

01月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[请问保护地球爱护环境演讲稿怎么写100左右]大家好! 草木葱茏,绿树成荫,鸟语花香,空气清新是我们梦寐以求的家园。地球是人类唯一居住的地方,人类要在地球上安居乐业,就要爱护地球,保护环境,维持生态平衡。“天苍苍,野茫茫,风吹...+阅读


The diversity of my university life

Back into time, when I first walked on campus under the sun, I never thought university life would change me so much and give me so many things.

After my entry into university, I found my life so busy. What I should do is not only gaining the scholarship but also improving my communication skill and practice ability. I focus on the things that I should be concerned about in my university life. In university, other than study, I initially took part in Student Council's activities. I took an active part in the school activities. Of course, part-time job is indispensable in my vacations aiming at getting accustomed to the society.

Sometimes, my friends advise me not to tire myself out with such a tight schedule. I wake up early, and continue working till late when others are enjoying their sweet dreams. Maybe such kind of life is too busy, but we should work hard and try hard in our youth, aren't we?

There is a little bitterness in my busy life, but at the same time, there is sweetness. It is colorful. I make fun out of it. I love it. When I reach my achievements, I can feel I am becoming closer and closer to my dream.

Besides study, music and sport are important parts of my life. I like pop music and classical music. Besides, I often take part in sport games like basketball and badminton. Both music and sport can bring me joy and relaxation.

My life in university is like a fast song or a competitive race. It is diligent but worthwhile; bitter but sweet; tiring but exciting. The way ahead is long, I see no ending, yet high or low, I will follow my dreams confirmedly.


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