

12月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[爱护校园卫生广播稿]尊敬的教职员工们、亲爱的同学们: 我校作为一所培育了无数国家栋梁和社会精英的世纪名校,有着与百年名校相媲美的花木繁茂、碧草如茵、巍峨殿堂的幽雅美丽校园环境。近年来,学...+阅读

A:亲爱的老师,同学们大家早上好!雏鹰广播站现在开始播音。我是***,今天和我一起为大家广播的是***同学。 B:大家好,我是***。 当你每天迎着朝阳,走向光明的人生时,你可曾想到在我们周围有一群人却是需要依靠冰冷的轮椅度过人生的每一个台阶;当你和家人齐聚在电视机旁,共同欣赏每一个精彩节目,你可曾想起你周围还有一群人却连聆听鸟语、观看蓝天也是一种奢望。

同在一片蓝天下,这些残疾人的生活,较之我们,又是如此的艰苦!面对命运的不公平,他们,更需要家人的亲情和世人的温情。明天是12月3日,是“国际残疾人日”。 “国际残疾人日”的确立,说明在世界范围内,残疾人事业日益引起广泛关注,不同种族的人们都开始形成一个共识,残疾人事业是人道主义的事业,是一项崇高而又光荣的事业,是人类进步和正义的事业。庆祝国际残疾人日给人们提供了一个机会,使其改变对残疾人的态度,并消除影响残疾人充分参与到生活各个方面中来的障碍。

A:目前全球共有6亿多残疾人,约占全球总人口的10%,其中80%分布在发展中国家。 在中国,约有6000万残疾人,约占我们国家人口总数的5%。残疾人由于先天或后天的不幸,导致个人生理或心理的残缺,他们的生活处处面临着一个正常人想象.9xwang. 不到的困难。走进如此庞大的一个特殊弱势人群,我们不难看到苦涩的面容,不难听到悲惨的故事,但是外表的残缺并不能阻碍一颗颗美丽心灵对生活的拥抱,我们同样会看到一段段身残志坚演绎的感动。

给予能给别人送去帮助,同时也给自己带来一份快乐,这是一种善良,是一种美德,更是一种精神,相信我们每个同学都有一颗善良的心,能在爸爸妈妈的支持下无私地帮助我们身边的残疾儿童,尤其是曾经获得过帮助的同学,更能踊跃地帮助残疾人,给他们送去阳光和快乐。 B:那么我们怎样关爱残疾人呢?我认为应该从以下四个方面来努力: 首先,基本的态度应该是尊重残疾人。

从人类社会发展的角度看,自有人类开始就有残疾人,残疾人同其他社会成员一样,是人类的组成部分,就如年龄、性别、种族一样,是人的多样性、差异性的一种表现。各个民族应该相互尊重,不同性别应该相互尊重,不同年龄的人应该相互尊重,人与人之间都应该相互尊重。健全人尊重残疾人,也就是尊重自己和尊重生命。 第二,要承认残疾人的价值和能力。历史和现实都证明,残疾人不仅有人的尊严和权利,而且也有能力成为社会财富的创造者、社会进步的推动者。

第三,要了解和走近残疾人。看待残疾人,不能只盯着他不能干什么,而要看到他能干什么。他们和健全人一样,有坎坷,有奋斗,有酸苦的泪水,也有成功的微笑。残疾人乐观进取,积极参与社会生活,就能克服自卑感和依赖心理,适应社会,融入社会。 A:2008残奥会是一个大舞台。在这个舞台上,上演了残疾人运动员顽强拼搏、挑战生命极限的壮歌,无论在北京的“鸟巢”、“水立方”,还是在香港的赛马场、青岛的碧海蓝天,大家都目睹了残疾人运动员的英姿。

他们在天地之间书写出一个闪烁着人道主义光辉的大写的“人”字。 第四,要关爱和帮助残疾人。我们要理解,造成残疾人问题的主要原因往往不是残疾本身,而是外界障碍。任何人权利的实现和能力的发挥都离不开社会的补偿条件。 B:同学们,大家肯定不会忘记我们曾经接受过社会及身边许多好心人的关爱和帮助,我们要学会感恩,学会回报,当看到身边的人有困难时,伸出自己的双手把爱心献给他们。

同学们,让我们用一起行动起来,用真心来关爱生命,关爱残疾人! 雏鹰广播站今日广播到此结束,同学们,再见! A: Dear teacher, classmates Good morning everyone! The Foal Eagle radio stations now on the air. I ***with me today and broadcast *** classmates. B: Hello, everybody, I ***. When you sun every day, to a bright life, you may he thought a group of people around us is the need to rely on cold wheelchair through life a step; gathered next to the TV when you and your family, to appreciate a wonderful program, you may he remembered around you, there are a group of people do not even listen to the birds, watch the blue sky is an extragant hope. The same in a blue sky, the lives of persons with disabilities, pared to us, is so hard! Unfairness of fate, they need more family affection and the warmth of the people of the world. Tomorrow is December 3, the International Day of Disabled Persons. "The establishment of the International Day of Disabled Persons, worldwide, disabled persons are increasingly attracted wide attention, people of different races are beginning to form a consensus, the cause for the disabled is a humanitarian cause, a noble and glorious the cause is the cause of human progress and justice. To celebrate the International Day of Disabled Persons to provide people with an opportunity to change attitudes towards people with disabilities, and to eliminate the impact of persons with disabilities to participate fully in all aspects of life to obstacles. A: The current global total of more than 600 million people with disabilities, accounting for about 10% of the world's total population, of which 80% are located in developing countries. In China, about 60 million disabled people, accounting for about 5% of the total population of our country. Disabled due to congenital or acquired, unfortunately, lead to personal physiological or psychological disabilities, faced with the difficulties of a normal person can not imagine their life everywhere. Into a special vulnerable populations so huge, we can easily see the bitter face, it is not difficult to hear the tragic story, but the appearance of inplete and not hinder dolphin Beautiful Mind embrace life, we will see the same sections of the body interpretation of the residual Chi-kin touched. Given to help give others sent, but also a joy to bring their own, this is a kind, is a virtue, it is a spirit, I believe each of our students he a good heart, in the father mother support selflessly to help children with disabilities around us, especially once received help students more enthusiastic to help people with disabilities, and to send them to the sunshine and happiness. B: How do we care for people with disabilities it? I think we should work from the following four aspects: First, the basic attitude should be respect for people with disabilities. From the point of view of the development of human society, its own human outset people with disabilities, people with disabilities, like other members of society, is the part of human beings, such as age, sex, race and human diversity, differences kinds of performance. The various ethnic groups should respect each other,different sex should be mutual respect for people of different ages should be mutual respect should be mutual respect between people. And improve respect for people with disabilities, and that is respect for yourself and respect for life. Second, we must recognize the value and ability of persons with disabilities. History and reality he proven that people with disabilities not only was the dignity and rights, but also he the ability to bee a promoter of the creators of social wealth and social progress. Third, to understand and approached people with disabilities. Treat people with disabilities, not just stare at him not to do, and want to see what he can do. Them and like able-bodied people, bumpy, struggle, tears of Suanku, successful smile. Disabled optimistic and enterprising spirit, and actively participate in social life, to overe feelings of inferiority and psychological dependence will be able to adapt to society and integrate into society. A: 2008 Paralympic Games is a big stage. In this stage, staged a the disabled athletes tenacious struggle, challenge the limits of life Zhuangge in Beijing's "Bird's Nest" and "Water Cube", the racecourse in Hong Kong, Qingdao, blue sea and sky, we all witnessed the disability human athletes heroic. Them in writing between heen and earth, the word "person" a shining humanitarian glorious capital. Fourth, to care for and help the disabled. We he to understand, the main reason causing disability issues are often not the disability itself, but the external barriers. The realization of the right of any person and the ability to play are inseparable from the social conditions of pensation. B: students, I am sure you will not fet we had received from the society and her good-hearted people care and help, we he to be grateful to learn of return, when see people around, stretched out their hands to love dedicated to them. Students, together with action to care for life with sincerity and care for people with disabilities! Foal Eagle radio station today broadcast ends, the students, good-bye!


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