

11月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[爱护校园卫生广播稿]尊敬的教职员工们、亲爱的同学们: 我校作为一所培育了无数国家栋梁和社会精英的世纪名校,有着与百年名校相媲美的花木繁茂、碧草如茵、巍峨殿堂的幽雅美丽校园环境。近年来,学...+阅读

合:雏鹰展翅任翱翔,三小伴我共成长。老师们、同学们,大家好!第三实验小学新苗红领巾广播站又准时和大家见面拉! 甲:我是播音员张可! 乙:我是何京真,祝大家午间愉快! 甲:在阳光沐浴的四月里,我们迎来了全国第二十一个爱国卫生月。 乙:通过爱国卫生月活动,全面掀起环境卫生创建活动的新高潮。我们金鹤小学也积极开展了全校卫生的整治工作。 甲:老师给学生们做榜样,全面清理校园垃圾,彻底消灭卫生死角,有效控制了“四害”孳生的场所,减少了传染病的发生和流行。 乙:当然,我们作为光荣的小学生也不例外,积极参与校园和班级的卫生整治工作。在班级里、在保洁区内,同学们干活都特别的卖力! 合:让我们都行动起来,共创卫生环境,共建和谐家园,让我们身心健康成长! (歌曲) 甲:xxx,你知道2009年爱国卫生月的主题口号是什么吗? 乙:嘿嘿。为了这期的红领巾广播,我可是做足准备来的。听好拉!





五、日行一万步,吃动两平衡 ,健康一辈子





十、使用卫生厕所,告别不卫生不文明习惯 十

一、动员起来,讲究卫生,减少疾病,提高健康水平 十

二、每天锻炼一小时,幸福生活一辈子 甲:哎呀,没看出来你这么厉害!说的一条不差。但是以上几条你都能做到吗? 乙:只要我努力,没有什么做不到的。同学们,你们说对不对? 甲:那么我要问你了,就“心理平衡”这条,你怎么做? 乙:这个……我就不清楚了。 甲:其实作为学生,我们应该尽量做到以下几点: 不要因为其他同学考试分数比你高而嫉妒。不要因为与同学之间发生摩擦而愤怒。 不要因为老师没有发现你的闪光点而抱怨。不要因为爸爸妈妈的严厉而沮丧。 我们要要学会宽容,要宽宏大度,要我爱人人才能人人爱我。 乙:哦!我明白了,就是还要知足常乐,再有点阿Q精神,还可以加点江湖义气。 乙:哈哈!说的不错。 甲:何京真,你有没有听过一只野兔的故事:野兎被狼豺虎豹等许多肉食动物追的没有地方躲藏,天上的鹰隼、地上的猎枪,洞中的蟒蛇,不时地对它们进行光顾。真是生活在胆战心惊之中。没办法,它选择自杀,去跳河罢,结果把蛤蟆吓得跳了河。野兎高兴地说:“还有被我吓得跳河死的呢!”于是野兎心理平衡了,就没有再寻死,繁衍到现在而没有绝迹。 乙:你的故事很有道理。我这里也有一个啄木鸟的故事。 当初上帝给每种动物定饮食计划,到了啄木鸟,上帝说:“啄木鸟,你的任务是每天为树木治病,考虑到你的辛苦,每天可以赏你吃三条啄木虫。”啄木鸟听后说:“上帝呀。我每天的工作是那么的辛苦,我要用全身的气力去敲击树木,才能把啄木虫捉出来灭掉,这要消耗很多能量;我每天用嘴去啄木头,对嘴造成很大的损伤,还要用许多营养素来进行修复,三条虫的定量是远远不够的,请陛下进行裁决。”上帝不假思索地说:“这样吧,你三天吃九只吧。”啄木鸟听后想了想说:“三天吃九只,这还差不多”,高兴地振了振翅膀,飞走了。啄木鸟心理平衡了,直到现在它还是忠于职守,为树木治病而不怠。 甲:我们少先队员在困境与难题面前,时刻准备着。那么,在全国卫生月主题口号的号召下,更是时刻准备着! 合:同学们,让我们行动起来!为我们的校园,为我们的环境而努力!! 甲:美好的时间总是过的特别快,短短的15分钟又将和大家说再见了。 乙:感谢同学们对红领巾广播的支持与鼓励,也感谢同学们15分钟的陪伴,让我们下期再见。 The red scarf broadcast Releases - Patriotic Health Month Together: Foal Eagle Youth Pre-employment Training any flying, with my three small total growth. Teachers, students, and Hello, everybody! The third experimental primary school Xinmiao the red scarf broadcast stations on time and meet everyone! A: I was the announcer Zhang! B: I is how Beijing really nice everyone lunch! A: In the April sunshine, we usher in the twenty-first Patriotic Health Month. B: Patriotic Health Month activities, to set off a new we of environmental health activities to create. Kim Hak primary school also actively carry out the renovation work of the whole school health. A: the teacher to the students to do role models, and a prehensive clean up the campus garbage and wipe out health corners, effective control of the breeding places of the "four pests" to reduce the incidence and prevalence of infectious diseases. B: Of course, we as a glorious primary school students are no exception, and actively participate in the health of the campus and classes remediation work. In class, students work in the cleaning area he been particularly hard! All: Let us in action to create a health environment, and build a harmonious home, our physical and mental growth! (Song) A: xxx, you know what is the theme slogan of the 2009 Patriotic Health Month? B: Hey. In order to this red scarf broadcast, I'm ill-prepared to. Listen pull! A patriotic health campaign to build beautiful homes Everyone hands, clean up the environment, so that the "four pests" away from the life Third, to improve health literacy, enjoy a healthy life Fourth, I exercise, I'm healthy, I'm happy Friday and Sunday line one step, eat between the two balanced, healthy life Sixth, choosing a healthy lifestyle, and enhance the quality of life Seven, everyone has health responsibility to safeguard themselves and others , Reasonable diet, regular exercise, quit alcohol limit, psychological balance Nine away from tobacco, healthy you and me 10, the use of sanitary latrines, farewell unsanitary uncivilized habits XI mobilized, pay attention to health, reduce disease, improve health Twelve, one hour of exercise a day, a happy life, a lifetime A: Ah, did not look out of you so much! That one is not bad. But more than a few you can do it? B: As long as I work hard, nothing is impossible. Students, you say, right? A: Well, I want to ask you, "the psychological balance this, how do you do it? B: I do not know. A: In fact, as a student, we should try to do the following: Do not be jealous because test scores than other students. Not because of the friction between students and anger. Do not plain because the teacher did not find your glittering. Do not let Mom and Dad's severely depressed. We want to learn to be tolerant, to be magnanimous, my love can make everyone love me. B: Oh! I understand, is also contented, and then a little bit of the spirit of Ah Q, you can also add a little fraternal loyalty. B: Haha! Said. : He Jing true, you he not heard the story of a hare: wild 兎 wolf jackal Haw Par many carnivores chase no place to hide, heen falcon shotgun on the ground, the holes python, from time to time they patronize . Really being living in terror-stricken. No way, it choose to mit suicide, jumped off a bridge and let the results of the toad scared to jump the river. Wild 兎 said happily: "And I'm scared to jumping into a river to die of it!" So wild 兎 psychological balance, there is no longer mit suicide, multiply without extinct. B: Your story makes sense. I'm here to he a woodpeckers story. Original God given diet plan for each animal to the woodpecker, woodpeckers hear God say: "Woodpecker, your task is daily medical treatment for the trees, taking into account your hard work, and every day can reward you eat the three pecking wood insects." said: "God help me in my daily work is so hard, I use the whole body of the air force to tap the trees, to Takuboku the insect catch out exterminate, which consumes a lot of energy; every day I mouth to peck wood cause great damage to the mouth, but also with many nutrients to repair the three insects quantitative is not enough, please His Majesty the ruling. "God said without hesitation:" Well, you three days to eat nine woodpeckers hear then said: "three days to eat nine, which is also about" and pleased to Zhen Zhen wings, and flew away. Woodpecker psychological balance, until now it is devoted to their duties, medical treatment for the trees without relent. A: Young Pioneers in front of the plight and problems, always ready. Well, the call of the National Health Month theme slogan, it is time to be prepared! Together: students, let us act! For our campus, our environment and efforts! ! A: good time always been particularly fast, a short 15-minute turn and say goodbye. B: Thanks for the support and encouragement of the students of Honglingjin broadcast, also thanked the students 15 minutes acpanied See you next time.


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