

12月15日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[护士节演讲稿为生命注入永远的光芒和希望]各位护士同胞姐妹、同志们: 从小,我就有一个梦想,如果能当上一名美丽的白衣天使,那该有多好啊!十八岁的那一年,我终于圆了自己的梦,带着美好的憧憬我穿上了洁白的护士服。 当我满...+阅读

The topic of my speech is budgeting for life, get ready from this moment from this penny.

Some day I went shopping with my roommates, after leing the check-out counter, I picked one item from a girls bag and asked her: Hey, its pretty wrapped up. How much? After long pause with no response, shamefully she said Beats me, I seldom care prices. The talk was over then there came the one deserved thinking ---- When we go into raptures at the sight of luxuries, he we ever thought of our finance management?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

These years, under parents loving care, college students he taken purchase for granted. However, independent survivals just around the corner. When youths hanging out in Starbucks over a cup of coffee, when we lishly squandering parental sponsor on brand names, when financial ability falling into neglect in textbooks, when the financial crisis engulfing the entire world, real lifes airing alarms. The ability in well managing finance matters relates to not only our present living condition, but also our future ideal realization. Here thanks to this arena that I can share with you what Ive learned during college life on finance management.

Initially, for us students, a penny sed is a penny earned. Luxuries make us happy, but we need to balance whether these fancy goods are worth the price. Actually its easy to se money. Just make a list of what we he to pay for each month, such as your meal card, transportation card and other basic expenses. Apart from the list, set aside some money for your preferable entertainment or social contact as planned. Only well budget for today can we well budget for future. Particularly, be honest to your finance plan and well see.

What follows is study es first. Distinct performance on study brings generous scholarship. Its crystal clear what students should do during schooling so why not fulfill our duty? Maaybe in business one could work hard with no gains, but in university ones efforts on study can always be paid off, with high respect and good reward. Whats more, study of investment and finance theories guides us to make rational use of resources on the right track.

Besides, part-time job is ought to be part of our college life. In terms of money management, part-time job teaches us how challenging to earn money and helps develop thriftiness. In addition, concurrently holding a job and study cultivates us to make sensible use of our time as well as our money. Furthermore, we might as well set foot in investment market, not for *** a fortune, but for more understanding in case of future need.

Now we are students supported by family, but the day we he to make living and manage life by ourselves will e eventually. Till now I he gained more than twenty thousand RMB from scholarship and part-time jobs and as far as you are willing to, you can be better. We always say opportunity knocks at ones door that is well-prepared. Finance practice in university is the best internship to get ready for future financial challenges.

Ladies and gentlemen, from now on, please reflect on ourselves, stop hankering after material fort and unrealistic pare. Attempt to count every cent and make every cent count, because the future we seek for is well worth todays efforts.



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