litter, strictly observe the rules and regulations of the tourist areas, Use as few plastic bags and boxes as possible.When treling , wherever possible, use public transportation instead of always driving your own car. Once you are in a scenic area, like in the mountains or in a forest, don't make loud noises, keep quiet so as not to disturb birds or animals.One more thing, go up and interfere whenever you see anyone doing something harmful to the environment.


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