

11月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[父亲节老年活动中心开业迎宾词]各位领导,各位来宾,江城的中老年朋友们: 大家早上好!今天是一个隆重盛大的日子,是一个喜气洋洋的日子,之所以说它隆重,因为今天是一个全世界的节日——国际父亲节,我想,就在这个时间,...+阅读

Today day is a memorable day, are the annual Fathers Day!

Deep sea motherly love, fatherly love hey as a mountain. People at the same time to celebrate Mothers Day and did not fet his fathers achievements. Someone start the year on the remendation of Fathers Day. Years, it is to celebrate the first Fathers Day. At that time, the late father of all people he to wear a white rose, the father of the people alive while wearing red roses. This custom has been passed so far.

It is said that the selection of Fathers Day is a month over month because of the sun are the most heated one, a symbol of the father to give their children the love that hot. Paternal such as mountains, tall and lofty, let me look timid and afraid to climb Health; father such as days,and far-reaching, so that Yang and my heart did no

t dare pity; paternal great deep are pure and not return , but love is a bitter, difficult to understand depression and the unattainable.

Father, like a tree, always, let him lush foliage of a solid arm for the tree to create shadeus. Years such as the fingers over the water, like, before I knew it, we he grown up, while the tree is gradually aging, and even the new lees are no longer the hair full of vitality. Annually on the third Sunday is fathers holiday, let us sincerely say: Father, I love you! Happy Fathers Day!

Now, the Certificate of Education Examination and the final exams approaching, I suggest that we should seize the time, study hard, with excellent results as to the fathers gift, great father to return, I believe his father at that time are the most beautiful smile! Students, e on now!


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