

06月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[大学校运动会的广播稿]大学校运会广播稿范文一: 接力棒 红与白 截然不同的两个世界 在手中传递 传递着成功或失败 你充满激情地颠簸着 在运动员手中 你简直是一根魔术杖 牵动着全场观众的心弦 终点...+阅读


1你的汗水洒在跑道,浇灌着成功的花朵开放。你的欢笑飞扬在赛场,为班争光数你最棒。跑吧,追吧 在这广阔的赛场上,你似骏马似离铉的箭。跑吧,追吧你比虎猛比豹强

1 your sweat on the runway, a successful watering the flowers open. Your laughter flying in the arena, winning glory for the number of classes you best. Run, catch it in this broad field, you might like horses like the arrow from his. Run, catch you are stronger than the tiger over Leopard

2你们挥舞着充满力量的双臂 看着实心球化成美丽的弧线 我着实在心里佩服你们你们抛出了自己的最佳水平

2 you wing the full force of arms at the solid ball into a beautiful arc I really feel admire you throw their best level

3一根小小的木棒,连接的是团结和友爱 一根小小的木棒,传递的是勇气和力量 一根小小的木棒,演绎的是奋斗和拼搏 加油吧!让这激动人心的时刻,一直回荡在我们心中!

3 a small wooden sticks, are connected to the solidarity and friendship of a small wooden sticks, transmission is the courage and strength to a small wooden sticks, deductive is struggle and hard work go! Let this exciting moment, continues to reverberate in our hearts!


4 on the runway, is a choice. From the beginning, is a form of courage. Riding arena, is a victory.


5 athlete who, with your strength, your spirit, to explore, to belong to your long distance world!


6 warm sunshine into the game, man B jelin petition is about to begin. Field, a beautiful arc road will light the sky. Athletes hands of the jelin with the authority to launch a distance and a challenge. Jelin lightweight gesture in the air, the athletes are strong and skilled force with skills. Who can in the fierce petition to win? Lets rub ones eyes and wait, let us cry for them, to cheer! Only the strength and skill of the people bee, to win the title!


7 how much perspiration came down like raindrops., pain who fill up with memory, just because we he always believed that, to fight to win. Always encouraged themselves, must strive to succeed. Blood boiling in the field, the giant raises in the athletic field. Believe in yourself, you will win, create miracles; believe yourself, the dreams in your hand, this is your world. When all over, you will be the first. Believe in yourself, you will go beyond the limit, beyond their own! Believe in yourself, e on, athletes, believe in yourself.


8 we filled confident young, youthful flor as born in Chaoyang, the buoyant force of the sun as sway. At this moment, the runway is our wonderful stage, sound service is our highest award! On what successful, how can honor, only one conviction in mind : hard work! 8 the bleak autumn wind, you can not stop bamboo breaking down,


9 broad field, is a stage erected for you. Publicity it, young heart, we will always cheer you!


10 Tagore said in the poem, the shadow of the sky without wings, but I he flown; Ai Qing said to his friend, someone may not reach the other side, but we share the sea. Perhaps you do not he the prominent achievement, but the sports field has left your footprints. Maybe you no prizes, but our hearts you left shadows. All our efforts are to meet this moment, all this hard work is to order.



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