

11月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com


I he a belief deep down within my heart that my future will be bright.

My future will be bright with all my loving families. Whether time find us far apart or it keeps us close together, they are always standing by my side.

My future will be bright with all the close and caring friends of mine. Whenever I am sad and down, I know they would hold my hands and warm my heart.

My future will be bright with the belief in brighter days. Life doesnt always play by rules, and we must face the fact that there are days that things could be better. But I he a belief which see me through the dark times.

I he a belief that joys once lost can always be found.

I he a belief that there is rainbows after every storm.

I he a belief that in the long run, my efforts will give back as much as I give, wit

hout a doubt.

This belief gives me hope that is as certain as sun when the world seems to be wearing a frown.

It is a steady and joyful light in my life.

It is a blessing I continue to count on through the years.

It is a light that will shine in me until the end of time.

It is a treasure a million times more valuable than the ones some people spend a lifetime trying to find.

Now, m dear friends, carry the sun inside you, and reach out for the dreams that guide you where you want to go. You he what it takes to make your path of succe.You he the courage and strength to see things through. You he the smile that will guide you to the beautiful tomorrows.

So, with so much to be thank for, I believe that my future will be bright, and I believe that our future will be bright!





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