

12月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com


我的大学生活(103字) ==================== I am majoring in English in my university. At first, I got very nervous whenever I have to give my opinion and make a presentation in class, because I had not had such experiences before. However, I think that it is the valuable experiences to get accustomed to express my own opinions and feelings. A pleasant part of university life is long vacations. It is very good to consider a plan. I am considering about staying in Australia in next summer vacation. I think it will be an enjoyable vacation and an opportunity for me to get an incentive for the language study


求一篇关于保护动物的英语演讲pptAnimals are our friends we should set up nature reserves to protect their advocacy for the Protection of Animals knowledge we all act together with us and the w...

3到4分钟左右英语演讲稿主题、:“和谐校园” 内容如下:(谢谢采纳) Fellow students, I wish to talk to you about a topic of utmost importance: harmony on campus. Sure, this goal appears simple...

求一篇以我爱学英语为主题的英文演讲稿两到三分钟e时间就“ I love learning English Hello, everyone! I am very happy to make a speech here. Today the topic of my speech is 'I love learning English '. Everyone knows En...

请你写一篇演讲稿向全班同学介绍你学英语的经验体会内容包括:Dear comrades, How can we learn English well? This is a problem we often think of . At first I thought that the most important thing in learning English was to...

初中生学习英语的好方法发言稿 200字左右你好; (很高兴为您解答疑问,满意请采纳,谢谢了O(∩_∩)O) 一、制订计划,周密安排。根据自己的实际情况制订具体而又切实可行的学习计划,既有学期的长计划,又有每个月的短安排。计划可...

准备做一次演讲号召全班同学努力学英语写一篇演讲稿Now wanted everything to use English. English of involve noodles more wide.come out society, if will not speak English to also be equal to language to have some...

英语演讲稿我要写一篇为什么要学英语英语有什么好我们为什么学英语(Why We Learn English) English is an important language, because it is the most widely used in the world. It is spoken not only in England, Americ...

中国人为什么学英语英文演讲稿阁下,您好。我来试试啊。请参考。 why should we leatn english,ladies and gentalmem,as we all know,english is an international language,maybe some of us may think o...

