

12月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[学校冬季防火安全教育讲话稿]老师们,同学们: 大家好! 冬季来临,天气干燥,是火灾等安全事故的多发季节,为了更好地创建平安校园,切实做好学校冬季防火安全工作,确保全校师生安全,我借此机会和同学们谈谈"火灾,怎么...+阅读

老师们、同学们: 大家早上好!今天我讲话的题目是《珍惜生命 预防溺水》。天气越来越热,游泳,是大家喜爱的体育锻炼项目之一。然而,不做好准备、缺少安全防范意识,遇到意外时慌张不能沉着自救,极易发生溺水伤亡事故。












3、要是大腿抽筋的话,可同样采用拉长抽筋肌肉的办法解决。 同学们:我们是国家和民族的未来和希望,我们一定要珍惜青春,努力学习,积极进取,不断提高自身素质,共同担负起历史和时代的重任。让我们行动起来,珍爱生命,预防溺水,杜绝悲剧的发生。 国旗下讲话 Release - cherish life prevent drowning Teachers and fellow students: Good morning, everyone! The topic of my speech today is "Live Life prevent drowning. The weather is getting hot, swimming is one of the forite physical exercise. However, not ready, and the lack of security awareness, encountered an unexpected panic can not be calm and self-help, prone to drowning casualties. This, I hope that we pay attention to the safe swimming, do the following: 1, do not alone go out to swim, do not to I do not know hydrological or more dangerous place to go for a swim drowning casualty should occur, to let privately to swim in rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and other places. Choose a good swimming place on the workplace environment to understand clearly. If there is danger warning, you can not swim in this. 2, to be aware of their physical health, usually limbs easily cramp should not participate in swimming or swimming not to Sham Shui Po District. 3, swimming, do not get too hungry, too full. Hour after a meal to the water to oid cramps. To do the preparation before launching the first activities of the activities of the body, such as the water temperature is too low should be rinsed in shallow water at the water body, to be adapted to the water temperature and then swim; encrusted dentures classmates, the dentures should remove to anti-choked water dentures fall into the esophagus or trachea. 5, to he their own water-based self-knowledge can not take the pace, after it was launched, not make any rash diving and snorkeling, not to each other slapstick and oid drink plenty of water and drowning. Do not swim in the rapids and whirlpools, and even more do not drink and swim. Swimming If you suddenly feel unfortable, such as dizziness, nausea, palpitation, shortness of breath, to immediately shore lee or call for help. Before diving must ensure here to a minimum depth of three meters, and underwater weeds, rocks or other obstacles. Feet first into the water safer. Second, in case of unfortunate drowning incident, the drowned man was not to panic, keep calm, positive self-help: 1, for hands and feet cramps, if the finger cramps, you can hand a fist, and then forced open, quickly repeated a few more times, until the cramps eliminate; 2, if the calf or toe cramps, to puff on breath Yang floating cramp the toes of the limbs, cramps limbs contralateral hand to hold, and is forced to pull to the direction of the body while ipsilateral palm pressure on the the cramps limb knee help cramps leg straight; If thigh cramps can be the same way to stretch the cramping muscle to solve. Students: We are the future and hope of the country and the nation, we must cherish the youth to study hard, aggressive, and constantly improve their own quality, jointly shoulder the important task of history and the era. Let action, cherish life, drowning prevention, and put an end to the tragedy


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