

01月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[过年回家给父亲磕头辩论赛正方和反方的辩论词]今天,我特别高兴,因为,我要回爷爷家过年了。 回爷爷家要坐汽车,于是,我和爸爸、妈妈到车站去等车,爷爷家在德阳,所以我们要坐德阳的车,可是,我们等了很久,车子还是没有来,我们就去问工...+阅读

如果是一辩,那你的发言就很重要。watching tv is really a kind of waste of time.nowadays more and more students spent more time on waching tv and less and less time on studyit's a very seriously problem that can't be ignored你是初中生?要就应该不是很高吧if a student pay more attention to the tv programme they will hate doing homework or going to school Students as a new era, scientific and technological development is inevitable。However, indulging in one too, it will impede。so wo insist our point that watching TV is a waste of time .Negative: Watching TV is bad for us, we'd better not watch Tv at home.Argument 1. Watching TV wastes lots of time that should be spent on studying .Argument 2: Watching Tv too long is harmful to our eyes.Argument 3: Bad Tv programs can make young people learn bad things.Argument 4: Some students cannot finish their homework because of watching TV...


急需一篇少儿的关于足球方面的英语演讲稿Why does football get people into a frenzy? Who is your idol? It may be Napoleon, Picasso, or Michael Jackson. But who is my idol? Can you guess? It is Ronaldo....

求一篇英语演讲短文300词内What is friendship? It is to relate with somebody without need for money or objective. It is to need emotion and over wealth is friendship , no matter what thei...

高中英语老师家长会发言稿5分钟左右!谢谢大家啊!急!Very happy because the child, we once again together. First of all to thank you will come to the parents meeting, indeed, only home school hand in hand, and wor...


高一第一次月考家长会英语老师发言稿各位家长好! 很高兴见到大家.对于我们的家长和学生而言,的确是新老师;今天,我想利用这个机会,把我过去的一些经验结合这几周对六年级学生英语学习情况的了解来与各位家长分享和探...

英语辅导班家长会的演讲稿80年代我们曾开过一次非常成功的家长会,经验分享一下。 先谈目前英语学习的问题,把英语学成了汉语,把英语当成汉语学,汉语已经会的却要把英语翻译出来,翻译成早就会的汉语,等于重...


辩论赛反方经典辩词网络利弊利: 网络,给信息带来了强大而有力的传播途径,并且大大缩短了信息发布和接收的时间,避免了许多不必要的资源浪费。 自从网络开始慢慢普及,各大公司纷纷在网上建立自己的网页和网站...

关于网络利弊的辩论赛正方提问反方的问题好处是 1、可以方便快捷的获取信息 2、还有玩些互动的游戏 3、在网络上总能找到和自己心态相投的朋友,通信交流也很方便 4、上网是出现电视之后又一次对人类社会的生活方式冲...
