

11月01日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[与幼儿园面对面经验交流活动发言稿]与幼儿园面对面经验交流活动发言稿 亲爱的各位姐妹,大家上午好! 在阳光明媚,草长莺飞的三月,迎来今天相聚的日子,作为今天发言者的我感到非常荣幸。首先感谢两方的领导安排了这...+阅读

Ladies and gentlemen ,

Good evening ,I am joy and glad to give you a speech about stress , yes , just the topic you see on the screen.

Psychologist tell us that stress is a state of worry caused by the problem of living , such as too much work or study , hey responsibilities , and quickened pace of life .Statistics show that stress es from every detail in our life .Financial problems , poor health , being laid off may be the stress that most adults now suffering .As students in the university , we are also under our special stress .While study , hing to take various tests and submit a project against a deadline may put a great pressure on us .And the things make us felt stressed may be our parentss greater expectations on us than we could reach .Later , when we are likely to graduate , some other problems will also annoy us .

I think we will worry a lot about our ability to pete in the job market and how we can best use what weve learned at college in our future job .The chief problem we should face to is our atitude towards stress .people usually say they can not live in the sun except they escape from stress .Its unwele ! yes , however , very necessary .Just image a world

where stress does not exist and people lead their life in a very fortable way .But is this kind of living condition as perfect as we hope ? without stress , they may feel very satisfied with the current life but lack of power to discover new things .Too much satisfaction result in nothing except a countermarch of the society .No stress , no development .So a certain amount of stress is good .

It can stimulate us and increase our level of alertness .And our answer to stress is another vital problem .How to do with ourselves when stress suddenly break into our life ? to we the white flag and admit our unability , to give up to our ideality , or worstly , just to suicide as to put an end to everything of cause not .The principle is to tackle with stress gentlely and harmoniously.We should try our best to release ourselves .

Such as to do some exercise , to linsen to traditional chinese music or classical music to ease our minds and to learn to view these changes of life as challenges .its no use crying over spilt milk .Only to accept what has happened can solve the problem .

Ok , i think i was under large stress 3 minutes before , but now i am here and he finished my speech .



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