
四年级英语精通版《Lesson 23》说课稿

04月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com


1. Teaching objectives:

①Students can master the four skilled words (windy, rainy) and the three skilled words (snowy).

②Students can use the sentences to make up their own dialogues.

③Students can learn to take after their parents.

2. Key points;

The four skilled words: rainy, windy.

The three skilled words: snowy.

3. Difficult points:

The sentences: Hows the weather today?

Put on your shirt.

4. Teaching procedure:

Step 1: Revision

1) Draw a thermometer on the blackboard. Invite four students to write the four words on the right place: hot, cold, warm, cool.

The other students spell the words together.

2) Use the puter to show weather. Let the students guess:

Hows the weather today?


Step 2: Presentation

Teacher draws pictures on the blackboard. Students learn the new words: windy, rainy, snowy.


Step 3: Look and say

Look at the video about the dialogue. Students listen and read the dialogue.

Teacher explains: Put on your shirt.

Students act out the dialogue in pairs.

After the show, students make up their own dialogues using the new sentences.


Step 4: Practice

1) Play a game: students take out their word cards. One student asks, the other guess. (Four students in one group)

Example: Hows the weather today?

2) doing the exercise on the exercise book.


Step 5: Summary

Summarize what we he learnt today.


5. Homework:

1) Recite the dialogue.

2) Preview the next lesson.


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