

05月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Mercy killing is one of the most controversial issues in the world of medicine. As the picture given above depicts, A late sick mother desperately ill son request for euthanasia. But the son was cut for this。 feeling helpless because he is at a loss what to do about it.

The picture really sets me thinking. It implies that people differ in their attitudes towards the mercy killing .Some people think it is right.but others dont think so.now let us listen to everyones different opinions 安乐死是医学界最有争议的问题之一。正如上面所示的视频所描绘的,一位晚期患病母亲病入膏肓,请求儿子实施安乐死。但儿子且为此获罪,感到无能为力,因为他们不知道该怎么办。这幅画确实发人深省。它暗示,人们在对待安乐死上看法不一致。有些人认为他是对的,但其他的不这样认为,现在让我们听听大家的不同观点


1.If a person loses the survivability of the munity has not contributed to lose the meaning of life.reduce reliance on others and a burden on society.


2.the plete elimination of euthanasia patients can be painful diseases, mental stress and depression thinking exists.


3.a person bound to die sooner or later die; One hundred dead, the living dead are free, patients and relatives reflex happy


4.the lives of their own people, individuals he the right to end their lives, which is opposed to the human rights and personal freedom.


5.we believe that euthanasia is a form of respect for life.


6. 首先,从主观方面来讲,安乐死对于病人自身,是一种减少生命痛苦的方式。人,总是趋利避害的,没有人会说我要去寻找痛苦,我要去远离快乐。当一个人处于精神和躯体的极端痛苦之下,当生命的存在已成为一场噩梦,我们难道还要 提及道德和伦理吗?生存这个基本的长度都已经不能够维持,还要来谈及生命的宽度,还要去顾及伦理的重量吗?

First,from a subjective point of view.Euthanasia for the patients themselves, is a way to reduce human suffering.People always seek

advantages and oid disadvantages, and no one would say, I am going to look

painful, I had to go far from happy.When a person is

under extreme suffering in the body and the spirit, when the very existence of life has bee a nightmare.Should we mention the

moral and ethical?The basic survival of the length are not able to maintain, but also to talk about the breadth of life,we still

he to take into account the weight of ethics?

7.We feel this suffering, we he e with this then you he no choice in the circumstances, we he chosen euthanasia.This is not contempt for life, nor is it moral decline.Instead, it was a time in the lives of torment and suffering to the loved ones around us to the people we love.more acceptable alternative to the road.Therefore, we believe that euthanasia is a form of respect for life.




1. Euthanasia is a rejection of the importance and value of human life


2,euthanasia if legal form confirm down, may be some people use to depriving the life of others. In addition, to the understanding of the disease in humans is still very limited circumstances, without legal license and others end life, contrary to the right to live moral principles.


3.Oppose euthanasia people he argued that the euthanasia is a violation of the laws of nature and death against natural behior, weaken the human overe the disaster of the strength and courage.


4.Euthanasia is disguised violations of the right to life



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